I've read it.
And you're right....Scotland Yard does agree w/ her findings, and told her that if it had happened today, based on her findings, they'd have enough evidence for trial.
Walter Sikert's stuff IS creepy, and he did a Camden Murder Series of paintings of women being killed. There's a lot of pictures of his work in the book, as well as pictures of the victims. If you set them side by side, the resemblence is pretty creepy. Cornwall said something about every artist painting what they know, and some of the faces, positions, and even the bed frames of his paintings, match the murder scenes and the victims.
They did test the Mitochondrial DNA, and they couldn't get a conclusive match, due to the ages of the specimens, but they got a definate DNA profile, and it seems to match up. She put the DNA charts in the book as well. Also, some samples of the ripper letters and some letters that Sickert had written. They have the same little scribbled drawings on them, as well as a lot of the ripper letters have little clues that seem to point to Sickert. Like most killers, he seems to have left a calling card on a lot of them. THere are his initials, he signs some of them w/ names of parts he'd played when he was an actor, etc. Also, a lot of the paper has the same watermarks, and were from the same batch of like 120 sheets. (yes, she had this tested).
It's pretty compelling, and I tend to go along w/ her findings. I think she finally figured it out.