I had a complicated relationship with food myself... opposite of over eatting. It's complicated because I know it didn't stem from one thing. My mom grew up exceedingly poor, and though she didn't realize it I think that when we asked for a snack and she'd always say "Those are for lunches" or "Thats dinner" "I was saving that"... kind of made food off limits. At the same time she had body image issues and was always dieting (not eating) so... for a long time it was just what I saw. Then somewhere along the line it became a way to attain a type of perfection... I was convinced that god hated me because I did everything wrong, even though everything I was doing wrong was out of my control... at least I could have food under control. I somewhat remember wondering if I could survive on water and raw veggies like shadrach meshach and abednego... Then as time went on, not eating became my reaction to any stress.
Even after I left... when things got bad with my ex I stopped eating... and started adding drinking alone into the mix.
All of that nonsense, I'm pretty sure, wrecked my system... I have a hard time losing weight now that I actually have to.
Anyway... the JW stuff definitely played a part in my depression/stress and that figured into my eating habits for sure.
I also had a huge sad moment when someone in the thread mentioned illness and pioneers... I knew several that died of cancer... One of them, like was stated, wouldn't slow down and go to the doctor even though she was clearly sick. Instead she started drinking mushroom tea when her hair started falling out and she swore by it. She was diagnosed with bone cancer, finally, and died only a few days later. Several others wouldn't go have things checked until it was too late too.
With mental illness, I think it is true that many JWs just ignore it, which causes things to go rampant. Depression particularly... "What do you mean you're sad? PARADISE!!!! BIBLE!!!"
No... sorry... I'm sad because I'm sad. It is a valid emotion. Making me feel bad about it just gives me more issues.