There are so many problems with the Genesis account: Were plants created BEFORE humans, or AFTER humans? Genesis chapter 1 contradicts Genesis chapter 2. When Cain was banished, he worried that other people would want to kill him. WHAT other people? He was the first child born to Adam and Eve. Even assuming Eve continued to bear children every year as Cain grew to adulthood, how many people could there possibly be in the world at this time? And wouldn't they all know Cain personally as a close family member? Which of these people was Cains wife? Did he marry her before being banished, or only after moving out?
JoinedPosts by gaiagirl
Christian Fundamentalists and Adam and Eve
by glitter inhow do people who believe a "day" of creation is a literal 24-hour day ("because the plants would have died") get around adam and eve not dying the same literal 24-hour day as eating from the tree?
jws say that the "day" didn't equal 24 hours and that adam died within a thousand years and a day=1000 years.... but then you have the plants with no light!
it's almost like it's made up or something!
Brainstorming Ideas for brutally destroying your WT publications
by Nosferatu inokay, there were a few good ways for destroying your old publications in my other thread (the colt 45 was great) and of course there's the usual burnings.. let's brainstorm some creative ways for taking your anger out on these publications so the newbies can have some fun!.
- tape porn over your wt videos and return it to the wts telling them it's defective (okay, that's not destroying it, but it's fun!).
- take your wt tapes and videos with you on a trip down the highway.
Regarding burning books, a t-shirt and bumpersticker comes to mind which reads "First they burn books, then they burn people". Like most members of this forum, I feel that JW's are completely wrong in their teaching, and that they are hypocrites when they claim to follow the teachings of Jesus as well. Most of the members of non-christian beliefs follow the teachings of Jesus better than do JW's. However, they do have a right to their beliefs, even if ignorant and/or erroneous. Some of these comments make me think the literature is a surrogate for JW's themselves. I just gave away my library of bound volumes, sold the thick "Aid Book" and newer two volume replacement (already forgot the name, HA!) at a used book store (got a surprisingly high price for it as well), and discarded the remainder. For me, the best revenge is a recovered happy life.
Is religion the real reason for many wars?
by Pole ina lot of posters on this board have expressed the opinion that religion is the reason for many wars.
some have even implied that if religion was "banned" the number of wars would be reduced.
pole .
In the Bible account, many of the wars mentioned were at least justified on religious grounds. The actual reason for a war may be something basic such as resources (someone elses land, or perhaps their petroleum). However, it is easier to muster support for a war if the "other side" is dehumanized in some manner, and a religious difference has been found to work very well. In the Bible accounts, when the nation of Israel was invading Canaan, the basic premise was that "God favors US, and has given this land to US. All you other people worship false gods, so we are going to kill you and take your land." During WWII, the Japanese were often described as "godless", and caricatured in the press as little people with thick glasses and protuding teeth (still, no uglier than Popeye, but he was at least a patriotic American). Today, Saturday Night Live frequently portrays terrorists as bearded men wearing turbans and living in caves. After the terrorism thing winds down, I'm interested to see who the next "enemies" will be.
The Society's Jewish Matrix
by Greenpalmtreestillmine inthey are more jewish than gentile in every sense.
they are more christianized jew than any other christian religion, imo.
if jesus were to look for a religious home close to the first century religious home he lived in i believe the witnesses would both negatively and positively fit the bill.
Having visited a Reformed Jewish temple on various occassions, I think Jesus would approve of what he would find there. Although they don't view Jesus as anyone special, they appear to have taken to heart many of his teachings, such as: Love of neighbor being more important that strict observance of Mosaic law. Many of the members of the congregation I visited don't bother to keep the kosher dietary laws. My major point of difference with them is that they feel that they have a special covenant or relationship with God which the rest of the world does not have.
Help finding some scriptural references please
by gaiagirl intoday a co-worker asked whether i believed we were living in the "end times" or not, and i explained that i did not, and that christians had believed that they were living in the "last days" since the first century.
the topic drifted, as sometimes happens, and we got to discussing mary.
i explained that i thought i remembered a passage indicating that mary would be exalted to a special position in the "heavenly kingdom".
I suppose I was remembering Revelation 12:1 and Phillipians 2:5 at the same time. I probably read Revelation and thought "hmmm, that sounds like they are talking about Mary". Thanks very much for helping locate thses.
Help finding some scriptural references please
by gaiagirl intoday a co-worker asked whether i believed we were living in the "end times" or not, and i explained that i did not, and that christians had believed that they were living in the "last days" since the first century.
the topic drifted, as sometimes happens, and we got to discussing mary.
i explained that i thought i remembered a passage indicating that mary would be exalted to a special position in the "heavenly kingdom".
Today a co-worker asked whether I believed we were living in the "end times" or not, and I explained that I did not, and that Christians had believed that they were living in the "last days" since the first century. The topic drifted, as sometimes happens, and we got to discussing Mary. I explained that I thought I remembered a passage indicating that Mary would be exalted to a special position in the "heavenly kingdom". Does anyone know where the particular chapter and verses can be found? I'm remembering something about Jesus return promised before the last of the apostles passed away, and something about Mary (every knee in heaven bending, or her name being exalted, etc?). However, I don't have an extensive Concordance any more, and so can't locate these. Can someone help (assuming I am remembering correctly). Thanks in advance for any assistance here.
Favorite Cartoons as a Kid
by prophecor inone of my stellar favorites was the flintstones and a close 2nd the jetsons.
their appeal to family values are things i have ascribed to in my adulthood.
My favorites were, in no particular order: Johnny Quest Bullwinkle and Rocky Isis Land of the Lost Warner Brothers, (especially the ones with Marvin the Martian, or when Sylvester keeps seeing mice or aliens while Porky is trying to sleep.). However, all were excellent, and I learned a lot about classical music and opera from Warner Bros. as well (Whats Opera, Doc, and the Rabbit of Seville). MGM, including the vintage Tom and Jerry from the late '40s and early '50s, Droopy, also the wolf who talked with a southern accent and walked along whistling (don't know his name), etc. There is a definite decline in quality of animation as you look at newer MGM cartoons from the sixties, and they don't seem as funny to me. Fireball XL5 Jetsons Flintstones (often shown after school in my area) Popeye (favorite was when his Pappy was captured by "Goons" on a prehistoric island, also when he played Aladinn) Mighty Orbots (five robots with different personalities, who would join together to form a super-transformer type robot) Casper (how many times did someone say "AAAAAAAAHHHH, a ghooooossst") Mighty Mouse Herman and Katnip Oddly, Disney cartoons were NOT shown much on TV in my area, but I enjoyed them very much when they were.
were you more 'materialistic' when you were a witness???
by chuckyy init was my experience when a jw that many focussed their lives around...having good holidays...having nice cars (some with private plates)...having perfect houses etc etc.
it all seemed very materialistic to me.
totally the opposite to what was being preached from the platform.
I was accused of being materialistic by a couple who I was sharing a motel with, while at a District Convention in Houston. The session was over, and we had eaten at a TGIF restaurant, and I said I'd like to visit the Galleria to do some shopping.....
What inanimate objects "move" you?
by AlmostAtheist ini don't consider myself an overly emotional person, but gina and i went to an art museum years ago and i was nearly in tears over something i saw there.
it was a statue of an old man carrying a jug.
it was made two thousand years ago.
Stuffed animals which I've slept with for many years. My oldest is 'Snaky" actually a green caterpillar crocheted for me by my mother when I was very small. Also a number of bears and other creatures. I've told them so much over the years, shared so many hopes and reams, and theyve kept me safe while I slept. I feel my heart tug every time I look at them (or when they look at me). Also feel something toward my bicycle, perhaps it represents freedom or something.
Try Apostate proverbs
by frenchbabyface in.
sorry i didn't find any by now .
but i though that with the bunch of jokers you are it might be fun to try !!!
"Slow and steady finishes your service time quota". "One return visit spent waiting in the car is worth a dozen spent at the door". "All the Kingdom Hall's a stage, and all the people there merely members of the Ministry School performing their parts". "Don't count your bible studies before they are baptized".