Brilliant thread steve2!
Well said.
one of the most common "defences" of jw organization is that "the brothers" are imperfect yet still strive to follow god's word.
"sure, they make mistakes," so the argument goes, "but so did god's people in the past, including in bible times.
" the key point is their readiness to keep studying god's word and learning from their mistakes.".
Brilliant thread steve2!
Well said.
i was just pondering this passage of scripture:.
romans 8:35-39 (new world translation).
35 who will separate us from the love of the christ?+ will tribulation or distress or persecution or hunger or nakedness or danger or sword?+ 36 just as it is written: “for your sake we are being put to death all day long; we have been accounted as sheep for slaughtering.”+ 37 on the contrary, in all these things we are coming off completely victorious+ through the one who loved us.
I was just pondering this passage of scripture:
Romans 8:35-39 (new world translation)
35 Who will separate us from the love of the Christ?+ Will tribulation or distress or persecution or hunger or nakedness or danger or sword?+ 36 Just as it is written: “For your sake we are being put to death all day long; we have been accounted as sheep for slaughtering.”+ 37 On the contrary, in all these things we are coming off completely victorious+ through the one who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers+ 39 nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
So, with that thought in mind, WHY is the GB and Jw's in general scared of anything that challenges their faith? Why are they scared of , and repeatedly told to avoid talking to those who have left the organization? Apostates if you like.
Why are they discouraged from researching OUTSIDE of the Society's material?
After all, if they have faith in this passage of scripture, NOTHING should be able to separate them from "God's love". NOTHING should be able to shake their faith.
This seems to be a scripture that may make some JWs think. If they are convinced that they have the TRUTH, then NO amount of research or information should be able to shake that conviction.
Any thoughts on this?
i don't usually like the confrontational approach to those on the carts, however this video is a great example of how jws do not really care about child abuse issues!.
the arrogance of this brother is disturbing..... bear with the video.
it gets really interesting around the 6 min mark, where the brother loses his cool..
I agree with all of your comments.
As well intentioned as the ex-jw was, he did push the point.
But, the behaviour of the brother on the carts was still so bad. He certainly did not represent his "religion" well
(And just for the record, I was not that one that approached in the video. Some here sent me a pm thinking it was me. I just stumbled on this video on youtube)
i don't usually like the confrontational approach to those on the carts, however this video is a great example of how jws do not really care about child abuse issues!.
the arrogance of this brother is disturbing..... bear with the video.
it gets really interesting around the 6 min mark, where the brother loses his cool..
I don't usually like the confrontational approach to those on the carts, however this video is a great example of how JWs do not really care about child abuse issues!
The arrogance of this brother is disturbing....
Bear with the video. It gets really interesting around the 6 min mark, where the brother loses his cool.
if jehovah is a “ perfect “ god and our everlasting life is in the balance - why then does a perfect god give us a very imperfect guide book “ bible “ one that is open for interpretation hundreds - or more - different ways.
if you look at it as an instruction book , it most likely is the worst written instruction book in mankind’s history.
i cannot interpret an instruction book on “ flying a plane “ , it only has one interpretation as your life depends on it , but alas it was written by imperfect men.
Well said Dubstepped! You summed up my realizations very well!
If we start to become "critical thinkers" about the JW org, the next logical step is the bible...and then it all comes crashing down! But that is a refreshing "crashing down"! Now the Real Life starts - one free from FOG (Fear Obligation Guilt)
so we have all heard the worldwide reports about khalls being sold off and congregations being amalgamated etc.... of course, jws are being told that these actions are a sign of "just how much the work is progressing, and how jehovah is blessing the increase and expansion!".
i can share the following from my part of the world too!.
in perth, western australia the following has occurred.. three "new" congregations have been formed!
Yes shepherdless. What was effectively 5 cong territories, is now three. Those 3 will now meet at one hall.
The hall being sold will fetch at least mid $2 million based on similar sized properties. Maybe more as you suggest. $3 million?
i just thought i'd share this story from my past.. back in the 80s i remember the big problem seemed to be about music.
(today, it's tight pants, i guess) the organization, society, whatever they were calling themselves, were always going on about the music we listened to.
disco, heavy metal, the whole "backwards masking" thing...couldn't escape hearing or reading about how satan was corrupting us unless we were listening to kingdom melodies or elevator music.. i was assigned to wtf in the late 80s and remember one of the articles stating that "young people know that the rhythm of rock music is the rhythm of sexual intercourse.
Ah yes!
We had the same sort of thing at Bethel in Australia in the early 90's!
A bethel family lecture was given by a branch committee member, who was staring to lose it. Jack Porter.
He arranged for a covert search of bethel rooms during a work day while the occupants were out. He then arranged samples of the "worst sort" of music, and had this played in the Kingdom Hall during his talk!
Just imagine hearing "The Offspring" playing loudly through the sound system!?!?!?
Oh, and ask jwfacts for more info on this! .....
so we have all heard the worldwide reports about khalls being sold off and congregations being amalgamated etc.... of course, jws are being told that these actions are a sign of "just how much the work is progressing, and how jehovah is blessing the increase and expansion!".
i can share the following from my part of the world too!.
in perth, western australia the following has occurred.. three "new" congregations have been formed!
And here is the link of the real estate!
They have already listed the property for sale!!
so we have all heard the worldwide reports about khalls being sold off and congregations being amalgamated etc.... of course, jws are being told that these actions are a sign of "just how much the work is progressing, and how jehovah is blessing the increase and expansion!".
i can share the following from my part of the world too!.
in perth, western australia the following has occurred.. three "new" congregations have been formed!
So we have all heard the worldwide reports about KHalls being sold off and congregations being amalgamated etc...
Of course, JWs are being told that these actions are a sign of "just how much the work is progressing, and how Jehovah is blessing the increase and expansion!"
I can share the following from my part of the world too!
In Perth, Western Australia the following has occurred.
Three "NEW" congregations have been formed! "Yay - wonderful - praise Jehovah!"
But how did this occur? Well 2 congregations have been disbanded in a move that affects 5 local cong borders and members. The members are to be absorbed into 3 "new" congregations:, Cong A, Cong B and Cong C (already existing) All 3 congs will share the one hall.
The KHall that Cong A owned outright (which had been recently renovated with the new tv screens etc also installed) is to be sold. Of course, all those funds will NOT be going back to the bros and sis who saved long and hard for this during the 1980's! This was one of those khalls from the RBC days where the motto was "Think big and double it!" Yes, all halls then were built big enough to cater for the "huge increases" coming in!
So now they have a smaller hall that will be used to capacity. Many jws will have to travel 20-25 mins away many of which are older ones). No doubt they will soon start to request funds for a new hall in the years to come for one of those congs?
someone asked me what does the world have to offer if left the truth?
'coz i'm still in the process of leaving i just said i don't feel i fit in the truth or the world.
she's known me for 12 years and she's the 3rd person recently to say i've changed.
When someone says "You've changed"
simply reply: "Yes, I know! Thanks!"