My name is Codeblue and I have a Mr. CB, our 4th anniversary is coming up in March!!!
Mr. CB doesn't post, but lurks a lot....
That's all I can say for now!!!
i was just wondering who on this board is married or a couple.
my second question is, what is everybodys first name.. .
just trying to get familiar with you guys
My name is Codeblue and I have a Mr. CB, our 4th anniversary is coming up in March!!!
Mr. CB doesn't post, but lurks a lot....
That's all I can say for now!!!
lately ive been getting alot of negative comments from brothers,sisters and others about the length of my hair.
i mean sure its long but theres nothing wrong about it.
is there anything in the sciptures about hair length in men.. god its ridiculous when others try to put you down.. well you can judge for yourself.. .
Hey Welcome!!!
You look like a happy teen and you have fantastic hair. I know many of us women would "die" for your hair.
But, when living under your parents roof, you must abide if you want to had rules that I didn't like either. Maybe a compromise that sorta pleases you and one that your parents can tolerate would be the answer here. Ask them if they can "work" with you on that, ok?
Nosferatu: You and our newbie could pass for brothers!!! Wow ...And take a really great picture, you have a great smile and very warm eyes...Would love to see a pic of your waist length hair now!!!
i've been lurking here for a few months now, and i've been wanting to post for awhile now but i've never really been up to it.
i first stumbled upon the information about the wtbts being an ngo for 10 years in september, and ever since i've been finding out about all the other things the society has been up to.
as of now, i'm still going to the meetings, but now my eyes have been truly opened, and i can see things in a whole new perspective, and it's amazing the deception that's going on in the organization.
Isn't it amazing when our "rose colored glasses" come off? I too was raised in the "truth" and a pub for 36 years when my "glasses" started to come off. The Dateline issue on TV (almost 2 years ago) started causing a lot of doubts for me. I hate hypocrisy and when I found out the WTBS have thousands of pedophile lawsuits...I just didn't feel so warm and cozy about it.
You will find some very caring people here and more info that is legitimate. Enjoy your new journey!!!
i spoke with another member of jane's judicial committee late this evening.
he has recently disassociated himself and i thought he might like to see the thread.
(((Steve))) You have a pm...
i spoke with another member of jane's judicial committee late this evening.
he has recently disassociated himself and i thought he might like to see the thread.
I have just read this thread and wanted to cry for how it is making you feel.....I am wanting to give you a huge hug because you WEREN'T RESPONSIBLE for Jane's actions. I second what everybody else has written: You were just a cog in the wheel, doing what the WTBS dictated for elders.
I am MORE concerned about YOU because this situation wasn't your fault. Please be kind to yourself. You have done a lot of good for many people.
I remember how you and Joy showed me great kindness while I was suffering thru my divorce and feeling like suicide. You guys didn't even really know me, but you were so hospitable. Your kindness meant a lot to me during that time, and you both gave me STRENGTH to know that I was a WORTHY person. I will never forget how you 2 helped during my time of "crisis". I am so thankful for what you did for me.
i can't believe it, but i was just checking, but i've been here: 1 year.. wow!.
great site.
Congratulations Razorblade for your one year anniversary here!
Also, Simon, thank you for starting this site....
do you feel like you have low self esteem because of being raised as a jw?.
Nilfun you said:
The issue is complex, and each experience isn't identical. Some of us can look in the mirror and self talk our way out of those feelings of low self esteem. Others of us need more than that.
I LOVED THAT COMMENT!!! You hit the issue right on it's head...I think many of us understand and agree with what you just said.
Country Girl: I feel so bad for you...I can feel your pain. If you want a sister, I am there for you, pm. me anytime. One of the reasons I learned to praise my 2 sons was because I never received any praise from my parents or siblings. (Don't misunderstand me, my Mom was very loving..just too busy with being the family provider as my Dad couldn't work) My first husband was a real butt as well and he was a JW that cheated on me several times. He rarely told me I did anything good or was pretty...When I first started working and guys would tell me I was pretty, his response would be: "they only tell you that you are pretty cause they want to go to bed with you"...geez...thanks a lot!!! Now I am married to a wonderful guy who really appreciates me, but it is very hard to tell myself I am what he "sees"...
I have learned a lot from so called "worldly people"...they have taught me I am worth a whole lot more than my family or any JW Kingdom hall I have ever been too. They have in the recent past helped me more than any JW's. When I started working, I was amazed how people "liked me"...their caring and love was "unconditional".
...NO, I don't wallow in any self pity...I started this thread to see if I was "alone" and why people felt the way they did raised in the JW religion. I am happy to see all of the responses, to know as a woman, that I am NOT ALONE in the way I have felt and very happy to see that life can and will go on in a positive way. Isn't that what we want for all of us? I know I do
(january 9, 2004) .
on friday, the united states government lowered the national threat level from an high to elevated risk of terrorist attack -- or as more commonly known, from a orange code to yellow code. .
Interesting Jst2laws....Makes me wonder if such a calculation could be made about how many die each year as a result of unswerving loyalty to a cult?
My thoughts are with you....loosing a parent is HUGE...I lost my Mom when I was 14, and then my Dad when I was 28...
Hugs to you,
do you feel like you have low self esteem because of being raised as a jw?.
LIttle Toe:
Thanks for your supportive words about the cause of low self esteem. You seem like a really caring, intelligent guy, that really understands human feelings.
Just a guy? Don't put yourself down..I wish more guys would be like you!!!
I appreciate your post here as well. I can identify with the part about never wanting to be an elder's wife, or pioneer. I just wanted to be "me"...I remember liking a "hot" brother and was at a party one night. Things were going well until he asked the question: "are you a pioneer?" When I said "no"...he quickly dropped me like a hot potato...Sure made me feel "unworthy".
You sound a lot like me, I am always afraid to try something new in fear of "failure". I heard an interesting comment from an inciteful person recently: "You have already failed if you haven't tried." Now that comment stopped me in my tracts...I am sure your aren't a failure as you perceive. You write beautifully from the heart and seem to be very caring as well. Like I said to LT: I wish more people were like you!!!
Aztec: are surely a strong person...I admire you for your positive thinking...You have come far in life with the obstacles you have had to endure...
after reading the amusing conversation about the memorial...just wondering?
Geez, April my ex is gonna feel real special, as that is his 51st birthday. Skank (yes he was a JW and got df'd for 4 years when he got caught up with) cheated on me for years while I raised "his son from his first marriage"...And he married my study.....hmmmm....
Sorry, that date just stirred up bad memories. They are slowly fading...
But hey, had he not left me Mr. CB wouldn't have found me....which the circle of events lead me to this board where I have learned "volumes" from everyone here..Thank you all!