@seabreeze while your question wasn’t directed at me about 12 week babies being aborted, I will give my perspective. First I don’t think any abortion is the moral thing or even a good thing. But since these are only MY views and opinions, I do believe freedom is more important than them. I like living in a country where freedoms prevail as opposed to someone else’s morals and opinions being pushed on others. I like freedoms that I disagree with. I like freedoms that if they are taken away it will have no change in my life. I am a man and banning abortions will not alter my life whatsoever. But I like freedom. Therefore I support the option for women to obtain an abortion prior to what I accept as viability from the medical field. I am not making an argument, it is what I accept as part of society. I know we disagree on this.
I also know that brings up why can’t we murder anyone then. From my point of view since the baby was never born and has no recollection of anything prior to viability, it is not murder. Again I know we disagree on this.
I know I am not going to go out and help unwanted children. I know I am not going to go out and spend time helping neglected children that would have been aborted. I’m not going to search for families that have children that they would have aborted and can’t afford and give them money. Therefore I am not going to take my own moral high ground and try to eliminate this option for others that has been around for longer than I am alive while knowing I would do nothing to help with what this change could cause.