LOL Duvan you are right! i better go find my subjectionatin' hat!
What was the most rebellious thing you did while you were a devout jw?
by DuvanMuvan 54 Replies latest jw friends
Once when I went to the restroom at a Circuit Assembly, I used 3 paper towels.
Rub a Dub
I wore low cut necklines and showed cleavage. Most of the sisters shunned me over it, especially the flat chested ones!
I was never really a JW. Born and raised in the household of an elder, but I never made it any further than giving talks in the school. Regardless, telling my dad I didn't think God existed. I don't really think there's much worse you can do to a believer who loves you than that. It's all perspective. What you see when you're staring through the looking glass.....
dazed but not confused
I got drunk at 19 while at my future in-law’s house. Proceeded to pull the neighbor's Christmas lights off his house (it was the middle of July) and then proceeded to piss on said neighbors front door. All the while my future father-in-law laughed from his front door. Then found my way back into the house and threw up on the living room floor… True story. Mrs. Dazed and I married a few months later.
This was 11 years ago. Have I mentioned, I celebrated 3 years sobriety in December.