Circle of the earth

by donkey 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • donkey

    Bible Believers are so proud of the fact that the Bible talks of the "circle of the earth" and try to use this to say that the Bible is inspired because it obviously was ahead of it's time in establishing that the earth is not flat.

    Congratulations. umm...umm...Ok now then why does Daniel 4:11 say the tree grew all the way into heaven? And when Satan decided to tempt Jesus he took him to a high place and he could see all the kingdoms of the earth.....

    Now unless Jesus and Satan could see around do you explain this?

  • donkey

    Ahh, also the Tower of Babel - remember the people wanted to build a tower up to heaven. Well, if God (who created the circle of earth that hangs upon nothing) was so smart then he would have known they would not suceed right? Then why did he have to step in and intervene?

  • donkey

    Ahh, yes the ROUND earth with the 4 corners right? How often does the Bible refer to "the corners of the earth?"

    So you counter - "it is just an expression!! c'mon man cut us some slack evil donkey!!"

    To which I respond "So then was the term "circle of the earth" just a colloquial expression too? How do we know when things are just expressions vs real claims?"

  • donkey

    Since my thread count is restricted try this on for size: a Bible contradiction:

    2 Samuel 24, vs. 1: "Again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, 'Go and take a census of Israel and Judah.'"

    1 Chronicles 21, vs. 1: "SATAN ROSE up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel."

    So this proves that Satan is the Lord. I knew you believers were a bunch of goat sacrificing devil folk!!

  • Elsewhere

    I went to the extreme ends of the earth and saw there huge beasts, each different from the other and different birds (also) differing from one another in appearance, beauty, and voice. And to the east of those beasts, I saw the ultimate ends of the earth which rests on the heaven. And the gates of heaven were open, and I saw how the stars of heaven come out...(1 Enoch 33:1-2).

    Here is a great web site that uses the scriptures come up with rendering of what the earth looks like:

  • qua


    1. There is one single land mass connecting Europe, Africa and Asia.

    2. There is one single land mass connecting North America and South America.

    3. There is one Australia.

    4. There is one Antartica.

    = 4

    So there indeed is four land masses or corners of the earth.

    Groups other than JWs know this. I'm afraid your icon of a jackass is appropriate on this one.

  • qua

    As to a reaching all the way up to heaven or seeing all the kingdoms of the earth at one thing, metaphors are permissible to anybody. So the yoke's on you again. Why do that to yourself?

  • qua

    As to God knowing everything, you miss the point. He CAN know everything anytime but like humans who don't want to spoil the fun on things equally has the ability to choose not to.

    After all, He would not really be God if He did not have that ability too.

    Who are you working for anyway, donk?

  • Elsewhere

    ** Patting Qua on the head **

    That's right... you just keep telling yourself that.

  • Eric
    He CAN know everything anytime but like humans who don't want to spoil the fun on things equally has the ability to choose not to.

    God chooses ignorance?

    Thanks qua! This explains so much about his followers!


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