Just put on a paper a time and place for meeting people interested in friendship instead of doctrinal-based Bible reading and fellowship. Regularly repost or leave it about, then given enough repeats at thism some of like mind will gladly meet with you. It's done all the time. Meet in a home or public place like a library study room for a no-cost startup spot.
Posts by qua
How many have left the WTS and joined another church/group?
by BLISSISIGNORANCE inat this point in my life i don't think i could trust any religious group.
i don't even feel the need to be a part of anything like that right now, and maybe never will.. but i know of some who have joined other churches/groups since leaving the borg.. why do some join another religion and why won't some ever get involved again?.
what makes us so different?.
J.W. Involved in Scam; on the Run
by Kenneson in.
the following story appears in the washington columbian, but is centered in vancouver, canada.
includes a whole family, but only one is listed as a jehovah's witness preacher.. http://www.columbian.com/10022003/clark_co/77858.html
Here it is condensed and with the note about Melanie's affiliation at the start. Why not post on some other forums etc to help the police. I wonder if all the others were also JWs or had been their students? Most JWs don't steal but there are a lot who do and use the supposed honesty of being a JW as a mask.
VANCOUVER: Police said Melanie Hernandez, a Jehovah?s Witness, was with a loan-scam ring that fraudulently obtained 13 homes worth $3 million before leaving Vancouver, Washington, after two members were arrested and planning to jump bail. Miguel D. Hernandez-Garcia is also known as Michael Andrews, 22, his sister, Melania Hernandez, is also known as Melanie Marie Andrews, 21. They failed to appear in Clark County Superior Court on Monday and ran off according to Vancouver police Detective Ed Hewitt. The loan-fraud operation included their mother, Milly H. Hernandez, 41, aka Heidi Ruiz and Melinda Joy Grooms-Unruh, and grandmother, Ermina Hernandez, 69, aka Herminia Ruiz. Detective Troy Price said ?My feeling is they've been doing this in other places.? The group has ties with Florida. Call the police tip line at 360-696-8148. October 2, 2003 Columbian staff writer John Branton http://www.columbian.com/10022003/clark_co/77858.html
Vicki Boer and Donations
by hillary_step inif any of you wish to kindly make donations to vicki boer, we are formulating a vehicle to attend to this as we speak.. we have been in touch with vicki, who is understandably deeply distressed at the turn of events that have forced her to relive much of the trauma which she hoped that this court case would put to rest, and are wresting a plan which would allow her to receive personal donations aimed at her well-being rather than enriching either the wts or her advisers.. an address will be forthcoming shortly, together with a paypal email address which will allow you to send your donations or well-wishes to vicki, scott and the girls.
it will not be a canadian address or bank account.
there are a number of important points that any donators would need to assess before donating any cash:.
bttt Bringing this to the top
The Two Witness Rule of Jehovah's Witnesses
by Perry ini posted this one year ago today.
in light of recent events, some may find it useful.
the two witness rule and a withered hand
Did you know that he himself is an accused child molestor. No wonder he runs instead do interviews.
by Gizmo inmaybe to add to the letter campaign you all can email the oprah show regarding vicki.. who knows where it will lead!.
here's a link to her email.
btttt Bringing this to the top
Need urgent help from JWs in other countries
by Amazing inurgent: i am working on a project and need several to e-mail me with information on the watchtower society and/or jw congregations, and/or jw individuals involved in child abuse litigation (being sued or criminally prosecuted) or where your government (provencial or national) are investigating the watchtower society or its local congregations or individuals, or where your government is considering legislative action (e.g.
australia is possibly an example of this).
any solid evidentiary information such as news or magazine articles, court dockets, legislative and administrative public reports, or other substantive sources are preferred.
btttt Bringing this to the top
Question about Raymond Franz and the C.K.I.
by Motema Bolingo inaccording to the following chart - in french, but easily understandable : .
(picture can be enlarged by clicking on the icon appearing on the right - bottom).. raymond franz was the founder of the "christian koinonia international" - 1981.. is this information true or a lie ?.
JIM PENTON, not Ray Franz, founded that fellowship. If you're wanting fellowship you can easily form your own. Just give a time and place for those who enjoy reading the Bible and want non-doctrinal fellowship to get together. Lots of other people have already done so.
Circle of the earth
by donkey inbible believers are so proud of the fact that the bible talks of the "circle of the earth" and try to use this to say that the bible is inspired because it obviously was ahead of it's time in establishing that the earth is not flat.. congratulations.
umm...umm...ok now then why does daniel 4:11 say the tree grew all the way into heaven?
and when satan decided to tempt jesus he took him to a high place and he could see all the kingdoms of the earth...... now unless jesus and satan could see around corners...how do you explain this?
As to God knowing everything, you miss the point. He CAN know everything anytime but like humans who don't want to spoil the fun on things equally has the ability to choose not to.
After all, He would not really be God if He did not have that ability too.
Who are you working for anyway, donk?
Circle of the earth
by donkey inbible believers are so proud of the fact that the bible talks of the "circle of the earth" and try to use this to say that the bible is inspired because it obviously was ahead of it's time in establishing that the earth is not flat.. congratulations.
umm...umm...ok now then why does daniel 4:11 say the tree grew all the way into heaven?
and when satan decided to tempt jesus he took him to a high place and he could see all the kingdoms of the earth...... now unless jesus and satan could see around corners...how do you explain this?
As to a reaching all the way up to heaven or seeing all the kingdoms of the earth at one thing, metaphors are permissible to anybody. So the yoke's on you again. Why do that to yourself?
Circle of the earth
by donkey inbible believers are so proud of the fact that the bible talks of the "circle of the earth" and try to use this to say that the bible is inspired because it obviously was ahead of it's time in establishing that the earth is not flat.. congratulations.
umm...umm...ok now then why does daniel 4:11 say the tree grew all the way into heaven?
and when satan decided to tempt jesus he took him to a high place and he could see all the kingdoms of the earth...... now unless jesus and satan could see around corners...how do you explain this?
1. There is one single land mass connecting Europe, Africa and Asia.
2. There is one single land mass connecting North America and South America.
3. There is one Australia.
4. There is one Antartica.
= 4
So there indeed is four land masses or corners of the earth.
Groups other than JWs know this. I'm afraid your icon of a jackass is appropriate on this one.