I am no help sorry, as I am over the other side of the world.
But Its nice to have you here!
i'm new to this site.
i've been out for 27 years and was trying to figure out how to get in touch with others that may also be on here from my old congregation.
it was warrensburg , ny....
I am no help sorry, as I am over the other side of the world.
But Its nice to have you here!
it's all about women being trained to operate heavy equipment, like it's a miracle.
they quote the male foreman, but don't tell you that only men are allowed to be foreman.
How patronising.....
"aww... there there you good little woman. You can drive the big truck if you are good and obedient. Would you like that? hmmm? Now run along now and make us morning tea while your'e up"
many of us here have been "outed" as ones who no longer believe that this is "the truth".. many didn't have the chance to do it in our own way, and in our own time, but rather someone "found out about our apostasy" and "reported" it to the spiritual police (elders).
would you like to share your stories?.
Many of us here have been "outed" as ones who no longer believe that this is "the Truth".
Many didn't have the chance to do it in our own way, and in our own time, but rather someone "found out about our apostasy" and "reported" it to the spiritual police (elders)
Would you like to share your stories?
i got the latest memorial invite on my door sometime today.
i work from home.
between the time i drop the kids at school and pick them up, i was here.
On Social Media, I saw family members exploiting their young grandchildren into folding these invitations, and stuffing them into envelopes...(maybe for letter writing work)
All the while, singing their praises and flattering them ... Of course young kids (3 years old) LOVE being praised...
If only they knew what this was actually about... "Awww how cute! ___ is part of the 'deny christ' party"
I know of two ...
One was a man in his 40's. father and husband. Totally unexpected.
The other was a teenager. He didn't want to be a witness. He had told his parents that. They went to a meeting and he stayed home. when they came home, he had cleaned his room perfectly, then hung himself in the garage. They found him as they opened the garage after the meeting.
intellectual honesty: "i am willing to be wrong when facts go against cherished beliefs.".
are you willing to be wrong?.
without a willingness to be wrong (who can always be right?
Great post.
We can so quickly note the intellectual dishonesty of the Society. It is good to also check ourselves periodically...
"now show me on the doll where the bad man touched you"
You will find that it will very quickly be traced back to him and he will be alerted.
Not worth the hassles.
Hey, I have my old log ins as well...but I think they will have deleted my access by now....
family including dog and then herself?.
Very insensitive thread Poopie.
That tragic case in Michigan shouldn't be used as an opportunity to post some sort of sensationalist topic...
i know we cannot answer this, how many are physically in, mentally out (pimo), but i heard an amazing piece of news the other day.. an ex-p.o and ex-elder, a long time regular pioneer, and when i knew him a stalwart believer, went for a drink with another jw who has actually left, but is not df or anything.. in the course of conversation he came out with this bombshell "well, i am actually an atheist now, i just go along to keep my wife happy".. i also heard of a number of youngsters that i know personally who are simply living their life as they want, whilst making sure they don't get df'd for family and social reasons.. if as it seems the pimo's are a huge number, could there be a huge " awakening" where they all realize they are in a huge group, and they all say " eff it, lets call it a day on all the jw s**t ".
wishful thinking, but.....just possible ?.
Interesting thread Phizzy!
I would agree that there are any who don't really believe "it's the truth", but just go along with it for family reasons....
I know of some, who even shun me (I'm not DF or DA) because they have been told to do so. Yet they are the most "unspiritual" and "weak" witnesses ever...so the obligation runs deep...