Very interesting info Terry thanks. I see the Cathy Newman interview style as a symptom rather than the disease. She's "slogan chanter" shallow understanding of the issues and just regurgitates popular "slogans" as a form of denouncement to humiliate. And anyone with a more balanced considered viewpoint is the enemy. Objectivity is non existent in the world of the slogan chanter.
JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
And now for something you might be able to hear without repulsion
by TerryWalstrom ini won't give a long preamble other than to say this.
listen and see how you respond.
and now i'm passing it along to get your feedback.
How do you deal with "toppers"? [one upmanship]
by compound complex inwhen in conversion, you sometimes get carried away and the talk becomes all about you.. then, you remember you're in a conversation, say you're sorry, and allow the other person to talk.
she goes on about what's happening in her life, you listen and ask some questions.
she tells you more and then shifts the dialogue back to you.
It depends how well you know the other person. Is the one-sidedness actually just social awkwardness because of unfamiliarity and not wanting to appear too "forward"? Or is it the person's baseline way of speaking? If after getting to know someone and finding out it is their baseline I tend to limit association with them as it's too draining, but I will try to let the person know what they're doing first as there could be a chance it's just serial thoughtlessness on their part. If they "get it" great if they don't I will just let nature take it's course as people who are like this usually don't like having their conversation style pointed out to them and the relationship dries up all on it's own.
I do think the internet has changed and is changing the way people communicate online and in person. I also found most if not all JWs are like this, you could not have a to and fro conversation with them. The conversation style of JWs was to talk about or talk at but not talk to. While they talked about other people behind their backs they somehow considered it rude to talk face to face with the person about the very things that they talked behind their backs about even if the person themselves brought it up. It was weird. I'm still trying to figure out how to communicate after leaving the borg.
Why were you asking CoCo are you just curious or is it work related?
Pillowgate - John Cedars
by CitizenofEarth inis this true?
is this really true?!.
This video proves either the GB are totally nucking futs or their teachings turn people into stupid, crazed closet sex addicts with zero self-control that need to be counselled on how to sleep correctly to avoid erections.
I think the former.
Pillowgate - John Cedars
by CitizenofEarth inis this true?
is this really true?!.
Hell ! Good point ttdtt.
If the innocent pillows are copping a pounding in the bedrooms at bethel what the hell is going on in the bakery with all those warm pies and buns?
What other inanimate objects are being abused and sexually harrassed at bethel?
Pillowgate - John Cedars
by CitizenofEarth inis this true?
is this really true?!.
Is it breeding act or breading act?
One is sexual intercourse the other is covering something in flour then egg then breadcrumbs for frying.
Pillowgate - John Cedars
by CitizenofEarth inis this true?
is this really true?!.
This will henceforth become known as the big wet pillow of 2018. -
Pillowgate - John Cedars
by CitizenofEarth inis this true?
is this really true?!.
WT should offer this excellent resource "training" video to other institutions to show their newbies.
I'm sure the police cadets, the military, uni students and many others would just love being spoken down to like they're retarded animals with a sex addiction that can't be left alone for a half a second without humping something. Nooooo that approach isn't insulting at all.
Keep up the good work WT your five minutes of fame could come yet - as a laughing stock.
Homes for GB in Tuxido NY
by dogisgod ini was surprised that there are half (or more) million dollar estates the gb lives in.
gated communities.
close to the warwick site.
John Davis - So which is your department then - the service department or legal?
Gordon Nehemia - Finding God's holy name with full vowels
by Da.Furious ini was just sent a link to a jewish scholar that apparently he has found 1,000 manuscripts with yehovah and latest discovery is one with vowels that supports the spelling yehovah.
so this pits the myth that jews have forgotten the name into rest.. i got excited jws about the finding in support of the nwt showing the name as it should be.. just wanted to share this with you guys.. link to the blog and podcat:
also link to michael rood (blog: interview who is his friend:.
Sir82 - Ha! You know you're right, that's funny.
Lack of young people in the congregation?
by IAmJustMe inbeen baptized for two years but being in the truth for longer.
one thing i have always noticed is the lack of young people in the congregation.
does anyone feel the same ?.
Generally speaking I have noticed the demographic make up of congregations tend to reflect the communities they are in. And the communities tend to be a refection of real estate prices, schools, shopping etc. So if the area is one where where young families with kids gravitate there will be young families in the cong. If the area is one where people retire there will be mostly older people. Inner city congregations will have young childless pioneer couples, so forth and so on.
Having said that I do suspect young people and interested people are becoming extinct in congregations everywhere. There's nothing to attract them or keep them. Little ones get to a certian age and drift away.