Hi Intellecta!
Welcome! I am fairly new to this website and have met some very nice folks who feel some of the same things you feel. I actually just posted something along the same line of thought. (Great minds think alike).
I am finally beginning to realize what the scripture means that says that God doesn't dwell in man made temples. This holds true for the witnesses also. Don't be afraid when you watch the news, I know it is hard, but if you have peace in your heart and feel the way you do when you are seeing such bad things happening around the world, that in itself shows you are concerned for your fellowman. I don't know what the near future holds, but I know a God of love would not and will not destroy innocent people, especially those who are victims of the "society" in which we live. If you don't feel like taking your children to the kh then go with that feeling, there must be a good reason, I know you love your children and want the best for them. I for one would feel very skeptical of taking my children (if I had any) to a place where this abuse is going on.
So, please don't worry and know that things will work out for the better in the end. I hope this is helpful, I have a tendancy to ramble on. That's why I don't post too often. LOL