So, who?. Jesus?, a "Saint"? one of the many Pagan Gods? or Satan himself?. Or don't you worship any god? I think it would be intersting to see who has your attention, Well in all cases above Satan would have your attention but i just want to see how. I heard of a few who grew up as Witnesses but are now Satanists.
Who do you Worship now?
by Dmac 29 Replies latest jw friends
I bet you have heard of a few who ate their own babies too.
Don't believe everything you are told or you read, especially in the WT publications.
You will hear all sorts of horror stories about ex witnesses, almost all untrue.
There are plenty of true horror stories about those who ARE witnesses, I have a feeling you won't hear
any of those though, at least not in the Kingdom Hall.
As for your question, I don't worship anything or anyone, why should I? -
Actually the story of the witness turn satanist was on the channell nine news! and he was on the tv too.
Why should you? well since you don't worship Jehovah it dosen't matter, Before i came to Jehovah i worshipped the god of good luck, i had everything i wanted, girls money.. everything but I realised it was wrong and turned to Jehovah then i lost all that, i am now poor and have very little materially, but i am rich spiritually. And i have never been happier.
Dmac, you'd be surprised how many still worship Jehovah, but without the manmade rules enforced by the Watchtower. Read the bible without the Watchtower and see for yourself what it really is about.
By the way, I'm not disfellowshipped and I go to the meetings regularly. I read the bible a lot, but I am agnostic. An agnostic Jehovah's Witness if you want. -
Do you believe everything they say on TV about Jehovah's Witnesses, Dmac?
Why would you believe everything they say about non- or not-anymore Jehovah's Witnesses? -
Dmac, you are presenting what is known as a false dichotomy, i.e. the idea that there are ONLY two choices, in this case, Jehovah or Satan, as stated in your first post. This is a common debating tactic, an attempt to force an agreement by presenting your own preference contrasted with a very negative choice. This would be similar to saying "Which candidate did you favor in the election, John Kerry or Satan?", in other words, making the implicit or explicit comparison between all possible positions (other than your own), and Satan. Another person might have phrased the choices as "George W Bush or Satan". Tell us more about yourself. Are you also a newbie in the WTBTS? In time, you may come to realize that you aren't actually worshipping Jehovah so much as the organization, as independent thinking is not just frowned upon, it is completely forbidden. The WTBTS tells you exactly HOW to worship, with no room for your own interpretation. You might benefit greatly by going to a library and doing some research on the history of the WTBTS, and on the Bible books, especially when they were actually written, by whom, and, very importantly, when the selection for inclusion in the canon was made, and by whom.
new light
Dmac, welcome to the forum. You say you've never been happier, and I completely understand. I returned to the fold at 25 after ten years of hating the religion and living a life of selfish pleasure seeking. When I gave that up, I became the happiest lonely guy you've ever seen (I was DFed and gave up my worldly friends but still couldn't talk to any JWs). I was reinstated within a few months because I was 100% sincere in my repentance and studied and attended every meeting. It is a wonderful feeling to gain mastery over your sinful nature, I know.
Let me say this: the good feelings you are now experiencing are due to your own efforts. You are the one who cultivated self-control. The Bible may have inspired you, but you did all the work, and your happiness is the reward. This feeling is in no way dependant on being in some man-made organization, especially one as deceitful as the WTBTS. Don't believe me? Try this. Continue living your life in as pure a state as you have been, but without the shackles of the WT philosophy and see how much happier you become. Not ready yet? I understand. If you continue on the path of true spiritual growth that it sounds like you are on, you will eventually outgrow the JWs. For those with the truest spiritual heart, the JW faith is merely a stepping stone on the walk of life.
City Fan
I've never been happier since coming to realise that Jehovah was an ancient myth and doesn't exist. Since leaving the JWs I've met true friends and discovered what spirituality really means.
Happy New Year!
Welcome to the forum Dmac!
Glad you made it here.
I realised a few years ago that the society was controlling me and my spirituality. For instance, I *had* to attend meetings, because they said so. I *had* to wear a skirt to meetings, because they said so. There was a long list of things which I was not allowed to do, and a very long list of things I must do, but 99% of this list was not based upon the bible.
I know you'll say that this was for my protection. You may say that it was based on "bible principles". The thing is, they told me that Jesus wasn't my mediator (he is only the mediator for the 144,000). They told me that accepting blood fractions was a conscience matter, but whole blood was forbidden (this wasn't IMHO, abstaining from blood at ALL, it was just another one of their manmade rules). Cutting a very long story short, when I looked into their history, I realised the horrid deceptions they have used over the years. I realised that people have died because they didn't accept organ transplants (they forbade them for a few years, saying they were cannibalism, check your CDROM for articles in the 1950s). People were hurt in many many ways by the society's control over them.
When Jesus inspected in 1919, he saw an earthly organisation who were deceptive, who practised paganism, who lied, who uttered false prophysey. That made them just like all the other religions of the day.
In the end I realised that spirituality is not listening to 12 old men in the USA. Spirituality is a personal relationship with God, where we decide personally what conduct is right and acceptable. No man can tell you that you don't have Jesus as a mediator! How dare they.
So now I believe in God, in a very different way than before. It has taken me five years, but now I feel more spiritual than I EVER did as a JW.
Please release yourself from the bonds that the organisation has placed upon you. Consider each "rule" and whether it really is biblical. Consider the deceptions of the WTS over the years, and whether you can believe what they tell you now.
OUT and about
Sorry to dissapoint you all but i am only here to "make a reply" to the one who is taunting me, I will not get mixed up in your beliefs and disbeliefs, you can not eat at the table of God and the Demons. its one or the other. You may like demonic food but i find utter distaste in it. Thats why I deleted most of your messages on my guestbook because they were unfit for others to read. I gave up my life for Jehovah, i'm not going to give up my soul for satan!
Gee, Dmac . I understood the logic of your wanting to "make a reply." I even admired you for it. You stood up for your beliefs without loosing your cool. But now you are posting new topics? I think that we demon inspired ones have now got you right where we want you . Seriously, though. You are merely fanning the flames by continuing to stay here. Don't think I'm trying to discourage you from posting or lurking. Of course you will lurk, as someone said yesterday. That is a given. But you have contradicted at least one of your earlier statements by posting new topic. And as far as comparing your inteligence to another poster:
I understand more than an ex-Elder could?? damn i must be smart!
Well, it seems you have indeed lost your cool. More than this, you are playing on their level, one you profess to be superior to. It makes your arguments seriously lacking in credibility. I wish you the best in your endevors, and will forsake trying to preach my beliefs to you. Been there, done that. Regards, Will