JoinedTopics Started by MaximusGman
What is the main "idea" of the bible?
by KateWild inas jws we were often told what the theme of the bible is, we were taught that it was the promised seed.. i was recently asked the question.... what is the main "idea" of the bible?.
for me the whole purpose of the bible is about control.
it features a god that punishes and rewards.
Which Bible Translation?
by Blackbird Fly injust wondering which is your favorite translation of the bible?
we only have the nwt (pre 2013 revision) here, curently.
but i wouldnt be opposed to having another translation to refer to....
What was the most rebellious thing you did while you were a devout jw?
by DuvanMuvan ini was just thinking about how humans being imperfect and satan's influence was the root of everything bad that anyone has ever done.
well i know that apparently everyone is vulnerable which got me thinking about what "bad" things people have done while they were a jw.
i'll start it off.
Avoid Going back to the JW's - Educate Yourself about Mind Control
by flipper ini've talked with some good friends on the board about this before and we seem to be in agreement : one reason ( among many ) that some disfellowshipped jw's go back and return to the wt organization is because they are full of uneeded guilt or uneeded fear because they haven't educated themselves about how the wt society uses mind control tactics to deceive them into thinking they have " nowhere else to go " .
i understand that some dfed ones may go back to the organization for family and friends- however- it's an exrecise in futility because once you learn the truth about the truth you cannot undo what you heard.
so some may just go back and live a fake jw life to appease family- but just think of how that can damage a person's emotional and mental health playing the fake jw game the rest of their lives !