I'd say that anyone who was once a JW and has left the organization and begun a life outside has been born again. The five points which you mention are dogmas, and every church, and possibly every individual, will have their own take on each one of those points.
My take would be something like:
1) Give what you can, and only if you are SURE the money is being used for good cause. A certain percentage mandated by the church does not allow for peoples individual circumstances. It's like WTBTS mandating a certain number of hours service each month.
2) Once saved, always saved? So if a person becomes saved, then begins a life of crime, they are still saved? Sorry, this belief is a logical fallacy.
3) There will NEVER be a rapture. This is the born-again equivalent of the WTBTS carrot-on-a-stick "new system of things", a false hope to encourage people to obey the dictates of the church. Paul, Peter, and other first century Christians MAY have actually believed it would happen to them, however we KNOW that it did not, that they died just like the unbelievers of their time.
4) The tribulation was written about AFTER the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, expressing the hopes, by early Christians who still considered themselves as Jews, only with a Messiah, that they were STILL Gods chosen people. There will NEVER be a tribulation brought upon the Earth by a God who is defined as "Love". Blaming earthly problems on God is failing to take responsibility. Humans create problems, and are capable of solving them.
5) Christ is dead, just like Moses, Buddah, Mohammed, Ghandi, and other noteworthy men. He is recorded as saying (although this may have been added by a later writer) he would return WHILE those first Christians were still alive. We know this did not happen. Another carrot-on-a-stick.