Are they really being this BRAZEN??
The hypocrisy is mind blowing!
Beyond that, I'm speechless....(and as you all know...that doesn't often happen!)
this months broadcast is presented by losche and he discusses the need for trust in the fds.
the following is transcribed from the 12.30 mark.. satan also has the scheme to spread rumors about our brothers including the faithful slave.
the method of spreading rumors is not new.
Are they really being this BRAZEN??
The hypocrisy is mind blowing!
Beyond that, I'm speechless....(and as you all know...that doesn't often happen!)
hi everyone, this is my first post.
i studied the bible weekly with a wonderful jw.
i suddenly stopped because things just seemed to be getting stranger.
It all comes down to :
These are the main tactics of a high control religious group like JWs
charity is lacking from the house of god.
i remember reading once about some young pioneer sisters who needed emergency accommodation and where turn away from brooklyn because they weren’t special pioneers.
charity begins at home..
I worked and lived in Bethel for 5 years.
One job I was part of was the sorting out of all donated clothing. Many brothers and sisters in the congregations, out of the goodness of their hearts, would donate clothing (mostly used , some new) to Bethel.
I'm sure these ones thought they were doing a fine charitable thing by donating to those with less.
Let me tell you: MOST STUFF GOT THROWN in the bin! (some because it was unusable, but mostly because it was "out of fashion")
I objected once and said that we should contact a charity organization and let them have it all! I was told conclusively they we "DO NOT give to worldly organizations!"
So instead of helping the underprivileged, we filled huge bins with perfectly usable clothing each week...
So happy to se that this madness is getting more and more publicity!
The GB / Society is going to rue the day they ever produced videos.
Now the whole earth can see how bat-shit crazy they are!
so this week's midweek meeting video about stumbling others has lett spouting and gurning rubbish again.. if you can't take the whole 9 minutes go from 5:50 to get the context and 6:45 for the "beard" mention.. https://youtu.be/ezv1ici5cwo.
oh, well - at least they shoot themselves in the foot with this doublespeak.
Stumbled over Stubble??
The GB are really so stupid!
that was essentially my reply to a recent sms i got from the elder of the group i am supposed to be in, requesting a visit to encourage me and get to know me better.
my wife has been attending english language meetings in warsaw for the last year or so (i have never been) and i think they are getting antsy about where i stand.
i've met many of them at events my wife hosted at our house, but so far nobody has pressed me on the issue of my inactivity.. at one of the events, an elder mentioned that he'd heard i 'had been' a jw for many years and he was curious what first attracted me to the org.
Remember, The only power they have over is you that which you allow.
that was essentially my reply to a recent sms i got from the elder of the group i am supposed to be in, requesting a visit to encourage me and get to know me better.
my wife has been attending english language meetings in warsaw for the last year or so (i have never been) and i think they are getting antsy about where i stand.
i've met many of them at events my wife hosted at our house, but so far nobody has pressed me on the issue of my inactivity.. at one of the events, an elder mentioned that he'd heard i 'had been' a jw for many years and he was curious what first attracted me to the org.
Yes, great suggestions offered here.
Keep it as short and polite as possible. A comment that allows NO ROOM for a response from them is best.
"Thanks. Very kind of you, but not necessary. Take care"
it just took me by surprise.
i remember him from a decade or so ago.
he came up with gems like, “weddings are for women, they are not necessary.” also, “if you want to be truly happy, marry an ugly woman.”.
So sad...he was used up by the society (although he probably enjoyed the power trip or position he had).
Now he is cast aside by his "employer" to fend for himself...
the bible passage at luke 15 speaks about being a "sheep who is lost".
the shepherd looks for and brings the sheep back into the fold.. the passage at matthew 13 speaks about the righteous being like wheat - kept separate from the weeds.. but, there is an inherent problem with both passages!
for what reason are the sheep saved?
Further too, the passage at Matthew 13 speaks of the righteous being like "fish". The good fish are "saved". The bad "fish" are thrown back into the sea.
WHY are the good fish kept??
To be EATEN! Not exactly something the fish would be happy with!
the bible passage at luke 15 speaks about being a "sheep who is lost".
the shepherd looks for and brings the sheep back into the fold.. the passage at matthew 13 speaks about the righteous being like wheat - kept separate from the weeds.. but, there is an inherent problem with both passages!
for what reason are the sheep saved?
The bible passage at Luke 15 speaks about being a "Sheep who is lost". The shepherd looks for and brings the sheep back into the fold.
The passage at Matthew 13 speaks about the righteous being like Wheat - kept separate from the weeds.
BUT, there is an inherent problem with both passages! For what reason are the Sheep saved? For what reason is the Wheat kept separate? TO BE CONSUMED, EATEN OR USED by men!
The sheep is "saved" only to be exploited for wool - or worse yet - to be EATEN by men.
The Wheat is grown and kept apart from the weeds to be EATEN as food for men.
So, is it a good thing to be referred to as these things?
Just a thought...