I have given JW funeral talks. In fact I had to stand my ground and REFUSE a witness family from saying anything about their deceased love one!. It was ridiculous! Me, and overrighteous late 20's speaker telling the family that "It was not Jehovah's arrangement to allow Eulogys to take place! (If only I could have my time back and say sorry to them!)
I have been to many other JW funerals.
I have never truly cried or wept at a funeral, as this was not supposed to happen to us because we had the "kingdom hope", and were to be "dignified".
I went to a relative's funeral though as a 40 year old, and it was not the JW scripted event, and I LOST it crying! They played popular music that the deceased enjoyed, and people gave heartfelt comments. It was the most therapeutic thing ever! I truly felt like I had grieved in a healthy way!