Sorry to hear you are having so much trouble with sleep!!!
I can sympathize with your problem, have had it since 1997. My ex left me that year, and I HAD to get up and go to work and really needed to be able to sleep and sleep all night. My Dr. prescribed Ativan (I took 1, 1 hour before bedtime) It worked so well...that I ended up taking it 3 years......NOT suppose to....since it is in the Valium family.
I got off of the Ativan by taking Amitriptyline, which is a anti-depressant that is prescribed for people with sleeping problems. It got me off the Ativan but I didn't like one of the side me if you want to know what it was.
Then a gal at work recommended Melatonin: worked ok, but I had to take 3 at least an hour before bedtime. And YES, I found a side affect that may NOT bother you but it was CRAZY's all I can say.
Now I take 2 benadryls (they help my allergies too) and also 400 mg of magnesium and hour before bedtime.. Magnesium helps you to sleep.
Hope my suggestions can be of some assistance....Have you been to a Dr. for this problem? Underlying problems can determine why you have a sleeping disorder, some are medical. Depression is a huge cause for a lot of sleepless nights.
Take care,