"accurate knowledge"? (Only an oxymoron within WTBTS)
JoinedPosts by gaiagirl
And the biggest WTBS oxymoron isÂ…
by zagor inin my opinion it is a current truth.
ive never heard of such term elsewhere.
the funny thing is you never really know when an old truth stops being current and becomes a new lie.. .
"The Magdalene Sisters" comes to mind.
Eve's story
by Ellie inafter three weeks in the garden of eden, god came to visit eve.
" inquired god.
"it is all so beautiful, god," she replied.
It also agrees somewhat more closely with biology, i.e. every human being begins as a female, and ONLY if certain hormones are present do the organs develop into male organs.
American History on outline on Salem
by MsMcDucket inmy youngest had to write this outline for history.. i. the men and women of .
the townspeople in believed in witches.
One small correction should be made: No one in Salem was burned, hanging was the preferred method of execution for the Puritans. Many accused of witchcraft in Europe, however, were burned.
Christmas Eve, what are you doing tonight?
by JH in.
i might go over to my parents for a few hours, have dinner there, then come back here at my apartment in the evening and have a few beers and chips while i post.. i bought a christmas present for my cat...... new brand of high quality cat food which she tried and she loves..... http://www.royalcanin.ca/products/fn/indoor/mature_en.php.
Dinner consisting of pizza and Zima, followed by a special screening of "Bad(der) Santa" : )
The fear of "spontaneous sex"
by free2beme inwhen i was young and single and a witness.
i remember often the fear older people had of putting young people together alone.
not just for dating, but even leaving them in a car while an older couple went to a return visit.
Once a date took me to a movie (he picked me up and we rode alone in his car), where we met four or five other witnesses waiting outside the theatre to buy tickets. We had been talking about seeing one particular film, and I decided that it would be fun to watch a different movie instead, so we just stepped sideways to the back of the next line over. When the other witnesses saw that we were going to a different movie...by ourselves...they ALL changed lines, bought tickets for the film we were seeing, and followed us into the theatre, where they sat with us. I suppose they thought we might become intimate if we were the only witnesses in a dark room full of worldly people.
Welcome To Paradise
by fairchild inglen never came back after his last vacation.
however, the sign read closed until 9pm.
the waitress caught us on our way out the door.
That DOES read like a story idea for a dystopian "1984" type film. I suggest that the two leads be played by Scarlett Johannsen and Ewan McGregor, the two actors who were in "The Island" (but others might be acceptable).
The best Christmas Gift for an active JW!
by LDH infriends, (in the true sense, not the jw sense) we all know that the publishing company known as the wbts churns out crap like there's no tomorrow.. part of their motive is to keep jws feeling as though they are not keeping up with god's celestial chariot (tm) if they are not current on all jw literature.. perhaps someone could quote where jw are discouraged from reading 'worldly' literature because surely jehoober has provided the most important reading material through his faithful and discreet slave!
so what i'm thinking is, get a jw a christmas gift.
you can even placate them by giving it to them this week or next week and telling them condescendingly, you know they don't celebrate, but this 'really isn't a christmas gift.
I read that one, and enjoyed it. Others which I also enjoyed include "Cosmos" (and many others) by Carl Sagan, "Seven Daughters of Eve" by Bryan Sykes, "Atlantis" by Charles Pellegrino, "Noahs Flood" by Ryan and Pitman, "Wonderful Life" by Stephen Jay Gould, "The Red Chair" by Anita Diamant, and "The Chalice and the Blade" by Riane Eisler. Any of these titles will greatly expand the readers perspective of the world.
Post questions a study should ask before joining the Org.
by JH in.
what questions should a study ask before joining the jw org?
Have any teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses ever been changed because earlier beliefs were found to be incorrect? If so, how can you be sure you have the truth NOW?
Did Jesus have dreadlocks?
by MsMcDucket inhttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v289/milkshakesrtasti/dreadlocks.jpg .
did jesus (yah'shuah) have dreadlocks?
today, many who have dreadlocks as a casual hairstyle know very little about the origins of dreadlocks.
Perhaps he wore his hair like Sideshow Bob on the Simpsons?