Past lives?

by Lutece 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lutece

    Anyone here ever try past life regression hypnotism? I'm curious and wondering what my "imagination" will come up with. Maybe it's true. I'm engaging in "learning" and thought I'd give it a try since my aunt is into that and swears she has lived before. Should be interesting, even if it is just my creative streak having fun. I guess part of it is that I believe there is something that still lives on when we die and every now and then I get so darn curious about it. The coincidences and "deja vu" experiences fascinate me at times.


  • JH

    I don't believe in past lives. I think we just have one life, so enjoy it...

  • Lutece

    I don't know if I believe in "past lives" but I'm open to the possibility at this point. Why not?

    I used to believe in the resurrection to a paradise Earth and that I'd have a pet panda bear and be able to travel the earth by foot.



    Hi Lutece (sorry we didn't get to meet you in Detroit last weekend).

    I have friends whom have delved into the study of past life regressions.

    Although it is interesting to read their accounts, if you are interested in it, you have nothing to lose and much to gain by taking a closer look at it.

    Here is a link you may like.

    A friend of mine, very dear friend I might add, has been involved with these sort of things for many years and she's quite good at it.

    I may not share her enthusiasm, but I love her regardless, and she's a kind soul.

    Give it a look, it's a deep site, many links and many stories.

    I have shared it with a couple of other members here. So give it a look.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend Lutece, looking forward to meeting you in the near future.

    Best wishes,

  • shotgun

    Lutece your so photogenic...

    Ok are you ready.....your getting sleepy...sleepy....sleepy..... you will now send me intimate photos and naughty little notes calling me your little panda bear and remember nothing.... when I snap my fingers you will awaken and feel refreashed.*snap*

  • Lutece

    Thanks Rayzorblade,

    I wish I could have made it this weekend, but things just got too crazy around here with kids, work, etc. I've enjoyed meeting people at the apostofests. Everyone's so nice and fun company!

    I'll check out the site, thanks for sharing.


  • Victorian sky
    Victorian sky

    Dear Anne, no I don't believe in reincarnation. What would be the point? But I do think deja vu is unexplained. I was in an area of Georgia once that I know I've never been to but it felt as if I had. Maybe it just reminded me of someplace else. - V Sky

  • frenchbabyface

    My point of view and my questions about that are :

    If we a had life before, that means that we are a kind of energy (it’s true in fact) for the moment I think that as human being, our energy dies with our body.

    People may not lie when they say that they recover memories on their previous life, but those specifics memories can have been produced by the sub conscience, more now than ever, because we are feed by a lot of (visual or not) information (TV : Movie, Items / Books, I mean everything) then I think because of that, in this kind of psychological process, it can even be effective on some historic facts and feed the feelings (I think that, because most of the people who are going thought that kind of process had the impression that they have been someone famous in the past but a lot and for a few famous people (A) – not always of course, I think that it depend on their fantasies, aspirations, vocation, … things like that)

    (A) in this case it doesn’t match – something is wrong with de process or something is wrong about the statement that we had a previous life.

    But we are still a kind of energy so

    1) does it dies simply? (I am here for the moment)
    2) does it lives after our body passed away and is it able to hold de memory ** ? (who knows - but very hard to believe)
    3) does it lives after our body passed away in deleting the memory ** ? (who knows - but It CAN)
    ** (means also that it can become something else – but still that it can also die one day – or never)

    It’s all about this “very specific kind of energy” and we don’t know a lot (B) about it. And most of all, his “source” … And I guess we won’t get the answers before … (who knows) … so yes, for now I stick on the fact that we simply die with our body

    (B) only a few about before we passed away

  • rem

    Scientific study of past lives has not shown any conclusive evidence that people are remembering former lives. To the contrary, much evidence exists that the stories are made up (and innacurate) or are from known sources.


  • justhuman

    There are many examples of people that lived in the past...for example Shandy Levi an Indian girl remebered her past life and that she was from Italy so she went to Italy. Went directly to her village, and talk to her ex-parents. She knew all about her previous life, the village and the people.

    Dalai Lama has to prove that he is the reincarnation of Dalai Lama, and they put him into a room with many items and has to point out he's personal items.

    Raymond Rasty has a book called "Life After Life" and has examples of people that died and came back to life, and told what they saw on the other side.

    Yes I beleive that we are coming many times as diiferent persons.

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