Very wise comments 'Ignotnito' and 'AudeSapare'
Thank you.
so as you all know, my wife and i are not officially df or da.. a small event happened this week that i have to share!.
a family that we were really close to (dinners and catch ups several times a month , go out socially often, play sport together, helped them through tough times, like uncle and aunty to their kids, etc).
the wife's father died.
Very wise comments 'Ignotnito' and 'AudeSapare'
Thank you.
a few threads recently made me think of how cruel jehovah's witnesses are in shunning around death.
i don't have much experience with death.
i lost my non-jw grandpa when i was 12 (?
Lovely thread Dubstepped!
Yes, the Society creates such a tragic dehumanising is truly emotionally toxic....
dear mr. putin - jehovah's witnesses write russia.
by tom harley.
in early 2017, jehovah’s witnesses were invited just once to write vladimir putin.
I certainly hope that this is not an apologetic book that praises the WT actions??
you might be a jehovah's witness if, to not feel guilty on saturday morning, you ride in a car with a group of adults driving in circles around town taking turns to get out one at a time to knock on a door that you hoped no one would answer.. you might be a jw if going on vacation meant going to a summer regional or district assembly where you did not need to pack shorts, tennis shoes, or tank tops.
you might be a jw if for lunch at the summer convention you and your family ate breakfast food from the holiday inn where you are staying for the summer assembly.. you might be a jw if the first thing that you think about when waking up in the morning is that it is meeting night.. you might be a jw if you introduce a person to another jw, not by the person's name by as my bible study.. you might be a jw if you don't celebrate christmas but will take the money from your employer to not come to work so that you can celebrate it..
If you see a bag and think "that would be a good field service bag"
how do jws (rank and file) know when to commence shunning the victim of an internal judicial proceeding ?
what direction does the elders manual give to start the congregations participation in shunning?
when did you most recently see this process initiated in a hall you attend?.
Yes, if someone is not DF or DA, but the elders deem them as dangerous, or feel the "flock should be safeguarded" from them, they will systematically and thoroughly ensure that an intense and deliberate character assassination takes place.
They will talk to every congregation member saying things like "its best that you have nothing to do with so and so. We can't say why, but trust us, as we know of things...."
That is called slander in most people's books. In JW land, that is called "elders protecting the flock"
so as you all know, my wife and i are not officially df or da.. a small event happened this week that i have to share!.
a family that we were really close to (dinners and catch ups several times a month , go out socially often, play sport together, helped them through tough times, like uncle and aunty to their kids, etc).
the wife's father died.
Thanks everyone for the replies.
This family are not even what would be called "spiritual giants" in the congregation.
The husband deliberately stays on the fringe. And yet, they have acted so over righteously!
Not true friends.
But , we rest easier with an honest heart for acting on our impulse to show kindness. $60 of wasted flowers, but a priceless attempt at kindness....and a priceless lesson learned.
it really amazes me when jws act like we are hurting them!.
many of us have found that if we stop associating with them for valid reasons, they act all upset and hurt that we would be "so cruel as to limit our association or cut them off".
i know of friends here on the forum who have been told by parents that they "will shun them if they leave jehovah" , and yet when the shoe is on the other foot and our awake friends shun them first, the parents cry and bemoan the situation and say how "cruel it is to deprive them of their company".
Beautifully expressed @Wake me!
Thanks for sharing something so raw and deep.
Please remember that you have ones here who "are sticking closer than a brother" .Prov 18:24
Yes, ones who are "100 fold like mothers and fathers" Matt 19:29
(Yeah WT, we can quote scriptures right back at ya...)
we urgently need to offer "resistance strategy" help to pimos who are likely to be harassed by elders seeking their consent for wtbt$ to leech their data.
what questions could pimos ask elders, that elders would be unable to answer?
(thus buying time, because elder would need to "check with branch").
Great thread!
Cant believe I missed it before.
Splash's comments were spot on!
he was basically a good man, just a believer in the religion.
when we were both elders we were best of friends and then things deteriorated when i was not an elder for a while.
then after becoming an elder again, i slowly drifted away from the religion and he drifted further away from me.
so sorry min!
it really amazes me when jws act like we are hurting them!.
many of us have found that if we stop associating with them for valid reasons, they act all upset and hurt that we would be "so cruel as to limit our association or cut them off".
i know of friends here on the forum who have been told by parents that they "will shun them if they leave jehovah" , and yet when the shoe is on the other foot and our awake friends shun them first, the parents cry and bemoan the situation and say how "cruel it is to deprive them of their company".
Calling out to "wake me up before you joho" to share her experience.....
It fits this subject perfectly: