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JoinedPosts by stuckinarut2
Anti-JW movie on Netflix?
by Ray Frankz ini'm watching the new netflix movie "come sunday".
it's one more film about a person who has turning point in life that demands the person to reevaluate his own faith and belief system.
in this case, the man is a petencostal bishop that gets very famous and has a big church preaching about salvation to heaven and punishment in hell.
You have to smile at the irony of this article!!
by The Fall Guy inawake 22nd april 1970 p. 8 changes that disturb people .
"why is there this decline in religion?
…..millions of persons have been shocked to learn that things they were taught as being vital for salvation are now considered by their church to be wrong....a businessman in medellín, colombia, expressed the effect the changes have had on many......"just ten years ago we catholics had the absolute truth, we put all our faith in this.
Yes! Great article.
I sent that to my Elder father...
He did not see the irony. I didn't bother trying to explain it to someone who chooses to remain ignorant.
Famous last words spoken by every jdub at one time or another
by nowwhat? in"oh i'm not going to worry about it, armageddon will be here by then!".
-including me.
Yep. "It's great to see how Jehovah patiently holds off Armageddon to help more people survive"
What I didn't think about when I said that was the MILLIONS OF PEOPLE that were born each year that now need to be destroyed by the "loving" God Jehovah at the big A!
So in reality, the longer Armageddon delays, the MORE people God gets to kill in his bloodthirsty day of genocide!
Do you miss that initial "high" ??
by stuckinarut2 indo you remember the first time you found out "the truth about the truth"?.
yes, it was confronting, shocking and life altering.
yes it was hard to deal with.. but, along with that, many have said that they experienced a sense of thrill, euphoria, or joy when realising the facts about the religion that held us captive mentally and physically for so long.. it was liberating to learn some of the controversial teachings etc.
Thanks Dubstepped! I appreciate your comments.
I just don't want to offend anyone.
But yes, you are spot on!
JW's are slaves- but not in a good way
by joey jojo ini was reading about the american slave trade again recently.
as anyone who has read anything about the subject knows, it makes for very uncomfortable reading.
every time i read the history, i'm left with a sense of outrage and seething anger at the pure inhumanity and injustice of what life must have been like for those people.
And they do like the term "the Rod of discipline"....
Do you miss that initial "high" ??
by stuckinarut2 indo you remember the first time you found out "the truth about the truth"?.
yes, it was confronting, shocking and life altering.
yes it was hard to deal with.. but, along with that, many have said that they experienced a sense of thrill, euphoria, or joy when realising the facts about the religion that held us captive mentally and physically for so long.. it was liberating to learn some of the controversial teachings etc.
Wonderful replies!
Thank you all.
I guess my thread title may seem insensitive to the fact that many of us didn't experience a "high" in a good way. I apologise for that.
I was trying to convey the idea of that initial wave of emotions and feelings that came with realising that we were not crazy. Realising the release from guilt and obligation to the cult.
But yes, I acknowledge that it wasn't always a happy or pleasant thing. Maybe I used the word "high" wrongly.
JW's are slaves- but not in a good way
by joey jojo ini was reading about the american slave trade again recently.
as anyone who has read anything about the subject knows, it makes for very uncomfortable reading.
every time i read the history, i'm left with a sense of outrage and seething anger at the pure inhumanity and injustice of what life must have been like for those people.
What makes it even worse, is that JWs have been conditioned to actually think it is a GOOD thing to be a "slave" to the "truth"!
Just as they are proud of being a "sheep"!
Amazing how they don't see the problems with that...
Do you miss that initial "high" ??
by stuckinarut2 indo you remember the first time you found out "the truth about the truth"?.
yes, it was confronting, shocking and life altering.
yes it was hard to deal with.. but, along with that, many have said that they experienced a sense of thrill, euphoria, or joy when realising the facts about the religion that held us captive mentally and physically for so long.. it was liberating to learn some of the controversial teachings etc.
Do you remember the first time you found out "the truth about the Truth"?
Yes, it was CONFRONTING, SHOCKING and LIFE ALTERING. Yes it was hard to deal with.
But, along with that, many have said that they experienced a sense of thrill, euphoria, or joy when realising the facts about the religion that held us captive mentally and physically for so long.
It was LIBERATING to learn some of the controversial teachings etc. It was amazing to let go of the FOG (Fear Obligation Guilt) that held us in bondage.
Now when we say things like "oh the UN stuff" or "the pyramid teaching" or the "sexism and slavery of the bible", many of us just say it mildly.
But remember when we couldn't get our heads around it? Remember when we felt gut-punched? Remember when we felt the JOY of saying to ourselves "this organisation holds NO authority over me!" ??
Ever wish you could ride that journey again?
Cancer in Animals
by Normalfulla inwe were taught sickness and death is a result of the sin inherited from adam and eve, so why do animals get cancer?
they are supposedly still as big j intended, so therefore cancer is a creation by the big fella himself?.
just an exercise for one's who believe in the whole bible story thing.. (not me)... any others anomalies you can think of ?
Great thread!
Love it!
Ah, well, when "gay-ness" is such an issue in the animal world, then cancer is the least of their issues! haha
Isnt it amazing: The animal kingdom is quite comfortable with their sexuality, so why are repressed humans having such a hard time coming to terms with this? Could "religion" have something to do with it? hmmm?
Song: The Life Of A Pioneer
by pale.emperor init struck me today how the lyrics to kingdom song 81 "the life of a pioneer" sound almost like a slave song from a plantation or something.
what's also sad is, if you read, you'll notice that they sound not only like slaves, but slaves that are admittedly tired and worn out yet grateful to serve their governing body overseers master to prove their devotion to him.. very sad indeed..
at the start of the day, with the sun yet to rise,.
Great post PE!
Yes, the constant need to "ENDURE" proves the martyrdom-like mindset that JWs have!
It is so appalling that they don't see it!Life is not something to be "enjoyed", but rather "endured"!