hmmm...."A Fade in Time can save Your Life."
JoinedPosts by gaiagirl
Try Apostate proverbs
by frenchbabyface in.
sorry i didn't find any by now .
but i though that with the bunch of jokers you are it might be fun to try !!!
Is anyone on this forum disfellowshipped?
by Kimmee inand if you are do you care to tell why you are disfellowshipped?
for those who were not what prevented you from being disfellowshipped?
curious minds want to know.
I'm neither disfellowshipped, nor disassociated. I just faded, then moved to another city to attend college. Some called and even visited, expressing concern about my meeting attendance prior to moving, and some friendly people in the congregation even held a 'moving away' party (get-together?) just before I left. When I reached my new residence almost 2000 miles away, I had the local congregation there send for my publishers card. They also made a couple of shepherding calls, however I simply told them I didn't have time anymore, which is still true today.
Who Is The Most Beautiful Woman or Man In The World???
by minimus inpictures would be nice, too.
Most handsome man? I go with either Hugh Jackman, Brad Pitt (he was lucious in 'Troy'), or George Clooney. Most beautiful woman? Michelle Pfieffer or Claudia Schiffer.
If You Could Rename Jehovah's Witnesses What Would You Call 'em?
by Incense_and_Peppermints ini chose "the society of smoke and mirrors" or "the fuzzy logicians".
but the best one is "the blindfaithians".
How about the "Jah'liban"? Also, regarding congregations being couseled to lie, I clearly remember service meeting parts on which stories were given about JW's in Nazi Germany who were hiding bibles and WT literature, etc in their homes. When asked by German soldiers if they had any of such, they said "NO". How is this not a lie? Further, on other service meeting parts, the example of Rahab (who concealed the Israelite spies, then lied about it to the men of the city who were there searching for those same spies, and led to the overthrow of Jericho) was often held up as an example of how sometimes it WAS good to lie. There was a term used to describe such a situation, get this...a THEOCRATIC LIE! Anyone who doesn't view the WTBTS as liars is either ignorant of the facts, or a liar themself.
If You Could Rename Jehovah's Witnesses What Would You Call 'em?
by Incense_and_Peppermints ini chose "the society of smoke and mirrors" or "the fuzzy logicians".
but the best one is "the blindfaithians".
How about the "Jah'liban"? Also, regarding congregations being couseled to lie, I clearly remember service meeting parts on which stories were given about JW's in Nazi Germany who were hiding bibles and WT literature, etc in their homes. When asked by German soldiers if they had any of such, they said "NO". How is this not a lie? Further, on other service meeting parts, the example of Rahab (who concealed the Israelite spies, then lied about it to the men of the city who were there searching for those same spies, and led to the overthrow of Jericho) was often held up as an example of how sometimes it WAS good to lie. There was a term used to describe such a situation, get this...a THEOCRATIC LIE! Anyone who doesn't view the WTBTS as liars is either ignorant of the facts, or a liar themself.
Why do witnesses HAVE to use only hotels on the list for the conventions?
by truthseeker in.
does anyone know the answer to this?.
a while back i read that the society gets free rooms for its convention speakers if they agree to fill so many rooms in a hotel with dubs, but is there anything more involved?.
As I used to understand, the Society would attempt to negotiate cheaper rooms for those attending by guaranteeing hotel management that the hotel would be filled to capacity during the convention. Families who stayed at hotels which had not 'cooperated' by granting lower rates were seen as 'undermining' their efforts. I suppose if families paid less for hotel rooms, they had more left over to 'contribute'.
The Best and the Worst in Entertainment 2004
by Swan inhere are my picks for the best and the worst.
keep in mind i haven't seen every movie, tv show, or video game:.
I'd agree that the best new movie overall was probably 'Return of the King', although there were several others that I enjoyed a lot, including 'Lost In Translation', 'Spiderman 2', 'Hidalgo', 'Hellboy'. Best new show for me would be 'Arrested Development', followed by 'Joey', I hope both are allowed to remain on air long enough to develop an audience. 'Desperate Housewives' is also good, but it doesn't make me laugh nearly so much. Worst shows would be the 'Simple Life' shows, followed by 'Fear Factor'. Best Game I played was 'Uru-Path of the Shell', although I admit I didn't get into it as much as earlier Myst games such as 'Riven'. Still, the visual and audio qualities were simply outstanding. For me, worst personality would go to Scott Peterson, hands down. The Janet Jackson incident was kind of inconsequential.
Humans on other planets
by Truth2Me inthrough research over the years, it seems to me that aliens do exist, and even it some of the alien abductions are "demonic" or "ginn activity" as many claim, there are still many tales of humanoid beings from other planets that have been seen on earth.
this is something i've struggle with for years, because jw and mainstream christians alike write it all off as demonic etc.
anyone have thoughts on reconciling belief in god with aliens, even humans on other planets?
There are, without doubt, planets which would support human life. However, even on this planet, humans were absent for more than 99.99999% of the time the planet has existed, or even of the time that life has existed here. There is no particular reason why life, even intelligent life, would evolve into something very much like us on another planet, but it is possible that it could do so. The best movie I've ever seen involving life on other worlds is "Cosmos". I'd also give a good mention to "Mission to Mars".
Who do you Worship now?
by Dmac injesus?, a "saint"?
one of the many pagan gods?
or satan himself?.
Dmac, you are presenting what is known as a false dichotomy, i.e. the idea that there are ONLY two choices, in this case, Jehovah or Satan, as stated in your first post. This is a common debating tactic, an attempt to force an agreement by presenting your own preference contrasted with a very negative choice. This would be similar to saying "Which candidate did you favor in the election, John Kerry or Satan?", in other words, making the implicit or explicit comparison between all possible positions (other than your own), and Satan. Another person might have phrased the choices as "George W Bush or Satan". Tell us more about yourself. Are you also a newbie in the WTBTS? In time, you may come to realize that you aren't actually worshipping Jehovah so much as the organization, as independent thinking is not just frowned upon, it is completely forbidden. The WTBTS tells you exactly HOW to worship, with no room for your own interpretation. You might benefit greatly by going to a library and doing some research on the history of the WTBTS, and on the Bible books, especially when they were actually written, by whom, and, very importantly, when the selection for inclusion in the canon was made, and by whom.
Anyone practice yoga?
by seawolf ini've been looking into starting yoga.
i hear it's good for relieving stress and things like that.
i'm curious as to the results others have had while practicing yoga.
A lot of health problems in older people stem from a loss of flexibility. However, it isn't just older people who can benefit from yoga. The excercises do relieve a lot of tension, some of which you may not even be aware of. As you progress, your increased flexibility will make you feel better in any activity, whether hiking on a mountain trail, or just finding a comfortable position in a chair. I do a lot of aerobic excercises, and yoga helps me to move more fluidly, maintain better balance, etc. I recommend it.