Were there mass suicides in Russia after the ban? The sky hasn't fallen just yet. Why waste mental and emotional energy catastrophizing over something that is not happening and may not ever happen.
JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
If the Watchtower corporation went bust
by Fred Franztone inwhat do you think would happen to jehovah's witnesses as a religion and as a people?.
If the Watchtower corporation went bust
by Fred Franztone inwhat do you think would happen to jehovah's witnesses as a religion and as a people?.
They're not going bust.
Or in the words of Arnold "It's not a toomer."
The increase in the Anointed Ones
by Sour Grapes into illustrate how the botchtower's groupies are losing brain cells...last year an elder told me some of the increase in the anointed is due to those who have been unfaithful and needed to be replaced.
when i was in first grade i knew that if i had 10 marbles and i lost one and a friend gave me a marble to replace the one i lost that i once again had 10 not 11 marbles.. jdubs are very good at not thinking..
I understood this was always the reason given to explain away some "other sheep" suddenly start partaking.
That there are annointed that become unfaithful. Seems like Jehovah is getting carried away speeding up the replacement annointed work.
If the Watchtower corporation went bust
by Fred Franztone inwhat do you think would happen to jehovah's witnesses as a religion and as a people?.
What would "bust" look like anyway?
They would be just fine, they would have a "bust" contingency plan.
Clearly, undeniably, without doubt ... is there a term for introducing a thought in such a way.
by jwfacts inwatchtower article often introduce a point that has no merit with words such a "undeniably.".
for instance the watchtower 2014 august 15 page 10 says:.
"jehovah undeniably blesses the preaching work of christian women and supports them in times of trial.
These words are popular with advertising companies as well.
Politicians love them also.
The media like to imbibe occasionally but, fake news and gossip rags even more so.
Conmen and scammers love them.
Tele marketers think these words are great.
These words are used in clickbait sites all the time.
Hmm, I'm detecting a pattern here. 🤔
Sunday's Watchtower Study March 18... Another Money Appeal
by BluesBrother injanuary 2018 issue "why give to the one who has everything?
an unashamed contribution appeal... this one with the most manipulative language i can imagine... it may have been commented on before, but i am going to anyway.. p5 quote.
"would you not agree that jehovah is worthy of all the glory and honor that we can give him by offering the best that we have?
I do like the thought of them squirming uncomfortably because the "the money of the greater number is cooling off" and their "money waters are drying up" but, it is strange that if they are in such desperate need for money they would not put a bit more effort into customer satisfaction and figuring out why people leave or stop donating - but they don't seem to care at all about the lost donations from lost sheep. So could they really be that hard up if they're still not willing to care about that to actually do more?
Like doing more to prevent unhappy, disatisfied customers/members leaving in the first place by finding out why they are leaving and making genuine efforts to make the congregation experience a more positive one - but they don't.
Making more of a genuine effort to woo back lapsed members. There is sooooo much more they could do without resorting to what amounts to religious bullying, threats and emotional blackmail to woo back the old customer base - but they don't.
The so-called "witnessing" recruiting that gets done now is pathetic, yeilding pathetic results and yet that doesn't appear to bother them either. Not exactly the attitude of an org in dire straights.
Special Talk today was televised
by dropoffyourkeylee ini heard the special talk today was televised (recorded, i presume).
the speaker was named griffin.
did anyone catch his first name or where he was from?.
Big Brother WT style.
What are the big black tanks that were installed and buried at Beth Sarim?
by Wild_Thing ini have been watching this video.
at about the 4:40 mark, the footage shows a big black tank with two windows (they look like windows).
at the 4:46 mark, you can 2 of the tanks already in the ground and they being installing a third one.
My guess would be water tanks as well.
This folks is how a cult leader lives.
The next time I see the cart babysitters
by Sour Grapes inthe next time i see the jdubs standing or sitting by their carts sipping their coffee lattes or updating their facebook pages, i am going to approach them with the following thought process acting as an interested person.. do jw's believe the end is near?.
do you consider your preaching work to be urgent?.
why do you just let people walk by if their very lives are at stake?
Cartsitters are J-duds. Useless for any kind of discussion let alone intelligent discussion about their beliefs. The whole cart thing is just one of the ways the borg can claim they do "volunteer" work.
Cart observations from Cardiff South Wales
by freddo ini was in a suburb of cardiff, capital of wales where it was difficult to get near to my customer's offices to deliver and install what i do.
i had my car parked about a hundred yards away and had to make several trips with goods and tools past a local jw trolley cart.
as i was working i didn't stop but observed much of the time from an upper floor office window.. in the hour or so i was there, on a warm sunny (for late february) lunchtime/early afternoon - right by a bus stop and several local shops, cafes and banks with plenty of people about - not one person stopped at the cart.. the two women at the cart i guess were about 50 and 75 respectively - pleasant looking motherly/grandmotherly types.
I saw a gang of five on the lawn outside the entrance to a polytechnic.
Lawn chairs, picnic blankies and hampers the whole shabang. They were way off from the path that led to the main entrance too, you would have to actually go across the lawn a little ways to approach the cart. There they were all sprawled out there like a bunch of rich people in the thirties enjoying a day on the green.