I guess thats why I never did get baptised because I am just not one to let my mind go so freely to just anyone.....
KGB -- I think it is more complicated than you indicate. JWs move in and overtake their prey just like trained experts (parasites). They "target" individuals who are down, have emotional problems, those who are lonely, abused, isolated from family and friends, etc. They extend (fake) friendship and loving attentativeness (contrived) to these wretched souls, and slowly pull them in. Prospective JWs more or less get "reeled in" slowly, and without even noticing they are giving up their autonomy. So, as for giving one's mind over, I don't think there is anything "free" about the whole process. Of course, there may be some who eagerly "let their minds go freely" but I would argue that the vast majority of recruits are just slowly sucked in. And the brain shuts down. Period.
All that being said, I am sorry you lost your grandmother.... and I'm even sorrier that the "borg barrier" prevented her from showing you the love that every grandchild needs and deserves.