One sister in my old KH claimed that while her husband was out of town working, "something" sat on the bed and touched her in a way similar to her husband. She decided that she had attracted demons by means of an Eagles Greatest Hits album, which featured a bird skull on the cover.
JoinedPosts by gaiagirl
Any Dubs in your Hall that were puportedly "Demonized"?
by Sailor Ripley inwe had a whole family that moved into our congo when i was about 10. they had kids from 6 to 16-years-old.
there was always talk of their beds spinning and shoes floating, et cetera.
they lived in a literal shack so i didn't want to go there to spend the night, but i always wanted to go and "check it out" to see some fireworks.
What is your fav JW joke and/or skit
by looking_glass inmine is - .
skit - snl's land shark skit, where they say "jehovah's witness".
joke - chris rock - "when i was growing up i thought that the jw's were the meanest toughest gang in the world, because every time my family saw them coming down the street, my parents would say 'run hide, its the jehovah's witnesses' and we would all hit the floor.
I believe Garrison Keillor once told a joke on Prairie Home Companion, asking what do you get when you cross a Jehovahs Witness with a Unitarian Universalist? Answer: Someone who knocks on your door for no apparant reason.
How Long Would They Last Without The Society?
by ThomasCovenant infollowing on a little from 2 topics (xjw critical mass) and (the real reason jw's don't accept blood) sorry but don't know how to show the links, i got to thinking: .
if the society were to finish publishing and closed down because of say bankruptcy from lawsuits, how long do you think the worldwide brotherhood would last?.
i feel this is a good question to ask those still in.would they still worship jehovah without the rigmarole of 5 meetings, personal study and preaching work and the monthly kingdom ministry and other regular literature.
When the Romans withdrew from Britain, the absence of centralized government caused the country to fracture into a large number of small kingdoms. I imagine that, without the "Pax Societa" the "brotherhood" would disintegrate into a bunch of small congregations, or possibly groups of congregations, all with varying teachings, and all claiming to be the "rightful" heirs to the title Jehovahs Witnesses.
how to make a new creation story?
by pallemar ini'm having a debate, with some mand, who claims, the creation story(genesis 1 ) is perfekt!
in the bibel, and cound't be better .
well i wanna disprof him:) he he!
I found several books which present a good alternative to the Genesis account. All are based on what science has revealed about the natural world. The first is "Earth Story", by Eric Maddern, with illustrations by Leo Duff. This is a childrens book, covering events from the Big Bang up to the beginning of biological life. The second is "The Universe Story", by Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry. This is written for adult readers. "Micro-Cosmos" by Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan is similar, and also very good. Finally, "The Ages of Gaia" by James Lovelock presents the same story from the perspective of Earth as a super-organism which is herself evolving over time. All of these last three include the evolution of biological life in their accounts. You can probably find them by searching on Amazon or Alibris.
What impact did the internet have on your decision to leave the JW's?
by JH in.
on another thread, a co says that sites like these don't have much impact on their numbers.. personally i didn't leave because of this site or any other xjw site.. i was unhappy and felt that something was wrong and this site confirmed what i felt.. how about you?
For myself, the internet had no influence at all. I was already inactive and determined never to go back before I purchased my first computer. However, information learned on the internet certainly confirmed that I had made the correct decision.
What Are Unwritten Rules & Understandings That "Good" JWs Will Adhere To?
by minimus injt, made a very good point in a different thread regarding how witnesses follow unwritten rules and understandings.
for example, a witness may shun you----even though you're not disfellowshipped or disassociated.
because they know you're leading an immoral life or that you smoke.
Children should sit with parents. Teens of opposite gender never sit together unless they are dating and pursuing marriage.
Life did not arise from 'non living matter?'
by Gill inseptember's awake mag, discusses evolution.. on page 20 it makes the claim that' (the bible), does not support the idea that life arose from nonliving matter or that god started off the process of evolution with a single cell.'.
however, if i remember the account of creation in genesis, god created adam from the 'dust of the ground'.
am i mistaken here, or could the wtbts be confused?
I view matter, any matter, as alive in one sense or another, even if only on an atomic or sub-atomic level. If there is activity on any level, and if it can interact with other matter, then I view it as alive. So, I have no difficulty in considering biological life arising from electro-chemical interactions. Biological life is simply a more complex form of electro-chemistry.
Mom just told she would dime me out and get me disfellowshipped
by What-A-Coincidence inmy momma walked in caught me dozing and she saw what was on my desk ... a bottle of coffee liqueur.. she said if i get drunk she would talk to the elders and have me disfellowshipped.
you would do me that favor???
i didn't say that but i thought it.. .
I'd hate to think of your moms reaction if you'd had a bottle of, say, ZIMA on your desk! : )
Graduate students or ex-grad students on this board?
by silentWatcher inhey, .
are there any current or ex-graduate students (hopefully graduated :0) on the board?
professional degrees (law, medicine, etc) count too.
I have a Masters degree in Earth/Environmental Science, and have taught college level geology courses. My thesis was a crystal structure study of some layered phyllosilicates at high temperatures.
The Mayan Calander Ends 2012 December
by frankiespeakin inhave any on this board read into this subject?
A great many pre-Christian cultures viewed time as a cyclical, not linear. So, if the Mayan calendar does end in 2012, it simply starts over again on the next day, in exactly the same way that on a Christian calendar, a year ends on Dec 31, then a new one begins on Jan 1, without anything out of the ordinary happening. The problem is that Christians tend to think of time as linear, with a definite beginning, and end. So thinking in terms of a possible "end of time", and looking at a Mayan calendar leads to conclusions not intended by the Mayan creators of that particular calendar.