Rather have the depressing, "my life sucks worse than yours" music, than the happy, bubbly music.
i make no apologies for going on about the 80's again, its just that i've been having another nostalgia music session know dig out all your favourite tracks type thing..... i nominate........ duran duran union of the snake.
i reserve the right to change this though, with out warning......
Rather have the depressing, "my life sucks worse than yours" music, than the happy, bubbly music.
i make no apologies for going on about the 80's again, its just that i've been having another nostalgia music session know dig out all your favourite tracks type thing..... i nominate........ duran duran union of the snake.
i reserve the right to change this though, with out warning......
I'm jealous also!! And rainy PORTLAND nights? I bet i've run across you. I grew up there.
i make no apologies for going on about the 80's again, its just that i've been having another nostalgia music session know dig out all your favourite tracks type thing..... i nominate........ duran duran union of the snake.
i reserve the right to change this though, with out warning......
YAZ! Yay!
Another person that knows Yaz! (or Yazoo, to you, probably)
"Only You"....great song.
i make no apologies for going on about the 80's again, its just that i've been having another nostalgia music session know dig out all your favourite tracks type thing..... i nominate........ duran duran union of the snake.
i reserve the right to change this though, with out warning......
Johnny Marr is very talented, yes. I didn't know he played w/ The The for a bit...i'll have to check it out.
No happy music, eh Cas? So....Erasure is out, hmm?
i make no apologies for going on about the 80's again, its just that i've been having another nostalgia music session know dig out all your favourite tracks type thing..... i nominate........ duran duran union of the snake.
i reserve the right to change this though, with out warning......
wow.....I was just discussing The Smiths with a coworker a couple weeks ago, and he asked me what my favorite song by them was.
My answer ? "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now".
I also, like pretty much all the songs on "The Queen is Dead".
Morrissey's solo albums were okay....but, gotta always like the Smiths better.
i make no apologies for going on about the 80's again, its just that i've been having another nostalgia music session know dig out all your favourite tracks type thing..... i nominate........ duran duran union of the snake.
i reserve the right to change this though, with out warning......
Like all those bands, had albums for all except Genesis.....not a huge fan, but i can stand them.
I have to admit i liked Wham, too.....I don't admit that to many people. :)
Go kick the Postman.
i can't stand the guy or his songs.
his voice is grating.
what's worse, my local radio station plays one of his songs like every 15 minutes, and every other station is either country or classical music.
John Mayer tried to be Dave Matthews, and does not come anywhere close.
i make no apologies for going on about the 80's again, its just that i've been having another nostalgia music session know dig out all your favourite tracks type thing..... i nominate........ duran duran union of the snake.
i reserve the right to change this though, with out warning......
Here's the REAL test.....
How do you feel about Depeche Mode, Cas?
i make no apologies for going on about the 80's again, its just that i've been having another nostalgia music session know dig out all your favourite tracks type thing..... i nominate........ duran duran union of the snake.
i reserve the right to change this though, with out warning......
Okay...LOVE the Smiths, Caspian!
Morrissey can never be happy about anything.
I loved all that depressing 80's music....Wait....what am I saying...i STILL do!
i always get a kick out of how the jws will reserve an entire bowling alley to keep out of the house on oct 31. are any of you going down to your local bowling alley on halloween dressed in your jw costume?
I can honestly say, i've never heard of the bowling thing. Maybe that didn't happen in my neck of the woods. However, on Xmas day, all the good little dubbies would go up to the mountain, and pretty much take it over to go skiing. Everywhere you looked....witnesses.