Stories tend to grow with each retelling, and the Flood story had been told for several thousand years before anyone ever though of, or even had the ability, to write it down. There exists good geological evidence for local flooding in the area of the Black Sea several thousand years ago, but none at all for a global flood at any time within human history. Instead, regions which have been continuously inhabited for well over 5000 years, such as India, Egypt, and China, apparantly failed to notice anything unusual during the time which the Bible says the Earth was flooded.
JoinedPosts by gaiagirl
Adam 4000 BC or 5500 BC?
by greendawn inthe wts always propagates the idea that adam was created around 4000 bc and thus the world is 6000 years old and based on this they had set up the 1975 armageddon fiasco where many dubs got ripped off.
what they never say is that this dating is based on the hebrew masoretic text, there is however an older version of the old testament "the greek translation of the seventy" which for all we know may be the correct one and which makes mankind 7500 years old with adam created around 5500 bc.
not only this agrees better agrees with archaeological discoveries but it was also used by luke to write jesus's genealogy in his gospel.
Catholic church says the bible is wrong
by Satanus in,,13509-1811332,00.html
here are some excerpts:.
the hierarchy of the roman catholic church has published a teaching document instructing the faithful that some parts of the bible are not actually true.
If a work of fiction, such as "Gone With The Wind" tells a story which never actually happened, but mixes it with some historical elements to lend realism, does this make it "wrong"?
Does anyone know of a good church I could go to?
by Andrea Wideman inafter being a catholic and a jw i am really gun shy about organized religions.
i identify myself simply as a christian.
i am looking for a church to go to for fellowship.
I attend my local Unitarian Universalist church. As you observed, they don't "focus" on God or Jesus. Rather, the focus is on common teachings from many faiths which help people to lead happier lives, and to help others do the same. The minister regularly refers to teachings of Jesus, but also other humanitarian teachers from other belief systems such as Judaism, Moslem, Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, Humanism, Rationalism, etc , and also writers from the secular world, such as Ghandi, Thoreau, Muir, and many others. Coming from the Kingdom Hall where every meeting followed the same format, I find this extremely refreshing. It is interesting to see people I know to be Christians, Pagans, Jews, etc, as well as heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered, all worshipping together and treating each other as friends.
How many of you shunned others when you were a JW?
by Lady Lee ini know i did.. we had a young fellow who used to live at my grandmother's place.
in may ways he was like family.
after he moved out of my grandmother's place i saw him frequently.
A friend of mine had a sister who came to be disfellowshipped. We had all three hung out together previously, and she moved to another city, then wrote informing us that the local elders had decided to disfellowship her. I didn't talk to her for a couple of years, although her sister did maintain contact. Then saw her at a funeral for a relative. I decided "enough of this crap" and went over to her, greeted her, and talked to her as if nothing had happened. She brightened visibly, and I felt very happy inside, sure that I had done the right thing. We are still friends today, now that we have all finished with WTBTS.
Are ALL scriptures inspired by GOD?
by plmkrzy inin mho, no.
i am guessing that everything in the bible is based on "a human need" im only guessing.
if we could figure out how to blot out all the insignificant crap garbage (i believe a lot was written/added that wasnt supposed to be: do not go beyond what is written.
1 Cor 7:25, Paul writes "Now concerning virgins I have no command from the Lord, but I give MY OPINION as one who had mercy whown him by the Lord to be faithful." (Emphasis added) Here Paul admits that he is not writing under inspiration, but just writing what HE thinks. So, if ALL scripture is inspired, why was this included?
What the heck is going on with the worsening world conditions!!!!!
by PaNiCAtTaCk inanother hurricane and the most powerful on record!!
mudslides, earthquakes, energy prices!
where is all this leading to?
Current climatic changes are largely a result of humankinds burning fossil fuels at such a rapid rate. Global warming is a reality, and those who deny it are hiding their heads in the sand. On the large scale, this amounts to nothing when compared to events which have happened previously, as mentioned in earlier posts, such as Ice Ages (as recently as 20,000 years ago, the Great Lakes region was under a sheet of ice one mile thick!), or asteroid impacts (such as the one which struck the planet and ended the Mesozoic Era). The main thing to keep in mind is that LIFE was not extinguished through these events. Life is the natural condition of matter, and will continue wherever conditions permit. Indeed, LIFE will go on on this planet, unless something REALLY serious, such as the Sun going nova, happens.
BEFORE me there were no other Gods - what does this really mean?
by truthseeker inis the verse below saying that god has not always existed?.
10 "you are my witnesses," declares the lord, .
"and my servant whom i have chosen, .
I read that passage as "new light" for the original readers. In Egyptian, Babylonian, and Greek mythology, there had been several generations of Gods and Goddesses, newer replacing older in turn. For example, the Greeks originally had worshipped Uranus and Gaea, then these were relegated to a secondary role as the Titans replaced them. Eventually, Zeus and his siblings defeated the Titans, and became the supreme gods of Greece. In Hebrew myth, a similar thing happened, earlier generations worshipping El, later ones YHWH. This particular passage I read as basically denying that anyone had ever worshipped anyone by YHWH, even though they HAD.
Who plays the sims/sims2?
by Evanescence inwho plays the sims on pc or a game console?.
what things do you love about the game or do to your sims?.
anything evil like trap them all in a room and make them starve and get a huge collection of ghosts?.
I also play the original Sims.Allowing them to wet their pants puts them in a terrible mood for a while. I dislike most when the Sad Clown shows up, coughing and whining and generally annoying everyone. One of my Sims made a potion with the chemistry set which turned her into a monster for a while, another made a love potion which made the very next person they saw fall in love with them. THAT had some interesting results.
Who Was The Number One Musical Group or Singer Of All Time?
by minimus insome say it's the beatles.
they certainly did leave their mark on the world.
I heard on a radio quiz show that the number one selling single of all time was "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby, from the soundtrack of a film in which he starred. According to the DJ, no song by ANY performer of any genre has ever even come near to equalling the sales of that one. Does that make Bing #1? Not particularly to me, but he influenced an earlier generation in much the same way, and to much the same extent, that Elvis or the Beatles did later ones.
Do you think that Armaggeddon is "near" or many, many years away?
by booker-t ini am 40 years old and i have been hearing the same old song by jw's "armaggeddon is around the corner" since i was a toddler.
it has to come to their minds that how long are they going to keep saying that armaggeddon is "near" or "around the corner"?
or they eventually going to quit believing in this fantasy and look at reality?
I tend to think that the scriptural verses often quoted as "proof" of the nearness of Armageddon were actually written referring to deliverance of the Jewish population of the first century from the Roman forces which then ruled their lands, or the earlier Greek and Babylonian forces which preceded them, sort of a hoped for, "wishful thinking" dream. Later, when Constantine made Christianity the "state religion" of the Roman Empire in the 4th century, Christians living at that time considered many of those "prophecies" to be fulfilled.