JoinedPosts by sloppyjoe2
Any news about the Watchtower's Toxic Waste Dump cleanup?
by VM44 inthis is from 2011.
is there any recent news concerning the toxic waste cleanup?.
From what I have found this wasn't the watchtower dumping but they found this when they were building after digging to put in foundations. They reported this immediately and I don't even think they were found to be liable. -
4 New BOEs as of Tuesday 4/28
by Atlantis inwe thank our informant for these documents and hope he/she will remain under the radar safely!.
click the green download button... 2015 april 17, boe (re: meeting medical needs in the foreign-language field).
This is clear evidence that the blood doctrine is still going strong! -
The Watchtower's cash flow problems and financial solvency with lawsuits payouts
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think with all this change we see occurring with the watchtower corporation's to deal with things means they are in financial trouble and are seeking to consolidate their real estate holdings for easy sale if needed to stay financially solvent.. they will stop or slowly decrease the door to door work and focus on the material potential of each member young and old for what ever they can get out of them.
this will lead to more leaving under their tyranny.
I posted on another thread that these lawsuits mean nothing until they lose at the Supreme Court. They have yet to pay out from a court case and even if they do they constantly have donations coming in. They have fold their real estate and are actually buying different real estate. Their billion dollars from buildings in New York make them very solvent. There is no slow bleed of followers and the organization will be here long after all of us are dead. -
The multitude that no man can number
by SonoftheTrinity inhow can protection from destruction at armageddon be solely with the jehovah's witnesses when the great multitude is one that no man could number while the jehovah's witnesses put great effort into cooking statistics of how many jws there are worldwide?
the unscriptural scare tactics they use are blatantly insulting to anyone who can read a bible.
Am I the only one who reads Revelation 20:5 that the resurrection of those who would have an earthly hope, don't get resurrected until after the 1000 year reign? If that's the case, there's no way they can be counted as the great crowd I know the watchtower says they "come to life" meaning they gain perfection but read the verses.
Revelation 20:4,5 - 4 And I saw thrones, and those who sat on them were given authority to judge. Yes, I saw the souls* of those executed* for the witness they gave about Jesus and for speaking about God, and those who had not worshipped the wild beast or its image and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand.+ And they came to life and ruled as kings with the Christ+ for 1,000 years. 5 (The rest of the dead+ did not come to life until the 1,000 years were ended.) This is the first resurrection.
What if we could bring down the WBTS?
by derangedjdub inwhat would be your plan or ideal reason the walls came crashing down?
What if we could bring down the WBTS?
by derangedjdub inwhat would be your plan or ideal reason the walls came crashing down?
As someone already brought up, they already believe that they WILL be brought down. So them getting brought down would just make them meet in basements and private homes, self fulfilling their doctrine, making them even more devout. Even when armageddon didn't come like it was supposed to, they would just form new opinions and doctrines to explain it. They would probably become a full fledged religion 50 years after it was brought down with all new doctrines and ideas. -
How to change some significance of 1914.
by sloppyjoe2 ini first do not think they will change anything about 1914 for at least 20 or more years but one day it will have to happen.
since 1914 is their meal ticket and they have it in print prior to the year happening, they will never abandon the year altogether.
they have too much tied into 1914-1919 as well as have held onto it for too long.
I know they will never and can't give up 1914. That's why I said they would keep it as the year of Christ's return and when satan was cast to the earth. The only change would be the last days no longer started in 1914 but changed to a different event. -
Just had a blow up with jw mom and she said the bible referenced angels being called gods, it that true?
by Question_Mans_interpretation inlong story short my mom was acting weird, snubbing me, when i tried bringing her grandkids to see her, so i tried again and this time i just went up and hugged her since she wouldn't hug me or acknowledge any affection.
when i released her i immediately saw her annoyed look and asked what?
bang, she unleashes a floodgate of how she's still mad at me for going to another church that believes the trinity.
I always thought Hebrews Chapter 1 kind of indicated Michael the archangel thing was wrong. -
How to change some significance of 1914.
by sloppyjoe2 ini first do not think they will change anything about 1914 for at least 20 or more years but one day it will have to happen.
since 1914 is their meal ticket and they have it in print prior to the year happening, they will never abandon the year altogether.
they have too much tied into 1914-1919 as well as have held onto it for too long.
@wizzstick..I'm really just trying to come up with an idea, I have no real idea what they will do. I posted that they would still say satan was cast down in 1914 but now call it the beginning of pangs of distress. The last days would be a future event. Sure it would be a total about face on what they have taught for nearly a century, but I'm sure they'd come up with some believable reason. Heck they didn't even use scriptural support for the overlapping generations or the FDS only being the governing body, so really their possibilities are endless. -
How to change some significance of 1914.
by sloppyjoe2 ini first do not think they will change anything about 1914 for at least 20 or more years but one day it will have to happen.
since 1914 is their meal ticket and they have it in print prior to the year happening, they will never abandon the year altogether.
they have too much tied into 1914-1919 as well as have held onto it for too long.
I first do not think they will change anything about 1914 for at least 20 or more years but one day it will have to happen. Since 1914 is their meal ticket and they have it in print prior to the year happening, they will never abandon the year altogether. They have too much tied into 1914-1919 as well as have held onto it for too long. So here is my theory on what they do to change it. I use Matthew 24 for my theory.
Matthew 24:3. While he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things? 4 In answer Jesus said to them: “Look out that nobody misleads you, 5 for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many. 6 You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for these things must take place, but the end is not yet. 7 “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. 8 All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.
I put in bold the three things that matter. What I think they will do is leave 1914 as the year Jesus was enthroned and his presence began as well as satan being cast to the earth. The problem they have is how long can the "last days" be before people stop taking it seriously. So that's really the only aspect they need to change. Since verse 3 uses the word and between presence and conclusion of the system they can nulight everyone with these being two separate events. Since verse 6 specifically says the end is not yet and verse 8 calls those prior events just a beginning of pangs of distress they can say in 1914 pangs of distress started but the last days did not.
At this point they could do a number of things, either pick a recent event and say that that is the beginning of the last days, or pick a future description of Matthew 24 that has not occurred yet and say that that event is the actual start of the last days. They could say how many of these events are taking place so we know the last days are close as well as saying that since the term "days" are used, that it would be a very short period of time. Hence they fix the 1914 problem, 607 still doesn't have to be changed, and they keep the end being imminent in the forefront. Any criticisms to my theory?