jwbot, the same things were said to me, usually by old, scrawny, flat-chested sisters in the congregation, often within earshot of other mean-spirited people who join in. It is hurtful and unnecessary. The only way they can make themselves feel better is by putting down someone else. You can always smile very sweetly, and say "thank you, you look like SH*t too."
A Pio. Sister in my congregation always had to criticize my appearance, especially shoes (too high heeled). I didn't have nice clothes and wore my mom's hand me downs, so i probably did look awful, and i didn't like to iron. In response to her nagging, I wore a new, pressed dress (ankle-length, brown polyester) and flat shoes to field service one day, and she laughed and told me I looked like a school marm.
This fashion adviser Pioneer looked like a dried-out chicken carcass with leathery skin, and always wore beige or brown sack dresses and flat shoes, plus she had hair like a brillo pad, sticking out in all directions. Her comments were nasty and petty, and it was over 20 years ago, but if I still want to rip her little head off and spit down her neck