BRING IT ON please!
Every straw will pile up and eventually break the camels back!
the star has a previous first-look production deal with the network to produce unscripted series following the success of her emmy-winning show “leah remini: scientology and the aftermath.” according to the hollywood reporter, remini will produce a special for the network during the break following season 3 of the acclaimed docuseries.. it notes that jehovah’s witnesses, while based on biblical teachings, have come under fire over the years for similar practices to the church remini left years ago.
for example, practices of ousting or shunning members who have dissenting views, a blanket refusal to participate in politics and government as well as not celebrating christmas or birthdays are all things that the special will reportedly cover.
additionally, the religion has predicted the literal end of the world several times, obviously to no avail.. .
BRING IT ON please!
Every straw will pile up and eventually break the camels back!
if anyone has any ideas or pictures of a tattoo that would sum up being an ex jw please share.
"TTATT saved my life"
With some liberating picture of your choice: maybe handcuffs being snapped open, or chains being broken?
i came across this on exjw reddit and thought you would be interested.
it is a fictional jehovah's witness film about shunning.
the film is due to be released in the uk in july 2018..
Yes! Really looking forward to it.
Ive emailed the producer to ask about screenings around the world.
I will share more info if I hear back.
i know that many of us here enjoy listening to podcasts.. here is a relatively new one i just discovered: .
"the bible says what!?
" by michael wiseman.. (find it on your podcast player of choice).
Thanks Dubstepped! I'll check it out!
i know that many of us here enjoy listening to podcasts.. here is a relatively new one i just discovered: .
"the bible says what!?
" by michael wiseman.. (find it on your podcast player of choice).
I know that many of us here enjoy listening to podcasts.
Here is a relatively new one I just discovered:
"THE BIBLE says WHAT!?" by Michael Wiseman.
(Find it on your podcast player of choice)
Very interesting to listen to the way that Christian leaders / pastors etc try and explain away or justify the troubling and horrific parts of the bible.
I have listened to a few episodes so far, and most of it sounds just like the things that JWs would say...
posted here:.
biggest changes:.
No need for panic..."Jehovah will provide"
(Unless of course he doesn't, in which case that would mean he either is not real, or is not backing this organization - as CT Russell once famously implied)
with the increasingly "pop" styles of music being used in the "music videos" each month on jwbroadcasting, here is an idea for the gb to recycle:.
this was done back in 2006 to parody the ever popular hillsong church in australia.
With the increasingly "pop" styles of music being used in the "music videos" each month on jwbroadcasting, here is an idea for the GB to recycle:
This was done back in 2006 to parody the ever popular Hillsong church in Australia. (A charasmatic revival style church with a focus on music and "prosperity ministry" ideas)
So, just replace a few words here and there with JW vocabulary, and dress them in full suits, and it would be right at home on a monthly broadcast episode!
well, as you all know, my wife (unstuck) and i are not df or da.. we just stopped attending several years back after my "apostate" online activity was found by a nosey employee of ours while she was working in our office (long story if anyone wants to know - it would have to be another thread).
we never met with any elders - no congregation judicial activity occurred (as we would never consent to do so anyway).
so our policy has been to be the same kind, loving, normal people we have always been.
Thanks everyone.
And thanks Flipper! Yes, we maintain that we do NOT hold it against any of these people personally. One day they too may wake up, and we will stand by our offer to always be there for them. Our door of support remains open.
cognitive dissonance.
a term i came to learn about after waking up as i'm sure many of us here did.
i was thinking of how this condition is similar to the proverbial glass prison, how jw are unknowingly confined by the walls of their belief while observing life around them but are truly captives to a concept as ray put it.. .
Thanks @wake me! Full credit to you for making this excellent pic!
jws are taught to think in a childish, simplistic and paranoid way.. the ticket to paradise includes a gory bloodfest of unimaginable proportions.
and jws calmly and unquestioningly trust and even look forward to this happening.. what about the morality of this unprecedented solution to mankind’s problems?
(there is evidence in the earth’s crust that noah’s flood never happened so it doesn’t count as a precedent).. sweep all of your problems under the biblical carpet and you know that god will sort it all out by the ultimate act of near total genocide—or not!
Yes, it is simply mind blowing to think that Witnesses try and excuse mass genocide as a "loving act" of God?!?!
Why do we (as people supposedly made in God's image), find the idea of mass murder deplorable? Yet somehow God himself is A-OK with it?!
If I go out and kill a bunch of people now, including children, I would rightly be classed as a psycho and punished. But Jehovah gets to do it, and is PRAISED for it!?
Makes sense to me....(sarcasm alert)