Rhoda's original primetime run was years before anyone had home VCR's, even before the VHS or Beta formats existed, so any copies would have to be from reruns during the '80s, after home VCR's were introduced. The first people I knew with a VCR had purchased it in 1981, and paid approximately $1000 for a huge device which sat on top of their TV. I'm hoping that someday, the NBC version of the show "Coupling" will be released on DVD (the British original is widely available, however I also enjoyed the few episodes aired on NBC, starring Rena Sofer).
JoinedPosts by gaiagirl
T.V. Sitcoms
by sandy ini'm looking for the rhoda show from the 70's.
it hasn't been released to dvd yet but, i'm sure someone out there has it for sale.
homemade copies, of course.
JW Urban legends
by William Penwell ini was reading this on the urban legends web site.
i recall a post and some discussion earlier on this site about the john denver rumor.
the rumor of him at one of his concerts asking all jw's to leave.
This one may not be exclusive to JW's, but I've heard them circulate it as well: Supposedly NASA scientists were trying to calculate where the Moon would be during the Apollo missions, so that the trajectory of the spacecraft could be correctly calculated, and, as the story goes, they couldn't get the calculations to work out. Eventually someone said, "Oh, we forgot to allow for the Sun standing still and moving backwards in the sky, as mentioned in the Bible." After that, everything worked out just fine. Even at the time, this one sounded kind of simple minded, and I thought indicated a very childlike view of the solar system.
Read any good books lately?
by I quit! ini picked one up today i'm really enjoying.
"screwed, the undeclared war against the middle class" by thom hartmann.
i am finding it to be very insightful into why jobs are being sent overseas.
Most recently, I finished "Dragon Hunter" by Charles Gallenkamp. This is a biography of the explorer Roy Chapman Andrews, and deals heavily with his central Asiatic expeditions of the 1920's. A little bit slow at times, still an interesting read, dealing not only with the dry details of preparing for the expeditions, but also with shootouts with Mongolian desert bandits and dealings with corrupt Chinese government officials. Reading his adventures, it becomes apparant that the character Indiana Jones is based at least in part on Roy Chapman Andrews. Andrews believed that central Asia was the birthplace of the human race, not Africa, and the goal of his expedition was to find ancient human fossils, a goal which was not realized. His significant discovery was the first dinosaur eggs, as well as a number of previously unknown species of reptiles and mammals. Before that, I read "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown, and found it quite interesting, sort of a novelization of "The Chalice and the Blade".
by badboy indid/does discovery of new fossils make you/or those around you doubt the creation version of things?
from the CNS archives that explains Catholic church teaching on evolution. In a message to international scientists in 1996, Pope John Paul II said the church accepts evolution as a theory well-supported by research in a variety of scientific fields. At the same time, though, the pope said that the development of the spiritual aspect of human life cannot be explained identifically. In a statement to the plenary session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the pontiff said there was meaning in the fact that several scientific disciplines had come up with evidence of evolution independent of one another. The pope noted that he was not the first pontiff to state that science and church can find points of agreement in this area. For example, he said, Pope Pius XII wrote in a 1950 encyclical that there was no conflict between evolution and the doctrine of the faith, as long as there were certain firm points of faith where no concession can be made. "Today, nearly half a century after the publication of the encyclical, new knowledge leads to recognition of the theory of evolution as more than a hypothesis," Pope John Paul said. Charles Darwin introduced evolutionary theory in the 19th century with his book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. The book and its adherents met with stark opposition from the church at the outset. But this tension has gradually eased with the refinement of evolutionary concepts and modified biblical studies from the late 19th century onward. At a June 1966 symposium, co-sponsored by the Vatican Observatory and encouraged by the pope, participants suggested that to view the development of human life in terms of an "ongoing creation" is a scenario that makes increasing sense, scientifically and theologically. In his statement, Pope John Paul explained that it is in the church's interest to develop its scientific knowledge. "In the domain of inanimate and animate nature, the evolution of science and its applications gives rise to new questions," he said. "The church can understand its importance all the better by recognizing its essential aspects." COPYRIGHT 1999 National Catholic Reporter
by badboy indid/does discovery of new fossils make you/or those around you doubt the creation version of things?
"Yes life organisms do progress from the simpler to the more complex but that doesn't necessarily disprove a creator" Exactly what Darwin himself said in his famous book, in fact he specifically stated that the process was initiated by a Creator. "In addition ALL mainstream Christian religions oppose evolution" Oops, the Catholic Church has stated that there is no objection to evolution. Hard to get more mainstream than that. Its more accurate to state that most Christians in the World (as opposed to, say, in Kansas) either accept evolution based on the evidence, or have no objection to evolution. Those Christians who do oppose evolution are primarily members of conservative fundamentalist sects, like Jehovahs Witnesses (but not limited to them) "It will be a big day when the evolutionists find a reptilian scale in the process of becoming a feather or the species that bridge the gap between a wolf like creature (ancestor of the whale) and the fish like creature that is the whale." Both have been observed, first in Archeopteryx, with is crude feathers unlike the feathers found in modern birds, as well as its beak full of teeth and claws on its wings. Archeopteryx is clearly a lizard on its way to becoming a bird, and has been viewed as such for well over 100 years. More recently, in Velociraptor, which better preserved fossils have shown to possess feathers, further solidifying the link between reptile and bird. This is why the first Jurassic Park movie did not show feathers (because the better fossils had not yet been found), and the later sequels did show them (because those films were made after the better fossils had been uncovered). As for the whales, there is a VERY complete chain of fossils, beginning with Mesonychids, the wolf-like ancestor, continuing through Ambulocetus, which is something like a crocodile (mostly aquatic, still able to walk on land), through Rodhocetus (like a seal), and through several other forms of whale which are now extinct, but clearly existed in the past. Further, modern whales STILL have the genes, now recessive, for rear limbs, and some are still caught with rear limbs. For more detail on whale evolution, read "At the Waters Edge" by Carl Zimmer "It's a massive transformation in anatomy don't you think? A wolf becoming a fish, long after a fish decided to become a wolf." Actually, whales are not fish, but mammals. Fish have gills and can extract oxygen from the water. Whales have lungs, just like their mammalian ancestors, and must surface to breathe. Fish swim by bending their spines left-to-right, while whales swim by bending their spines up-and-down, just as their mammalian ancestors did while running. Further, we can see intermediate steps of similar "land-back-to-water" evolution in creatures like otters (very capable swimmers, but still agile on land), and seals (even better swimmers, and very awkward on land), and manatees (fully aquatic). And, it should be mentioned that no creature "decided" to evolve in a particular direction. At some point in the past, the ancestors of modern whales found a better life, i.e. more available food, in and around the shore than in the forest. Generations of living in and around the water SELECTED those with traits better suited for aquatic life.
What if we are really alone in the universe?
by zagor inhow would that make you feel if we were the only pleasant accident in inhospitable universe, if such 'miracle' newer happened elsewhere in our universe?
if there are no other alien civilizations that could rescue us or ?show us the way?
as some popular writers like to think.
In the movie "Contact", Ellie is talking to her father and asking if we are alone in the Universe. He replies "If we are alone, it seems like an awful waste of space". The Universe is much larger than we can really comprehend, but consider some of the photographs from the Hubble Space Telescope...what had appeared to be a point of light seen from Earth is actually an entire galaxy, with hundreds of thousands of stars. Therefore the universe is not just full of stars, but full of galaxies. There is a process known to science as uniformitarianism, which says that physical processes we see operating today, such as chemical and nuclear reactions, gravity, heat, tectonic activities, erosion, etc, have also operated in the past, and can be observed to operate on those planets which we have studied. So it is reasonable to expect that the same processes operate throughout the Universe. i.e. the laws of Physics are the same everywhere. Astronomers have found that many of the stars near enough to study do have planets. Further, the "building blocks" of DNA are found in comets, so are likely distributed throughout the Universe. Therefore, the logical conclusion is that, at least on some of those planets, life would arise. My own take on the subject is that life is not a miracle in the sense of an unlikely occurance, but a natural consequence of the property of matter to assemble itself into more complex forms. Given the proper conditions, life will arise everywhere that conditions allow. Hence, life is not likely to be found on the Moon, as conditions were never favorable. However, life, or at least its remains, ARE likely to be found on Mars, and on some of the moons of the larger planets where liquid water exists. Humans have actually set foot on two worlds so far, and found life on 50% of them. A mission to Mars is the logical next step to determine if life exists elsewhere.
The ideal christian church should be how?
by greendawn inthe wts claims that it is the true christian religion but it obviously isn't, it is a heartless business more than anything else.
but how do imagine the true religion to be?
it obviously should be very spiritual but how exactly is this to be manifested in its life?
Jesus said the two greatest commandments were "Love God", and "Love Your Neighbor". IMHO, nothing else is needed.
by Gill inthe doomsday code.
this is on in the uk tonight on channel four at 7 pm.. this is the write up on it in the radio times:.
'st john's apocalyptic vision of the end of the world in the book of revelation is one of the bible's best known passages, inspiring morbid fascination in many cultures.
This thread raises an interesting question: If Christians in the 21st century would try to initiate fulfillment of Revelation, would Christians in the 1st and 2nd centuries have also done similar things? For example, when Rome burned, Nero, an eyewitness, blamed Christians. Tacitus, writing 50 years later, blamed Nero. Surviving records of the time showed that Christians were frequently charged with other acts of civil disobedience. Christians were shown to be responsible for the burning of the famous library at Alexandria and the murder of Hypatia, its director. So, how likely is it that Christians were responsible for the burning of Rome, trying to kickstart Armageddon? Or was Rome just picking on the Christians?
Realization about the Adam and Eve myth
by CordyC inas i looked at the adam and eve story again, i realized the something is wrong with the story.
jehovah offers the pair all the fruits in the garden of eden save the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.
there's a problem though, why would there be a fruit for that if bad supposedly wasn't around at that point yet?
You made an important step when you describe the Eden story as a myth. Keep in mind that the events did not really happen, they were part of a story created centuries after the supposed time of occurance, to explain why things were the way they were (in this case, why people have to work so hard to live, and why they grow old and die). Other stories are written to justify certain social customs, or political developments, such as the invasion of Canaan (because God said the Hebrews should take it away from the Canaanites). Further, the story is not original to the Hebrews, but (ahem) "borrowed" from existing Sumerian and Babylonian source material, with names changed to suit a Hebrew audience. For an interesting comparison, read some of the "Just So Stories" by Rudyard Kipling. They are written in the same manner, explaining how certains things became the way they are.
Favourite Biblical verses
by greendawn indid you have any favourite biblical verses as jws or after leaving?
for me it was: "everyone believing in me will have eternal life" as spoken by jesus.
Jeremiah 44:16-18 "...we will do everything we have vowed, burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and pour out libations to her, as we did both we and our fathers, our kings and our princes, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. For then we had plenty of food, and prospered, and saw no evil. But since we left off burning incense and pouring out libations to her, we have lacked everything and have been consumed by the sword and by famine."