I agree
I have not joined the reddit community as it seems to difficult to follow.
I have been spoiled by this forum and its easy to navigate and follow format!
nested comments like reddit.
it is very hard to read the current pages and track who is talking to who, etc.
I agree
I have not joined the reddit community as it seems to difficult to follow.
I have been spoiled by this forum and its easy to navigate and follow format!
greetings, friends across the two ponds:.
of course, as per other posters' recommendations, i could google this; i have and remain, not totally confused, but wanting the straight dope as well as nuanced meaning.
i'm both curious and needing to know for purposes of editing works of american and british writers.
I'm Australian. (or more specifically : "I'm Aussie")
I dont refer to myself as a member of the Commonwealth. Not for any political reason, but it just doesnt seem to be relevant.
i'm pretty certain i'm not the only one here who experiences this.. i occasionally have jw dreams.
the most recent one was me giving a talk in my home congregation.
all i had on was my trousers (pants), socks and shoes.
Yes i have too.
I guess it is only natural though. We spent literally our whole lives doing JW activities. So its normal for our brain to draw from those memories at it processes our dreams subconciously.
I wouldnt worry too much about it.
the watchtower study is not real bible study.
it is a study to introduce wtbts beliefs,doctrines, and practices.
just think for a moment!
Yes, it is so amazing that the supposed ALMIGHTY CREATOR of the UNIVERSE inspired a book that is supposedly the ONLY way to gain a relationship with him and survive and gain eternal life, yet that same book is so easily misunderstood by billions of people worldwide...
AND, he then needs a select group of men to explain how to understand this same book... A group of men who have made mistakes in deep doctrines, and errors in explaining what "God's truth" is so many times...
It really does show that this ALMIGHTY CREATOR must revel in making it difficult for people to draw close to him
Thanks again Dubstepped!
Love your work, and really appreciate the effort that goes into each episode. I am sure it takes many many hours to produce, but please be assured that we appreciate this effort!
i thought this video was pretty well done and mildly entertaining to watch.. on another note, i am really hoping some clever ex-jws will do their own animation series with caleb and sophia as young adults trying to leave the org.
that would be awesome.
caleb and sophia ... the ex-jw years.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lwoitxaa_u.
PLEASE someone do the older version of them as teenagers or adults waking up and wanting to leave!
That would be so funny!
We could get around copyright by calling them "kale and sofie"
daniel kokotajlo's new film apostasy has it's world premiere at the toronto international film festival in september 2017. apostasy.
family and faith come into conflict for two jehovah’s witness sisters in manchester, when one is condemned for fornication and the other pressured to shun her sibling.. this fresh, unadorned first feature from director dan kokotajlo carries an unmistakable note of authenticity from its very first scenes.
set in a jehovah's witness community in england, the film's strength and power lies in its directness.. apostasy depicts the growing rift in a family — a mother and two daughters — who are rigorously devoted to their religion.
I so wish it would do the independent movie circuit here in Australia!
How can I contact the production company to ask?
yesterday, i had my sister come over to tell my mother and i that she will no longer have anything to do with us, because we need to come back to the meetings, it’s what jehovah wants, and hands her a letter to read and asks for a final hug.
my mother has been dealing with a terrible lost of dad since july, and has been very ill with stress because of it.
i no longer belong to the organization either, and i have been helping my mother out thru this ordeal, it is just as rough on me.
I understand the ignorance of some JWs.
My very active, still in Elder father also didn't seem to know who "Tony Morris" was when I referred to his talk once (The tight pants rant)
He replied "I don't know that Brother, and I don't follow any personal opinion of men anyway. I Follow Jehovah!"
I realised then just how brain dead he must be to not recognise that according to JW theology, Jehovah speaks through Jesus, who speaks through the Governing Body, of which Tony Morris is one....
today is the four year anniversary of the last time i set foot in a kingdom hall.
it was the day of the kool-aid issue of the wt!
“at that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
Yes! Wow. That was a pivotal, watershed moment for so many of us!
Cheers JP👍
if you are a former jw elder, can you share any examples of corruption which you personally witnessed that were kept secret from the congregation?
following is an account from a longtime elder named tommy who recently disassociated.. the minor daughter of a presiding elder in a west texas congregation committed fornication with a 19-year old baptized witness in her father’s home.
the daughter had to confess to a judicial committee which included the aforementioned tommy.
So let me share some of the things from our last congregation.
The Alpha-male bully elder had a 18 yr old daughter who lost her drivers licence for drink driving. He went around telling ones in the congregation that she just wasn't driving for a while while her car was being fixed. He asked me as a fellow appointed brother to ensure that this edited version was spread around. I refused and said it wasn't anything to do with me.
Meanwhile too, he was integral in covering up a case of child sexual abuse perpetrated by another elders son against the young daughter of a family in the same congregation. These two elders then used their power, charisma and charm to ensure that the family of the young girl had their names besmirched, their character slandered and their reputations maligned. They implied that the girl and her family made it up.
That is just a very quick snapshot of the main points...
Yup! Gods spirit directed organisation indeed.