My daughter will be getting married this coming August. She and her future husband are not Jehovah's Witnesses. They will have a non-religious wedding ceremony. Then,there will be dinner at a banquet hall.
She is making a list of wedding invites. My cousin (who has been disfellowshipped for over 10 years ) will be invited. He has not been invited to any family gatherings since being disfellowshipped. At his mother's funeral, he couldn't sit in the front seats with his family.He was made to stand on the side by the front row. Many Witnesses didn't even approach him to offer their condolences. After the burial, he was told by the Elders that it would be best if he not attend the luncheon.
My daughter and her future husband are great friends with my disfellowshipped cousin and his girlfriend. Now comes the dilemma!
My family has 2 Elders and over 20 Jehovah's Witnesses that would not attend the banquet hall dinner if they found out my disfellowshipped cousin was invited. It's not fair that my daughter has to exclude him from attending the wedding dinner. If she invites him and doesn't tell the family, they will walk out of the banquet hall as soon as they see him. If my family is not told, they will take it out on me since I would know who's coming to the banquet hall dinner.
What would be a good solution?