I hear you Carla! My very-in Elder father is the same.
I consider him to be a fairly intelligent man in most other areas of life, with the ability to analyse things.....but NOT when it comes to matters of faith and JW stuff in general.
ok, so you all looked here??.
this thread is prompted by losch's stupid 'decrees' in the march 2018 broadcast, where he denounced online information that may be 'negative' about the organization.. it strikes me that the gb are so dumb!
the moment someone says "dont look at something", human curiousity will make most people look.
I hear you Carla! My very-in Elder father is the same.
I consider him to be a fairly intelligent man in most other areas of life, with the ability to analyse things.....but NOT when it comes to matters of faith and JW stuff in general.
charles and maria russell lived in one side.
emma russell lived on the other.
emma russell was maria's younger sister who married charles's father.
Oh the house was crooked when CT Russell lived in it! That's for sure!
i have always wondered why there are more females than males in all of the congregations that i have visited?
some of these females are in their 70's so maybe their husbands have died and women just live longer.
or could the reason be that years ago men were the breadwinners and women stayed home to raise the children thus they were home during the week when the jdubs came a knocking?
Is no one going to say it?
Kingdom HAULS?? haha
Best ironic play on words I have seen for a long time! Such an appropriate term denoting the gathering place of brain-dead witnesses!
Nice one Sour Grapes
charles and maria russell lived in one side.
emma russell lived on the other.
emma russell was maria's younger sister who married charles's father.
If those walls could talk hey?
Charles : " so woman, bring me my writing utensils. The Lord has revealed Truth to me alone. Now...I've just got to make some quick cash....say, is that wheat you are using in the kitchen 'miraculous'.... "
ok, so you all looked here??.
this thread is prompted by losch's stupid 'decrees' in the march 2018 broadcast, where he denounced online information that may be 'negative' about the organization.. it strikes me that the gb are so dumb!
the moment someone says "dont look at something", human curiousity will make most people look.
That is a REALLY good point Carla!
I had not thought about it from the standpoint of a householder! You're spot on. Once the JW tells them to go online to "their official site", it's just a matter of time before a normal person clicks to other less flattering sites!
so i've been out since my mid teens.
never baptised and consider myself among the lucky ones as it meant i could still have a normal(?
) relationship with my parents who are both still in.. jump forward 14 years or so to last night.
Its always best to plant an idea or two, then just calmly let it sit with them.
Remember that you do not need to prove anything - those that believe in the odd teachings need to prove their "truths"
The burden of proof is on them. Not you.
Keep us posted! Love and best wishes!
march 24, 2018 at 7 pm, ctv channel in canada, the show w5 will air a new report on jehovah's witnesses.
ex-jws and others involved.
set your pvr..
For those of us in other parts of the world, is there a way the video can be uploaded here perhaps?
this was announced a couple of weeks ago on the clam.
you can now donate to any congregation, the worldwide work, and assemblies online.
further they have implemented recurring payments "because the hard part about donating is remembering to donate," they actually said that!
"Overlapping" payments? 😜
Seriously though, this organisation is simply not recognisable anymore!
ok, so you all looked here??.
this thread is prompted by losch's stupid 'decrees' in the march 2018 broadcast, where he denounced online information that may be 'negative' about the organization.. it strikes me that the gb are so dumb!
the moment someone says "dont look at something", human curiousity will make most people look.
Aww..Thanks amicabl...! Very kind of you to say.
march 24, 2018 at 7 pm, ctv channel in canada, the show w5 will air a new report on jehovah's witnesses.
ex-jws and others involved.
set your pvr..
Bumped for a reminder....