I agree this is a good question. This is something I think about from time to time, and in fact was recently contemplating starting a thread related to this very topic.
Over the years that I have been out, I have done several things that could have easily gotten me df’d. For example, celebrating ALL of the holidays, going to church services, and living with my ex for a year before we got married. I live away from family, but in the beginning I was pretty paranoid about people finding out. I have relaxed some, but I still worry. This is one of my main reasons for not having a facebook account.
A few people mentioned worrying more about the impact on their families. I agree, but need to clarify that my concern isn’t for the JWs, it is for my immediate family, who are not JWs. Me being df’d would make things very awkward for them in dealing with the JW side of the family. They would stop going to family functions because I wouldn’t be invited, causing a strain b/w them and the JW relatives. I’d like to avoid that scenario if possible. IDGAF about the JW relatives because it would be a choice they would be making (although many would argue whether or not they truly have a choice, I think they do). Isn’t it sad the far reaching affect that religion can have, even on those that do not practice it?