Sorry Addison!
ah well, you know what I mean.
i find it funny that our watchtower today was about encouragement, which was absolutly mind numbing during the meeting the way they conduct the watchtower in my hall and beat a dead horse trying to milk points out, (everyone was half asleep and the conductor had to repeat questions to the audience multiple times lol).
but anyways, i’m seeing some post witnesses are making about the convention saying things like, i really need to get my act together and we need to make adjustments.
Sorry Addison!
ah well, you know what I mean.
after almost a year of thinking and eh feeling, not sure... i decided to throw a small birthday party for my son.
this feels so strange, i have never been to a birthday party.
my husband doesn't feel comfortable with it but he decided to play along lol.
We celebrated our first birthday last year (unstuck and I have a birthday one day apart)
It was more of a celebration of the ability to celebrate if you know what I mean? Kind of a way to regain our own choice to act for ourselves rather than do what the cult told us to do.
We found that it was more about the people we had there!
So I would simply say, enjoy the day for the occasion it is! A family day to celebrate your lives and show gratitude for all you have.
Enjoy! And "Happy Birthday!"
firstly, i want to be crystal clear how grateful i am for jwn.
it's been my place of support for over seventeen years and it's the first online space i direct anyone to if they are taking steps out of the cult.
i am not bashing jwn - i love this place and appreciate the hard work and expense simon puts in to keep it going.
How did this very thread become about the very thing we didnt want it to focus on? Politics.
i found this gem in the watchtower online library that now goes further back than the year 2000 publications.
an extra bit of evidence for those cult members that deny that their governing body gods lied to them.. even a lapel card was printed for all attendees to wear (see my avatar).
kingdom ministry 1970 july in the announcements section.. ◆ a new circuit assembly program is scheduled to begin in september.
Great thread!
Yes, the time left is URGENT! (Except when it is not)
so, jehovah's witnesses and many other biblical literalists think that the "whole world" was flooded during noahs day.. they take the "accounts" in genesis literally.
so that means that areas as far away as australia, russia, argentina, greenland, antarctica were all visited by noah and his family to gather animals and preach before it happened right??
they then took everything back to the middle east to board the ark...uh huh.... yet, the same expression in the bible for the "whole world" is also used in the account about the "worldwide famine" in josephs day!
Thanks for the comments.
Oh, dont worry - I literally laugh at the very concept of the biblical flood. I just find it an interesting game to use biblical references to combat JW doctrines....
i find it funny that our watchtower today was about encouragement, which was absolutly mind numbing during the meeting the way they conduct the watchtower in my hall and beat a dead horse trying to milk points out, (everyone was half asleep and the conductor had to repeat questions to the audience multiple times lol).
but anyways, i’m seeing some post witnesses are making about the convention saying things like, i really need to get my act together and we need to make adjustments.
Ah man...that sounds so painful.
Good luck buddy! Keep your dignity and calmness...
so, jehovah's witnesses and many other biblical literalists think that the "whole world" was flooded during noahs day.. they take the "accounts" in genesis literally.
so that means that areas as far away as australia, russia, argentina, greenland, antarctica were all visited by noah and his family to gather animals and preach before it happened right??
they then took everything back to the middle east to board the ark...uh huh.... yet, the same expression in the bible for the "whole world" is also used in the account about the "worldwide famine" in josephs day!
So, Jehovah's Witnesses and many other biblical literalists think that the "Whole World" was flooded during Noahs day.
They take the "accounts" in Genesis literally. So that means that areas as far away as Australia, Russia, Argentina, Greenland, Antarctica were all visited by Noah and his family to gather animals and preach before it happened right?? They then took everything back to the middle east to board the ark...Uh huh...
Yet, the same expression in the bible for the "whole world" is also used in the account about the "worldwide famine" in Josephs day! Apparently people came from "the WHOLE world to get grain during the 7 year famine! So Does that mean that the Australian Aboriginals, the American Indians, the Arctic Eskimos and African desert dwellers all travelled to ask the Egyptians for food??
So does that give a different perspective on the Genesis expression of "The Whole World"?
What about the expression in the Gospels too then that say "The good news was preached in the "Entire Earth"?
Any thoughts?
has anyone noticed at the convention that there is special reserved seating?
the convention that i attended (to keep peace in the family) had seating in the suites of the arena.
all arenas, stadiums etc.
Great thread.
Those "special areas" certainly exist. I often got to sit there if I was assigned some sort of duty like attendants, or accounts etc...also when I was in Bethel. (most bethelites got to sit in the special Bethel Lounge)
It is real "status" thing. Those that sit there, then get to invite their selected family or friends to sit there.
There is NO DOUBT that this prestige spot goes to the heads of many JWs who sit there....
i found this photo on a facebook group--just had to grab and share.......look at the name sign in the background!.
Great thread!
firstly, i want to be crystal clear how grateful i am for jwn.
it's been my place of support for over seventeen years and it's the first online space i direct anyone to if they are taking steps out of the cult.
i am not bashing jwn - i love this place and appreciate the hard work and expense simon puts in to keep it going.
I appreciate the opening post.
It does indeed seem that there is a distinct change in the type of topics posted.
So, maybe we can do something about it. I used to post a lot of thoughts and topics as they came to mind. But I have backed off over the last few months, as I grew as a person I suppose.
Why dont we all start to post some more biblical, or JW based doctrinal observations again? If a thought comes to mind, please share it. You never know if it sparks anothers person's interest and ideas.
I guess it is up to us to change the atmosphere here if we want to.
Perhaps revive older threads we liked in order to get the ball rolling?