The following is a repost from an Internet discussion group that I belong to.
Subject: Davis pagan club meets psychotic hateful "Christians"
So. Today I sat outside the student union with Travis, tabling (the
act of advertising/giving out flyers for a student organization) for
the new pagan club on campus. The club's purpose is to serve as a
discussion group for pagans and pagan friendly/interested people to
gather and talk, share viewpoints, etc. regarding earth-based
spiritual paths. Anyway.
So, we're sitting there, with our pagan club banner and our books on
the table, "Drawing Down the Moon" and "Rocking the Goddess." And
along comes this man with a GIGANTIC sign reading:
lazy Christians, sex-drugs-rock music, baby killers, Roman
Catholics, sports nuts, party animals, computer freaks, people that
watch TV more than study the Bible, people that talk to pets more
than God, Fox Hole Religion, the Jews that are from the Synagogue of
Satan, false religions, racists, lying Pentaco$tal$, effeminate
culture, ankle biters, Dykes on Bikes, child molesting homosexuals,
money lovers, sex perverts, rebellious women, and Mormons. starts preaching about how everyone who falls into the categories
on his sign is going to Hell, yadda yadda. Needless to say, he
attracts a big angry/amused mob of offended/laughing students.
Before long, he's joined by Sign Man #2, with his hideously large
poster reading:
witches, liars, couch potato "Christians," pre-marital sex, thieves,
power hungry women, spineless men, child molesting homosexuals,
people who talk to pets more than God, internet porn addicts, money
lovers, Romanists, godless evolutionists, anti-bible bigots, lying
Pentaco$tal$, racists, pro-abortion baby butchers, suicide bombers,
Mormons and other cults, religious hypocrites, cheaters, sports
fanatics, cult of the effeminate intellect, unbelieving Jews,
druggies, misc. heathens. to say, the pagan club couldn't have asked for better
publicity, seeing as, ironically, we were stationed right in front
of them. Effectively, the angry mob was on our side. We attracted
several people to our mailing list, and many more that simply
stopped by to say, "I'm not pagan, but I think the fact you guys are
here is awesome." All in all, it was a really good feeling.
Nevertheless, it's hard not to be disturbed by the fact that people
like the Sign Men exist in the world, filling it with hate and
intolerance. Makes my stomach churn. I'm just happy that, at least
here, the tide is against them.
(FYI, the pictures linked above are (c) Zach's friend, who's name I
don't know, I'm sorry! anyway, they weren't taken by me. if anyone
knows the name of the photographer, please let me know so I can
cite/thank him properly!)
I'll also share a couple of responses that were offered by other list members:
Like I've always thought - we must all lead by example. Thanks for
setting a good one!
Oh my gosh, lol. Oh well the only person they were hurting is their selfs.