The Cure- Just Like Heaven
Depeche Mode- Shake the Disease
New Order- Bizarre Love Triangle
i make no apologies for going on about the 80's again, its just that i've been having another nostalgia music session know dig out all your favourite tracks type thing..... i nominate........ duran duran union of the snake.
i reserve the right to change this though, with out warning......
The Cure- Just Like Heaven
Depeche Mode- Shake the Disease
New Order- Bizarre Love Triangle
well, i guess look around and see if it really did or not first.
then if it has i would roll in a ball and kiss my ass good bye.
but if has not i would laugh my ass of again.
Oh, according to my parents, in my monthly guilt phone call, Armageddon is right around the corner. Sign of the Times, blah blah blah. When 9-11 happened, my mom said that it was just a sign that the end was near, and that we had to rejoice that Paradise was surely right around the corner. (Of course, with that, I was told I'd better start going back to meetings, or else I was going to die, too) She did not show any sort of feelings for the thousands of people that died, only felt bad for the few witnesses that died...but that's okay too, since they'll be resurrected. That was one of the final straws for me. Normally, I sit and listen to her go on and on about the "truth", and smile and nod...but, to not show compassion for 9-11....I can't deal with that.
I have friends in Manhattan that were there...they can't even talk about it. I sat and cried for WEEKS, watching the coverage on TV. How could that NOT affect you? I don't understand the witness way of thinking. You should NOT rejoice at thousands of innocent people dying, no matter if you think it's a precurser for "GREAT TIMES IN PARADISE".
something happened the other night that got me thinking.
i met a christian in one of the local malls and he did the usual preaching about jesus routine, trying to convince me that i am a sinner and how i need jesus and all that jazz.
he wasn't a jw, but rather he was from one of the local revivalist churches.. now what i'm thinking is that i've been out of the org for almost three years now.
I've been out around 10 years. In that time, I've only been called on twice, and that is because my father called the local elders of whichever town I was living, and had them come do a "shepherding" call on me. The last set of elders that did this would not take no for an answer, and tried to push thier way in. Yeah, that didn't go over well.
I have NEVER gotten called on by any regular publishers, in any of the places I've lived. I never see anybody that looks like they might be a witness (all dressed up in bad suits) around town on Saturday mornings, either.
do you have your own way of saying things, your own words for describing things?
for example, i don't say alzheimer disease, i say old timers disease.
why not, usually only old people get that.
Thanks for the clarification.
I KNOW what i'm saying is chest of drawers. Thanks, I did have SOME education.
I'm only saying that most people think it's funny I call them that, instead of Dresser Drawers.
Luna of the I DID to to school class.
do you have your own way of saying things, your own words for describing things?
for example, i don't say alzheimer disease, i say old timers disease.
why not, usually only old people get that.
Chestadrawer instead of dresser drawer. I don't know where it came from, but that's what I always call them, and I get ridiculed.
Also, i'm now programmed to say "soda" when I ask for a coke, pepsi, whatever. I grew up calling it "pop", but apparently that is not allowed in California.
I know there are other things I say that come out wrong sometimes....My parents watched PBS (thus, BBC shows) all the time when i was little, so I tend to call things by the British name. It's pathetic, really. I even started spelling things all proper english in school. (glamour, theatre, etc.)
I really need a life.
i can handle any other bug, snakes, mice, etc....but get me near a spider, and i nearly have a breakdown.. this morning, i went to grab some clothes from the bathroom to wash, felt something crawling on my arm, looked down, giant, hairy, brown spider.
i still have the heebie-jeebies, and i probably woke up the neighbors.. *shudder*.
WHY on earth would ANYONE want to eat at one of those places??!!
Too many bodily fluids around, thank you.
i can handle any other bug, snakes, mice, etc....but get me near a spider, and i nearly have a breakdown.. this morning, i went to grab some clothes from the bathroom to wash, felt something crawling on my arm, looked down, giant, hairy, brown spider.
i still have the heebie-jeebies, and i probably woke up the neighbors.. *shudder*.
You wouldn't last a day in my house. The cats are ALWAYS bringing in mice. Little Luna has to save them, because I can't bear to see them killed, so i'm always picking them up and letting them back outside. I think you'd have a heart attack if you witnessed that.
I'm with you!! These are the spiders that are currently taking over our house, yard, barn, etc. They're DISGUSTING, and wicked fast:
we've had so much of the gorgeous women, so who would be the world's most gorgeous man in your view?
Not impressed....
How about:
mmm....manly, sword bearing, horse riding men! (with dark hair and light eyes.)
i can handle any other bug, snakes, mice, etc....but get me near a spider, and i nearly have a breakdown.. this morning, i went to grab some clothes from the bathroom to wash, felt something crawling on my arm, looked down, giant, hairy, brown spider.
i still have the heebie-jeebies, and i probably woke up the neighbors.. *shudder*.
Me? SPIDERS!!! I can handle any other bug, snakes, mice, etc....but get me near a spider, and I nearly have a breakdown.
This morning, I went to grab some clothes from the bathroom to wash, felt something crawling on my arm, looked down, GIANT, hairy, brown spider. I still have the heebie-jeebies, and I probably woke up the neighbors.
So, what are your guy's worst phobia?
we've had so much of the gorgeous women, so who would be the world's most gorgeous man in your view?
I'm sorry, i thought this was the most gorgeous MAN forum, not most gorgeous WOMAN! I humbly offer my apologies, because johnny is, hands down, the most gorgeous woman.
*goes into witness protection program*