When it comes to JWs and the organization it is very simple. How can God destroy anyone who doesn't believe the organization is run by him? They have all of these dates IN PRINT 1914, 1915, 1925, 1975, generation of 1914 shall not die off that were wrong. The masthead in the awake stated it was the creators promise that the generation would not die. HOW can a loving God kill people for not believing this organization that changes all the time yet constantly reminds everyone that they are the sole channel of communication for him? The answer is simple, HE CAN'T! The all powerful, all knowing, all loving God could not fault anyone for seeing how obvious it is that these men just make stuff up as they go along.
Let's look at it another way. Who was right in the 1970s about the organization and its faults and 1975, apostates or the organization? Who said the organization was wrong? Apostates. Who were right in the end? Apostates. Who said in the 1980s the generation that saw 1914 was wrong? Apostates. Who printed in his book in the 1980s that it would have to be changed. The most well known considered Apostate Ray Franz. Who on this board since the early 2000s have been pointing out what is wrong with the organization? Apostates. Who have been right the whole time. Apostates. So that begs the question, why would Satan have all these correct answers and be giving them out? Why is God's channel always wrong?