Ewww...amongst the many items they have for sale is a "medical examination bed" as used by gynaecologists! (complete with feet stirrups!)
JoinedPosts by stuckinarut2
Watch Tower's eBay account
by neat blue dog inthe last post about the violin for sale got me to looking at their ebay account which says it's based in wallkill.
they've got over 200 items for sale, most obsolete electronics that are grossly overpriced.
among them are used hard drives, like this one:.
Superbly Written Article in Canadian Magazine
by berrygerry injehovah's witnesses cover-up.
Brilliant article!
Really well researched and written! No "apostate driven lies" in this article. It is all facts.
Now let us see how the Society responds?!?!
Pillowgate: a heterosexual male's review
by neat blue dog inmy first impressions watching it, coming from a heterosexual male, was that it was just plain ridiculous (big surprise, i know), but i just want to share some thoughts as to why.. regarding the hypothetical scenario of two guys asking each other if they've ever woken up with an erection and other stuff like that: no, that would not arouse me.
i'm talking with a male, which i'm not sexually attracted to, and assuming he's a friend, it's just a casual conversation that i'm mature enough to handle.
the only way this is flirting (and then only maybe) is if one of us is gay.
That scenario of two guys masturbating in front of each other, has to be one of the most disturbing things I've ever heard said by the Society!
I spent 5 years in bethel, and that idea NEVER came up. I mean seriously, how messed up are the GB to even create such a hypothetical example?
Pillowgate - John Cedars
by CitizenofEarth inis this true?
is this really true?!.
Oh Amelia! That is freaking hilarious!
Whoever thought of this eBay listing is a genius (if it was you Amelia, then bravo my friend!)
Login to use this site.
by Lost in the fog init struck me as funny that in order to sign in to this site we have to answer the question in the affirmative "i am not a robot.
yet if we are a jw we are a robot after years of programming by the organisation!
ironic isn't it.
"Does not compute"
haha. Good point though!
by Normalfulla inok , my wife and i have faded for a year and a half , i won't bore u with all the details but my wife just got confirmation that her sister got a visit some time ago saying we are marked and my sister also got the same visit in which we were described as dangerous, now for my wife , she has not spoken 1 bad word to anyone about the org apart from me (she woke me up ) the elders came around while i wasn't home and bailed her up but she said she wasn't comfortable talking to them without me there ,so the result ?......
let's do a round of all their friends and say shit about them because we can't df them but let's get them treated the same as if they were .... yeah yeah that's a good idea .... stupid mofos!
out to just wreck the reputation of any defectors from the org .
Hi Normalfulla,
So sorry to hear that you too have been subjected to such inappropriate behaviour.
Simply knowing that this is completely immoral and unethical behaviour helps to put it into perspective, and deal with it. Yes, it hurts to be spoken of in such negative and hurtful ways by people that we once were so close to. However, such behaviour also helps to reinforce the fact that we have escaped from an abusive cult.
At the end of the day, if former "friends" will allow their view of you to be affected by gossip, slander and rumours, then this proves that they are NOT healthy people. You don't need them in your lives!
As @wake me said, we have travelled this road. You are not alone. But believe me, it gets better, as these experiences help us to appreciate the difference between TRUE friends, and mere aquaintances with whom we once shared a common faith.
Anyone watching Star Trek Discovery?
by Coded Logic inso i've been watching the show and really enjoying it.
great to see a trek tv series finally get a reasonable budget.
beautiful costumes, sets, cinematography, action pieces, etc.. really my only complaints are how cg all the ships look and there's a fair bit of stiff dialog from time to time.. what do you guys think of the show?.
I haven't watched it yet, but we do love TNG and Voyager. So it will have to be special to top those...
Questions from readers: Pillow talk
by truthseeker ini can't believe they came out with this.... question from readers: should a youth who struggles with masturbation sleep with a pillow?.
you young people know that it is wise to make such restrictions, especially during "the bloom of youth.
" (1 corinthians 7:36).
isn't it simply amazing, that the bible is ok with men taking 100's of wives and concubines. The bible is ok with foreign young girls being taken captive "as spoils of war" to be used as sex slaves. The bible is ok with Lot offering his daughters to be pack-raped. The bible is ok with Lot having incestuous sex with his two daughters.
BUT, according to JW teachings, the bible seems to indicate that "masturbation" is not ok (even though it never says anything about it)
the blood issue in Dubtown
by Kevin McFree inhttps://youtu.be/ie__d0uo6f4.
for part one go here .
Thank you!
Just watched the 2 episodes. Really clever comparison made about the "symbol" of something vs the reality! Great work.
Shouldn't the literature carts be covered by insurance?
by Isambard Crater ini mean, they're in a public place and may get blown into someone by the wind, perhaps hurting a child.
surely because of their position, some kind of public liability insurance or similar should cover the literature carts/trolleys?
other charities like oxfam require insurance, i'm pretty sure, or a licence..
In our part of the world, the INDIVIDUAL witnesses had to get an insurance cover to man the carts.
The cong said it is not an official JW.org activity. It is something the individuals choose to do of their own volition, hence they are personally responsible legally. (yup right - and yet they HAVE to use the official carts and do it the specific way the Society dictates!)