How did I miss this thread before?!
I love words like "antiquity" or "historicity ". The way they are articulated and pronounced is very cool.
greetings, fellow lexophiles:.
last night, i watched a cool road movie, the trip, with steve coogan and rob brydon.
they were counseled by steve's dad to take an "anticlockwise" route home, rather than the clockwise one steve had proposed.
How did I miss this thread before?!
I love words like "antiquity" or "historicity ". The way they are articulated and pronounced is very cool.
i was informed by my jw father tonight that the reason i don't go to meetings is because "of a guilty conscious".
i just done an eye roll and walked away.
i just can't make this stuff up..
Oh yep! I've heard all of those, including "he must be ashamed for some sin" and "he just wants to pursue worldly materialism "
For all who have had such things like that said, be reassured that EXACTLY the same sorts of comments are said by ones who leave other faiths such as Mormons, Fundamentalist Christians and Muslims etc....
It is standard "high control cult speak 101"
many people like to boast about “jehovah being loving and impartial toward all”.
there are even scriptures that say words to that effect.. however, if we look at just his actual conduct and actions , and not accept the words supposedly written by his apologetic “bible writers”, the facts tell us something else!.
firstly, he chose one special nation and race of people.
Jesse Jackson?? Huh? Am I missing something there 'loveunihateexams'.?
the following quote from the july issue of awake is in turn a quote from a secular publication:.
“the more children seethat they are part of something larger than them-selves—a family, a school, a community—the morereadily they perform acts of kindness that benefiteveryone, not just themselves,” says the book par-enting without borders.. .
this is what will be offered out in the ministry, in an effort to portray jws as normal, but it couldn't be further from the truth as they deliberately try to remove themselves from local culture,including non-jw 'family, school and community'.. .
Brilliant thread and observation! Thanks for those quotes too!
i know we have all said it before, but it simply blows my mind that the jws doing cart work do not have bibles on the cart to give out to interested ones!.
how can they say they are "bible students" trying to share the "bibles message" and not give out bibles!?.
other christian groups take the commission to share the bible seriously!
Great point nonjwspouse! If hey really wanted to get their "superior" version of the bible out there, they would arrange for it to be included on those other bible apps!
But of course, that would open a whole can of worms for them..... can't be seen to be mixing with Christendom now....
many people like to boast about “jehovah being loving and impartial toward all”.
there are even scriptures that say words to that effect.. however, if we look at just his actual conduct and actions , and not accept the words supposedly written by his apologetic “bible writers”, the facts tell us something else!.
firstly, he chose one special nation and race of people.
Brilliant replies!
I also respect the right of others to play devils advocate and refute my rambling thoughts. Thank you drearyweather.
just had to share... a former friend of my wife's, has just left our house, unbeknown to us, her and her husband have been inactive for about a year and a half, they have pre teen boys too.
she reached out to my wife as she had heard that we were apostates etc and needed someone to talk to.. .
after her father dying she was in a bad place mentally and emotionally and reached out to her cong for support, apon receiving 0 she turned to the bible for comfort only in her raw emotional state to realize that jehovah was a murderous unfair god and then her wheels of rational reasoning started turning.. she questioned things and was outspoken about things and attracted elder attention... long story short she wanted to connect with a friendly ear and she splurged she's never going back, the bible is all bulls**t and it's a cult, despite not knowing most of ttatt we all shared experiences and watched her eyes boggle at (stuckinarut... the first euphoric high) the un scandal, beth sarim, ray franz, 607, arc.
What a "happifying" experience!
Surely, Jehovah must be speeding up the Good News of TTATT in these last days!
so, i have a guy that is emailing me after listening to my podcast series "this jw life" about my life story before, during, and after being a jw.
this guy happens to be an elder and pioneer serving where the need is greater.
i love this guy.
Agreed Doubtfull1799!
Great post Dubstepped! Thanks for sharing.
many people like to boast about “jehovah being loving and impartial toward all”.
there are even scriptures that say words to that effect.. however, if we look at just his actual conduct and actions , and not accept the words supposedly written by his apologetic “bible writers”, the facts tell us something else!.
firstly, he chose one special nation and race of people.
Many people like to boast about “Jehovah being loving and impartial toward all”
There are even scriptures that say words to that effect.
However, if we look at just his ACTUAL conduct and actions , and not accept the words supposedly written by his apologetic “Bible writers”, the facts tell us something else!
Firstly, he chose one special nation and race of people. He made it clear that they were unique, valuable and precious to him. He demanded that no foreigner be able to freely mix without them renouncing their heritage and culture.
He then went to great lengths to make his people feel entitled and superior to all other races and nationalities. Their laws and culture made it clear they were of a higher standing.
To reinforce this, massive genocidal wars were committed and celebrated- with the aim of ridding the world of those “awful” foreigners! It wasn’t a campaign to settle a difference, it was a campaign to wipe out their very being, genetic lineage and even the memory of them!
Fast forward to modern days:
If Jehovah’s Witnesses are the true religion of Jehovah, he obviously still dislikes many ethnic groups. This is evident by the fact that “the truth” has not been preached in many densely populated continents . Eg China, Africa etc. So they are not as worthy of life?
Clearly God loves white Anglo Saxon people or people in first world lands.
No point quoting scriptures to disprove this. After all, one’s works demonstrate their feelings....
Loving indeed! Ha!
i know we have all said it before, but it simply blows my mind that the jws doing cart work do not have bibles on the cart to give out to interested ones!.
how can they say they are "bible students" trying to share the "bibles message" and not give out bibles!?.
other christian groups take the commission to share the bible seriously!
I know punky ...I know....
But it really dilutes their claims about wanting to "share Gods word" when they are more concerned with $ rather than people's lives....
(now I know the bible is nothing except a collection of ancient ramblings, but JWs make it out to be THE ONLY WAY to draw close to God and survive...)
Its almost as if jws have the special relationship with god and do not want to share!