If You Value Love, NEVER Become a Jehovah's Witness!
lets pray together !
i was observing my loyal wife sending out anniversary cards to other witnesses,.
as she has done for many years.
if we were ordinary protestants, we would probably.
If You Value Love, NEVER Become a Jehovah's Witness!
lets pray together !
it is laid out in five floors with the men increasing in positive attributes as you ascend.
you're only allowed in once.
once you open the door to any floor you must choose a man from that floor.
SimpleSally !
ive answered to a topic : nasa vs. the bible and tried to get some more information about it
but ive probably messed up and in my way of asking the question, so they didnt understand my wills.
that's why i've started this topic.
AlanF - Rem ?
At least can I have you opinion, now that you know what I'm talking about ?
did you check this way or not ? ... if yes I'd like to know what you are thinking about it
ive answered to a topic : nasa vs. the bible and tried to get some more information about it
but ive probably messed up and in my way of asking the question, so they didnt understand my wills.
that's why i've started this topic.
Cause I won't be here as often as I did I'll check this topic till sunday for sure Then cause I became an addict to this forum (First Forum experience TRU !!! )
I'm too passionate and It takes me too much time to read, understand and everything ...feel free to send me an E-mail [email protected] To answer to this topic.
Just hope that I’ll find at least one, one day here or somewhere else.
I may keep you informed (CRAP or no CRAP ?) in 2020 mayby
I’ll see when I or we'll be able to state about this.
I'm not gonna say goodbye YET (I've read some Topic about that) LOL and NOT LOL
We may have the chance to chat (but still I can't follow the chat it goes to fast)
or I may say hello from time to time
or get anonymously some news from people I enjoyed reading and their feelings
To those I became close or almost close with ... [email protected]
Do not hesitate ... And I'll give you my real e-mail address ...
and hope I'll get a chance to see you very soon
i am questioning whether the internet is a good place to hang out.
last month i was scammed by an impostor who took advantage of me while i was depressed and vulnerable.
even this discussion board has become very vicious lately.
TAMMY as Swan : all what I see here (all the responses you've got and it's also mine) is about POSITIVITY and NON POSITIVITY - it's not easy to deal with - as human we are all sensitive in DIFFERENT WAYS but still SENSITIVE. I won't tell more on this because I guess you've got the point (I'm talking too much already and it doesn’t help me at all - I know why but you don't ...)
For my part it's the end of the holidays, it was nice or interesting anyway to meet you all ... I've had more expectations ... but … Do people get only what they deserve ? … I guess NO ... Are people always like they think they are to deserve it ?... I guess NO. WE ALL HAVE TO DEAL WITH.
For example
Being STRAIGHT can be very RUDE, but it depend on who gets the message and why
some might want to have the TRUTH about what people are thinking, some just want have a HUG and forget about it (in a forum you can get both and even CRAPS - it's not your choice - since you've said something you take the risk to get any kind of answers)
Being NICE can also be very RUDE …, again here it depend on who get the message and why would you believe me for example if I’m telling you I LOVE you very much ??? FOR NO SPECIFIC REASON in knowing that I DON’T REALLY KNOW YOU … I GUESS not. TO BE TRU somewhere it will have to depend on the subject : an answer or an topic of you that pleased me for example
Why should you be depressed (because you're human a being, I know) but TAKE OVER, KEEP COOL As I've noticed (AND THIS IS THE TRUTH) YOU'VE GOT A LOT OF REAL FRIENDS HERE ... Isn't it NICE ? SOME PEOPLE are NOT THAT LUCKY maybe they’re fault … maybe not ? It always depend on who and why (chemistry and connection in the way of being - and by the way even in being different it can work very well). Fortunately we are enough people here, to make sure that everyone can get at least, a PEACE OF CAKE.
in response to sheras post on the 3 things thread.
who here looks after a disabled child.
my son chris is 14 soon, he has trisomy 21, down syndrome.
OH !!! Smack ... your way of seing and leaving this is very POSITIVE ...
my girlfriend is pregnent, found this out when we were down in reno over the weekend.
then confirmed it today, should be about may 31st for the due date.
but will find out for sure, after the ob/gyn appointment.
congrats !!! and nice story about how you've get together !!!
ive answered to a topic : nasa vs. the bible and tried to get some more information about it
but ive probably messed up and in my way of asking the question, so they didnt understand my wills.
that's why i've started this topic.
I wanted to start from the beginning when I’ve launched the subject to get some opinions about it – AND VERY IMPORTANT because sometimes (and I’ve always been amazed about that) somebody who don’t know a damn thing about a subject can be very effective on the subject (just because he don’t have in mind all the little details, that makes a specialists wrong just because he can’t forget about to much details that can’t help to go further). Most of the times when you think about a subject you have to start again from the base. That’s why it’s good when it comes to analyse something to have specialists and none specialists to talk about it.
I’m not writing this to convince you, I’m here to find those who went thru this kind of reasoning, and people who are interested in that kind of reasoning (even if they don’t know about it YET). And are able to give me the answers I need or at least trying to go further on this together (I’m not in a rush about that at all – but now that I’ve launched this topic I will just be happy to find at least one person that I can talk about with)
First to make you understand how I’d like to treat the subject: I don’t base my reasoning only on books (or any specific media - I’m not even a reader) I mean almost everybody can write a book on his favourite subject. Unless something have been proved (means finally that it is logical), if I had only based myself on books and so called statements in different matters I would have done the same errors than others did in my job for example … I only read what I need to state on what I have to, to make logical choices in regard of the whole problem, and, I tend to “reengineering”. I don’t care changing my mind if I’m wrong cause it happen of course (the only things who’s not always logical are Humans/animals, basically this have something to do with what I’m thinking about numerology) it’s all about trying to stay as logical as possible.
As a simple first example: 100 $ + 100 $ = 200 $ if you’ve got 150 $ a human is involved somewhere, somehow. An other kind of example … It can have a big difference between what I think and how I act about something (and this is not logical) you may think this is psychology – yes of course it is – but my question about this is :
Can the numerology have an effect on your mind ? (ESOTHERISME) see (D)
That’s why … Ok … on REM’s link they’re talking about something I’ve already stated about : That’s why I wanted get a chance to talk about it with somebody who really get into it the way I did. I guess I have to explain something to make me more clear for those who read a book or a few or who just forgot about it because of the statements they are pointing in REM’s website link. And maybe the one I’m looking for will understand what I mean and if he or she went far on this in a reengineering way could tell me what he/she is thinking about.
(A) For example if they say : We know why 9/11 happen in studying the figures : I don’t agree. Why because in 9/11 you’ve got 9/11/2003 and all the figures of everything involved in the whole terrible attack (the name of the instigators, each people in the planes, the number of the flights, the address and the name of the building I mean everything and why not even each building stairs) It’s too tendentious … And if you want to prove something about it you just have to take the numbers you need to prove it and forget about the others … BUT (C)
(B) Also when they say that you are a 7 and have a 7 personality, well it tend to be the same as astrology. Why? It can be wrong in lots of matter because. To make my reasoning simple about it I’m going to use 2 numbers (in fact lots could be involved). So if a 7 only met people who were and are 7, He will probably be an entire 7 but maybe not … because 7+7 = 14 = 1+4 = 5 (but maybe you have to add every 7 … and If a 7 only met people who were and are 8, he will probably be different maybe not 7+8 but also +8+8+ … That’s life! Like you could say (well since this guy met this girl he changed) So It’s too tendentious to be clear on this because He might change next year (so here were back on the 9/11 (A) example … BUT (C)
(C) What I’AM most interested in is about the chemistry (basically the esotheric aspect), then it can make sense and it doesn’t change what I’ve stated as tendentious statements before, and it doesn’t change the base of the numerology (the effect of each figure just like each chemical mixed with one or the other chemical or different kind of chemicals mixed together)
And here I can go further on my questionings can the numerology have an effect on materials and in our body ? (THEN ESOTHERISME BECOME A SCIENCE … IT CAN)
How can I state that It does or don’t? That’s what I want to figure out.
let’s take a simple math example (without any implication of numerology) :
I can say (1+1=2) that’s right (in math and also in numerology)
but now let’s talk about chemistry :
Somebody might say NO : 1+1=1 … how comes ? Well the answer can be if 1 and 1 are a woman and a man they make 1 couple (that’s chemistry – not math) now somebody else can tell me 1+1= 2 but also 3 or 4 or 5 or … how comes? Well the answer can be if 1 and 1 is a couple they may have 1, 2, 3 or 4 or … kids (that’s chemistry – not math).
I hope you’ve got me now :
Now when I’m taking this number as an example and as a question
D) about the number 666
666 = 6+6+6 = 18 =1+8 = 9 and when you put it on word it gives you that :
1) 666 = 6 (love/choice/…) + 6(l/c/…) + 6(l/c/…) = 18 (illusion / troubles) = 9 (full-whole-everybody …)
2) too much different kind of love ( for example 3*6 : human/ money/ power) means 18 troubles and illusions for everybody (1+8=9)
Basically my question is why this numbers and not another one ? Did somebody long time ago find out something effective with the effect of the number on peoples minds and on materials? I want to have an Idea about this because some weird stuff happen (ESOTHERISME – like : sorcery, ghost … I MEAN ALSO WHOLE UNIVERS and simply LIFE also) is it related to something real (collective or none) as mind or material control. With numbers and words applied on the numerology bases?
Why : because when you stick on the key words (not the details) it’s effective. The books they are selling only interested in answering some peoples needs (tell me how I am – tell me what will happen) AND THIS IS NOT MY QUESTIONNING
Well I still don’t know If I’ve been clear enough … but this is the best I can for now. (And I’m just sorry if you don’t understand what I mean)
during an mtv interview singer lauryn hill said, "i would rather die than have a white person buy one of my albums.
true or false?
the inflammatory comment hill supposedly made varies: .
Mercurious : Okay, if he can remember the names of the people that where there can he remember what was actually said? So far all you have presented are allegations and nothing else.
Do you believe in TV ? Do you believe in only true information on media ? Maybe you’d rather believe them instead of me? … What do I have to lose here ? … NOTHING
I’ve told you my son came right then telling me !!! Do you think “HE HAD A DREAM” … To make it clear … No because you are all talking about it …
Now again
He saw IT ! So why do they even deny the interview, instead of showing the entire interview to be clear on what she said !
ive answered to a topic : nasa vs. the bible and tried to get some more information about it
but ive probably messed up and in my way of asking the question, so they didnt understand my wills.
that's why i've started this topic.
Thanks a lot REM,
Anyone about what codes in this context means ? Thanks