Posts by sloppyjoe2

  • RolRod

    Robert King aka e-watchman

    by RolRod in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    there have been a few post about robert king, the first was 16 years ago, the last was 9 years ago.

    just to the let the old timers here know, he's still at it.

    and for you newbies, robert king who wrote "jehovah himself has become king.

    1. FragrantAddendum
    2. Duran
    3. Diogenesister
  • sloppyjoe2

    At the end of the day, he ended up like everyone else, disfellowshipped. The organization he defended against the likes of people like AlanF, threw him out. He became an apostate to them, whether he knows it or not. He used to predict how close we were to the end before 9/11. He really thought that was going to be it when it happened. Now here we are 23 years later, he is saying the same things as back then.

  • Nathan Natas

    When drops 607BCE...

    by Nathan Natas in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    probably everyone else thought of this long ago, but i, being an "independent thunker" thunk of it just a coupla weeks ago.. we all know that since the year zero (on the fredfranzian calendar) the wtb&ts has defied archaeology and insisted that jerusalem was destroyed in 607 bce, even though the physical evidence shows that 587 bce is a more likely date.

    in fact, the book "the gentile times reconsidered: have jehovah's witnesses been wrong all along about 607 bce?

    " by carl olof jonsson and rud persson made this conversation public.. it is a difference of 20 years.

    1. Jeffro
    2. Jeffro
    3. NotFormer
  • sloppyjoe2
    If the ORG wanted to abandon 607, they could and would just get rid of it. There is nothing in the Bible that says you need to use the fall of Jerusalem to determine the last days. The Bible gives all those signs. In any case, if I were the org, I would only change one thing about 1914. I would say that 1914 was just the beginning of pangs of distress but identified the time of the end. I would make the last days start when the great tribulation starts. I would harp that we see the signs of pangs of distress now so the last days are very close. This fixes any “last days” going on for over one hundred years but keeps 1914 and therefore 1919. They could keep 607 or get rid of it, it really doesn’t matter.