After reading the Amusing conversation about the Memorial...just wondering?
JoinedPosts by codeblue
Does anyone know the Memorial date this year?
by codeblue in.
after reading the amusing conversation about the memorial...just wondering?
A question for all women that were raised in the "truth"
by codeblue in.
do you feel like you have low self esteem because of being raised as a jw?.
Interesting comment that low self esteem is of one's own creation. The majority of the people that have posted on this topic would dare to disagree with that comment as well. Maybe reading an excerpt from Massey University will help many on this board to understand that low self esteem is NOT a PRODUCT of one's Own Creation:
How does low self esteem come about?
Early experiences can impact greatly on the beliefs we have about ourselves. For example abuse, neglect, or abandonment can foster beliefs which influence self esteem throughout life. However, low self esteem can occur in the absence of serious childhood trauma. It may arise from inconsistent or critical parenting, or as a result of later life experiences. Identifying a "cause" is not necessary in order to obtain help.
A question for all women that were raised in the "truth"
by codeblue in.
do you feel like you have low self esteem because of being raised as a jw?.
Have you ever suffered from low self esteem?
Thanks for all your concerns & pms
by morty insome have noticed that i have not been on board for a while, and i would just like to say, thanks for all your concerns and pms.......( to my surprise, i did not think, i would be missed..
i really dont want to get into my health on such a wide place here, but some of you know my situation, and others have found out through personal pms....i some times find it very hard to answer eveyones pms indivually, because of bad days, but please be reasured that i appreciate your concerns, and thank you so much for caring...(((sassy)))....( latley there of been alot more bad days then good)....not looking for pitty party in the least, just trying to explain my situation, wthout going into long winded explanations.....
i know there is a few here that live with cronic pain, and hopefully very soon i will get the call from the hospital that they have a bed and a time slot booked for me to have my surgery.......
I am so sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well....hope you can have your surgery soon and that will take care of the problem. Chronic pain affects one physically and emotionally as well. I was diagnosed with fibromyelgia and I know how chronic can can wear you down quickly. Fortunate for me, the fibromyelgia kicks in only when I get highly stressed out.
I have always appreciated your kindness to me since I have been here...
Hope you start feeling better soon!!!
A question for all women that were raised in the "truth"
by codeblue in.
do you feel like you have low self esteem because of being raised as a jw?.
I so totally can understand how you felt after reading your last post on this topic. That was "me" all over. I tried to tow the line and be a good JW...never got praise.
I didn't fit in school because they were "bad associations" and I was very academic...2 strikes against me in fitting in school.
A question for all women that were raised in the "truth"
by codeblue in.
do you feel like you have low self esteem because of being raised as a jw?.
Good point Petty about "parents" adding to low self esteem.
But as a sisters in the org we have been treated like less of a person. About 10 months ago Mr. CB and I had a shepherding visit,supposed to be a welcoming visit and for almost 3 hours I was treated like I wasn't even in the room. I was so upset, really furious.
About 6 weeks ago another call made...I was treated like a "non person"...again.
Those are only a couple experiences besides the "just a publisher" one I have already spoken about. I can mention many more as well.
A question for all women that were raised in the "truth"
by codeblue in.
do you feel like you have low self esteem because of being raised as a jw?.
I must say that I suffer low esteem till this day.
I have to agree with another poster that being a child in school and having to be so different didn't help my self esteem..
I remember going to the meetings and a certain elder always making me feel less of a Christian, because I wouldn't quit school and pioneer. He should have been supportive and just GLAD we were there. My Mom died when I was 14 and me and my older sisters made it to all the meetings by ourselves.
I remember being on a circuit assembly part, which we rehearsed several times. It wasn't till I was on stage with others that I realized I was introduced as "Just a Publisher"...We were all giving our informal witnessing experiences...The "label" seemed to stick in my mind.
The low esteem was heightened by my dad, he was always yelling and screaming at me and my sisters. Even though I was an A student and very talented in music (wrote and sang my class song at graduation) he never said: "Good Job...I am so proud of you".
A question for all women that were raised in the "truth"
by codeblue in.
do you feel like you have low self esteem because of being raised as a jw?.
Do you feel like you have low self esteem because of being raised as a JW?
Oh that wonnerful land called Texas & it's curiosities ...
by Celtic inoh my giddy aunt.. i just saw this program on tv called texas teenage virgins.. as i understand it, president bush (cantankerous old sod), is now forthright encouraging people there and young folks to take a pledge of virginity until marriage, am i right, that it is even a by law?
by gum, those poor sods that don't want to go along with the policy, tell me, are they made to feel like outcasts and socially excluded if they do not conform?.
sex before marriage.
I lived in Texas for 10 years. My youngest son was born of my favorite memories!!! I met a lot of nice people and the Bluebonnets are so beautiful!..Blue Bell icecream is the the best icecream in the country!!! (for real it is!)
Lousy Friends
by Nosferatu ini just gotta vent here.
kinda hurting over this shit.
over the past couple of years, i've had nothing but disappointments with friends.
Sorry to hear that your friends have not really turned out to be "friends". I know how you must feel, have had similar things happen to me.
Count your fiance as your true "friend"....
Better to have one true "friend" than many pseudo friends. You sound like a very sincere guy, your pseudo friends have lost here.