Did anyone notice putting "sackcloth" on the baby? Looked like a real baby crying to me and I thought isn't there special protocols to be followed on movie sets when working with children and animals? Just a thought anyway.
JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
2018 Convention movie: Jonah.... oh my god it's bad......!
by stuckinarut2 inso, once again the society has produced a cringe-worthy, spew-inducing piece of "cinema".. i don't recognise this religion anymore...... enjoy this review:.
Today’s meeting and CO visit
by Addison0998 inthe meeting today was quite disturbing as usual and had to endure 2 talks by yet another egotistical, pompous co who gives talks like a hardcore southern baptist, but people adore no matter what crazy shit spews from their mouth.
today, he talked about jesus illustration about how if your eye or hand stumbles you, remove it.
he went into gory detail about how somebodies eye ball is pulled out from their head, and what it takes to cut someone’s hand off...perhaps even with a pocketknife...in front of many small children in the audience.
This guy sounds like a psycho.
All religion cherry-picks, it has to because it's about as impossible to live by ancient texts in their entirety as it would be to live by Shakespeare, the best they can do is pick out whatever suits them.
2018 Convention movie: Jonah.... oh my god it's bad......!
by stuckinarut2 inso, once again the society has produced a cringe-worthy, spew-inducing piece of "cinema".. i don't recognise this religion anymore...... enjoy this review:.
Doesn't matter Jonah, Noah, Lot, Job ...same message different characters, all roads lead to "listen obey and your blessing will be not dying horribly at armageddon."
4 j dubs at jdubs at the door
by JunkYardDog in4 zombies at the door.
i come out with the nwt and ask who wants to talk about the bible.
if you don't want to talk about the bible why the fuck did you knock and counting time.
Jws are neither "good" nor "nice" they're indoctrinated. Everything they do is for their own salvation from the wrath of a hungry beast org/god. They're loyal to an org not love or people and they will do anything including lying to the face of a householder or bible study or court or Dr or policeman about their own beliefs, letting their familiy members die, and totally throwing under a bus anyone who they decide is not submissive and subservient enough to their org. It's their way or the highway to armageddon for anyone who doesn't agree with them.
Governing Body speaker ratings
by Fay Dehr inok, it's time.
we've had opportunity to observe the 8 gb members speaking ability.
now it's our turn to give our honest ratings...using their own form, of course!
Can effectively interpret a talk = Is proficient in newspeak.
Get baptised or die!
by AverageJoe1 inso it would seem that the wts are going back to their old scare tactics again, going by this week’s watchtower study.. loyal baptized ones will be preserved when the present wicked world meets its end.
(mark 13:10; rev.
7:9, 10) this makes dedication and baptism very important.
Maybe they are trying to scare baptism candidates into not leading a double life but it provides an escape clause to faders. But we know WT and the local elders are the gatekeepers and they can and do ignore what is written in their own publications. They are the ones that will decide if your baptism is valid or not. So not an out really.
Get baptised or die!
by AverageJoe1 inso it would seem that the wts are going back to their old scare tactics again, going by this week’s watchtower study.. loyal baptized ones will be preserved when the present wicked world meets its end.
(mark 13:10; rev.
7:9, 10) this makes dedication and baptism very important.
So technicallly all someone has to do to claim their baptism is not valid is to confess to some kingdom excluding behavior during their pre-baptism vetting stage? And if your dedication is not valid then you can't be disfellowshipped...right? Do they even read their own crap?
Can You Make Sense Of Jehovah’s Witnesses?
by minimus inas a child growing up, i would see different arguments to defend a certain belief.
it may have required mental gymnastics in order to make a point but there was an actual attempt to explain, teach, and educate....even if the belief or teaching was bogus.. nowadays, it appears that jws couldn’t explain any belief.
they are drones and do as “mother “ has directed..
Everything JWs say and do makes absolute perfect sense when you look at it from the angle of thought reform and cults.
Jehovah's Witnesses Scripturally Based Position on Child Protection
by humblepotato innews room > legal developments > legal resources.
jehovah's witnesses scripturally based position on child protection.
i am having trouble understanding paragraph 5. it says: .
The elders are not qualified to assess the danger of a kitten crossing the road.
They would be like
"Is it a back road or a freeway?
Does the freeway have three lanes or six?
Is the kitten dressed appropriately?
Rightio then our conclusion is the freeway has only three lanes and the kitten seems pretty quick on her feet so we'll call no danger here.
Does Your Family or Friends Call To Check to See How You Are Doing?
by minimus ini ask this because i have noticed that many people in your life just don’t communicate like they could.. i realize i come from a different generation but does anybody ever use the phone and give someone a call?
i know of people who never answer their phone unless they listen to a message that would be left.
you are lucky if you get a text..
Sebastian Maniscalco does a brilliant stand up routine about when the doorbell rings now vs when the doorbell rang 20yrs ago. Should catch it it's a hilarious observation of the difference in how we react when we get a "we were in the neighbourhood thought we'd stop by" visit now compared to what it was like when he was kid.
I find even just txting someone out of the blue you haven't spoken to for a while to say hi seems to throw them for loop. It's like "whatta you want from me!" "Ah ...nothin... just sayin hi..." LOL.
What is happening to us as a species.