Thanks for such a great video Kevin!
Thanks for such a great video Kevin!
at a recent coag {,council of australian governments} meeting the subject/issue of states & territories to sign up for a national redress scheme to compensate victims of institutional abuse sexual and otherwise fell on deaf ears.. not one state or territory agreed to sign up .
not one.. i am sure the victims of child sexual abuse within various institutions not only the jehovah`s witnesses victims would be very disheartened to learn that.individual states and territories of government within australia do not support a national redress scheme to compensate victims of child sexual abuse .. the south australian govt.
to my understanding is they will never do so .
All it will take is one braves state to say yes, and the others will then feel morally compelled to do likewise.
Almost like positive peer pressure...
have you ever heard some brothers own ideas and opinions spouted from the platform?
perhaps off brand or crazy ones?
some that i've heard is:.
One elder condemned all sisters who wore boots (even in winter), because "prostitutes wear such boots!"
Or another classic was when Viv Mouritz, the Branch Coordinator in Australia said publicly "the king of the north is Russia! Trust me I've been there, and I've seen It!"
i happen to be one of very few people who know of this condition that the man has.
he had an accident several years ago with some power equipment.
leviticus 21:20 commands that no man present the bread at the temple with damaged testicles... so?.
I bet that drives him nuts?
i have been on a fade for years, so this is the first time i have been in a kh for months.the deceased was barely 52 when he died.
from cancer.
one year younger than me.the memorial was the standard "read the obituary column word for word, then do the jw commercial for 25 minutes" plus a new twist (to me), they played a video called "around the corner"
Oh my goodness!
That is just so plain sick! Both the showing of the video and the request to "send donations to the society"
Wow.....I have heard it all now. The level of callousness has reached a new low!
this tony morris is such a douchnozzle.
what a controlling asswipe.
watching him makes me want to punch him in the face, but also laugh out loud.
You have only just realised how crazy he is now?
i've had an email from a sister who tells me that out in field service this morning a long standing route call has told them she won't be taking any more magazines and doesn't want them calling on her again because she has heard about the jws child abuse scandals and cover ups.
she was quite angry with them and said your elders say there is nothing wrong but there is and it will all come out.. this is the first time anyone i know of has been challenged on the doorstep and they were absolutely shocked and also angry.
angry that the organization is not preparing them for dealing with this and for not being honest with the brothers about what is going on ie: lawsuits etc.. just thought i'd share that with you..
"It's all apostate driven lies" S Lett.
w55 10/15 p. 623 par.
w56 12/15 p. 755 par.
w56 2/15 p. 119 par.
The Watchtower Society is certainly facing its GT with all the law suits coming its way!
just wondering what would happen if a brother saying a prayer in a meeting did it in the name of michael the archangel instead of closing the prayer with "jesus christ".
since jw's believe michael is jesus would he be counseled?
what if a brother used the name michael the archangel in their public talks instead of jesus?
But Bobby, Sergeant is a TITLE not a name.
Michael and Jesus are names.
The point is, the names refer to the same personage. therefore the names could be interchangeable.
Your example about your "dad" also being a "sergeant" actually proves the point. He is one and the same person.
i recently attended a non jw funeral at a local church.
during the service, a couple of friends/relatives of the deceased eloquently spoke for a few minutes about the deceased with some of their fond memories and gave heartfelt, respectful tributes.. would i ( a non jw) be given a few minutes to speak at either of my jw parents funerals at the kingdom hall ?.
i guess i already know the answer, but if the answer is "no", then why not and how would they hide the heartlessness of refusing ?
I have given JW funeral talks. In fact I had to stand my ground and REFUSE a witness family from saying anything about their deceased love one!. It was ridiculous! Me, and overrighteous late 20's speaker telling the family that "It was not Jehovah's arrangement to allow Eulogys to take place! (If only I could have my time back and say sorry to them!)
I have been to many other JW funerals.
I have never truly cried or wept at a funeral, as this was not supposed to happen to us because we had the "kingdom hope", and were to be "dignified".
I went to a relative's funeral though as a 40 year old, and it was not the JW scripted event, and I LOST it crying! They played popular music that the deceased enjoyed, and people gave heartfelt comments. It was the most therapeutic thing ever! I truly felt like I had grieved in a healthy way!