There are many more ways to calculate this number even in the same base numbering system. As you may or may not know, the choice of the base numbering system we use is completely arbitrary. We can add and count in any system.
Ok … I agree with the fact that a lot of numbering systems we use is completely arbitrary.
To go further on my questioning, I thank you that you gave me the example of one of (binary) because, it will help me to tell you why I’m interested in that (numerology), and to not scared out people who don’t know yet about the examples you gave on the binary codes (1=yes/ 0=No) have been made for computing system (mechanic), I mean it is dedicated to give a memory to a machine (very logical and efficient system to store with a minimum of memory because it only use 2 codes 1 and 0 ) see (A), nothing to do with chemistry, or mathematics, but only mechanic memory
The computing binary in saying yes or no. It answers to each question that an application (made for with a kind of translator) can ask. It is based on a successions of yes and no in a sequence of dedicated bits in a repeated process to reach/delete/store information - for the process and / or / to get the response of the process for a mechanic system. Everybody knows how it works, or can get informed very quickly about that because nothing is mystic in that. Basically once you’ve understand “why” it works you don’t need to learn how to get a A a B or a C or …whatever with this system, because it’s just memory (and the machine will make it faster than us cause it’s made for the machine, as human we don’t need binary because it doesn’t talk to us it talk to the machine. We’ll never talk binary ourselves why because in fact it a langage (like English and French based on to numbers) How comes ? Because :
As your example show: 1010011010 = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 5 (decimal)
only if the developer decided it will be a 5 (in fact) why :
Basically in computing it depend on were are the 1 and the 0 in the sequence of bits and not how much 1 it have in it (otherwise you could only get 8 possibilities on 8 bits for example) this result is always a stated memory (AND IT’S IMPORTANT IN THE REASONING) because :
It could have been anything the developer decided it to be, even different at different step of the process in order to react with the application (in fact the translator for the application). This is not even logical finally it’s only mechanic memory – not logical but efficient in fact for those who are involved in the development (AND THAT IS WHAT I WANT TO KNOW About NUMEROLOGY)
So that was good to get into it
to answer “why” and to understand on what is based my questions about that
Now I guess I will have to try to state on the other numbering system who does exist “to answer WHY they have been made” … and that’s also my question about numerology because 18 will always mean 18 in numerology troubles because 1+8 = 9 too much and somehow its logical just like the entire example about 666 (esoteric but logical) And Who stated on THAT ???? …
I mean that the chemistry of the numerology says more than YES and NO. And numerology is base on 9 not 10 = just because of that : 0 means START then you began to count again 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/9 start again. Same base back to 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/9 or further 1(0) ten / 2(0) twenty / 3(0) thirty / 4(0) etc … each time you start on another base next level (it means something else = the base + the add) who also mean something (logical and effective added one to the other) just as the primal example :
666 = 6+6+6 = 18 =1+8 = 9 and when you put it on word it gives you that :
1) 666 = 6 (love/choice/…) + 6(l/c/…) + 6(l/c/…) = 18 (illusion / troubles) = 9 (full-whole-everybody …)
2) too much different kind of love ( for example 3*6 : human/ money/ power) means 18 troubles and illusions for everybody (1+8=9)