He gave the example of the huge project that’s being done in Wallkill. He said that they just showed the Bethel family a 15 minute video about the renovation and new building project that will be done over the next 4 years. He said after the video was shown he overheard a dear old sister who’s been there forever say, “well, I guess that means Armageddon won’t be coming in the next four years.” He said, now I didn’t say anything to her and embarrass her in front of everyone, but I thought to myself, “oh my goodness we approved the showing of that video and I don’t remember that being part of the dialogue.”
So, that night he went back and re-watched it. He said, "Brothers and Sisters - we are going to be in the midst of Kingdom activity when the end comes. We will be building, we will be preaching, we will be planning conventions, building Kingdom Halls……there’s not going to be a pause when the end comes.Luke 17:28: "Likewise, just as it occured in the days of Lot; they were....buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building. 29: But on the day that Lot came out of Sodom it rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed them all."
Could the GB be fulfilling this scripture?