i can only speak for myself... Im feel im ramoing down and figuring out my next steps....and so is my whole family both immediate and extended. It could be major for us. We are counting costs, researching, and carfully considering though with deep respect to Jah and Jesus. By the futs we are recognizing somethng is teeribly wrong with the "tree."
JoinedPosts by Stirred
Could There Be Another Mass Exodus From This Cult?
by mrquik init's happened before.
how much crap can any rational human being take before they just snap & walk away disgusted?.
by The Searcher inthe lawyers acting on behalf of the wtbts/g.b./'mother' during a paedophile case a couple of years ago, have stated on record that - .
a) "field ministry is not controlled or monitored by the elders, the congregation, or watchtower".
b) "an individual publisher's field ministry activity, including the time and manner it is carried out, is a personal matter between the publisher and his god.".
INCREDIBLE. Thank you so much for posting this.
"They've made us debt FREE !!!"
by gingerbread inso proclaimed the brother that read the wt letter tonight that explained the new kingdom hall funding arrangement.. everyone in the hall claps .... well, like it was the last talk on the district convention.. he says 'what bank would wipe out a debt of $200,000 ???
only jehovah's organization!
isn't this wonderful !!!".
i miissed Sunday and attended other hall last night. They asked congregation to drop their donation slips in the time box. Perhaps that is direction my hall is going. They werent sire last Thursday.
i dont know why this issue bothers me so when there are so many other issues. I guess if i cannot reason this smaller one it makes it uard to reason on bigger ones.....like last week an extended family member tells me their Bible study conductor tells them that if they dont pioneer after baptism, he probably wont be hamging out with him much.
Give us/them your money without questioning, but don't expect friends if you don't pioneer or reach out for more "privileges."
Just Read Silentlamb.com For the First Time
by HeyThere ini am feeling so emotional right now.
crazy doctrines aside, these child abuse cover-ups are horrendous.
add them together and i feel like there is a churning black hole sucking the souls out of these children.. now, i realize there are boys who were abused as well, but i get this overwhelming feeling that girls/women are simply not valued and/or taken seriously or accused of being liars or demonic or, even worse, viewed as a harlot, whore, or temptress in the majority of situations, no matter the age or the brutality of the rape.
Just recently finished COC and decided to look at Silent Lambs also. i'm greatly disturbed by it and cannot take more than bites at a time right now.
"They've made us debt FREE !!!"
by gingerbread inso proclaimed the brother that read the wt letter tonight that explained the new kingdom hall funding arrangement.. everyone in the hall claps .... well, like it was the last talk on the district convention.. he says 'what bank would wipe out a debt of $200,000 ???
only jehovah's organization!
isn't this wonderful !!!".
By the opening and subsequent wording, it appears to me they are trying to obfuscate the real issue: the "resolution" we are to vote on either as a group or personally, is to agree to respond as REQUESTED (per written instructions), for a MONTHLY SET DONATION. In otherwards, they want to avoid using the word, "solicit" in this "request," but it is in fact the same thing. Should I have the opportunity tonight, I may very well ask one or ore of the following questions: 1. Is this solicitation or request for a voluntary monthly donation for a set term or indefinite, for my whole family or for each baptized member of my family? 2. By writing this down, will this constitute a promise or vow to Jah for this sepecific amount for a set term or indefinitely? 3. How is this different from a solicitation of money which we claim we do not do? Ho wcan rhis not be seen as compulsion to commit ourselves? Definitions: re·solve riˈzälv,-ˈzôlv/ verb gerund or present participle: resolving
- settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter).
"the firm aims to resolve problems within 30 days"
synonyms: settle, sort out, solve, find a solution to, fix, straighten out, deal with, put right, put to rights, rectify; More -
decide firmly on a course of action.
"she resolved to call Dana as soon as she got home"
synonyms: determine, decide, make up one's mind, make a decision More SOLICIT
verb \sə-ˈli-sət\so·lic·it : to ask for (something, such as money or help) from people, companies, etc.
: to ask (a person or group) for money, help, etc.
: to offer to have sex with (someone) in return for money
Full Definition of SOLICIT
transitive verb 1 a : to make petition to : entreat b : to approach with a request or plea <solicited Congress for funding> 2 : to urge (as one's cause) strongly 3 a : to entice or lure especially into evil b : to proposition (someone) especially as or in the character of a prostitute 4 : to try to obtain by usually urgent requests or pleas<solicited donations> intransitive verb 1 : to make solicitation : importune 2 of a prostitute : to offer to have sexual relations with someone for money See solicit defined for English-language learners » See solicit defined for kids »Examples of SOLICIT
- The center is soliciting donations to help victims of the earthquake.
- The company is soliciting bids from various firms.
- The organization is soliciting new memberships.
- The newspaper's editors want to solicit opinions from readers.
- The organization is soliciting for donations.
- Special interest groups are soliciting Congress for funds.
- The prostitutes were arrested for soliciting customers.
Origin of SOLICIT
Middle English, to disturb, promote, from Anglo-Frenchsolliciter, from Latin sollicitare to disturb, from sollicitusanxious, from sollus whole (from Oscan; akin to Greek holoswhole) + citus, past participle of ciēre to move — more atsafe, -kinesis First Known Use: 15th centuryRelated to SOLICIT
- Related Words
- circularize; interrogate, question; feel (out), sound (out)
- Near Antonyms
- report
Rhymes with SOLICIT
complicit, elicit, explicit, illicit, implicitLearn More About SOLICIT
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- settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter).
"the firm aims to resolve problems within 30 days"
I was counciled for putting in Pioneer hours and not officially "Pioneering"
by RubaDub ini didn't want to hijack the thread about people having to "wait" until the society approves their pioneer status.. i recall once an elder was shocked that i had done the 60 hours a couple of months but not officially on the pioneer list for the months.
i told him that i didn't need the title, that the purpose was to do the work, not get a title.. i then heard a long lecture about how that was not encouraging to others, etc, etc, etc.. he got rather annoyed when i asked him what the purpose of the preaching work is.
of course he said to spread the good news.
I put in several months of between 35-45 hours....then after a meeting in full view of all, an elder and his wife stopped me in the aisle and said how worried they were about me being spiritually weak since I had to visit other hall due to work and other reasons at times. I was just at the prior meeting with several Bible studies. I guess they missed that one.
They never questioned me when my hours were under 10. Personally, my conscience would never allow me to take a title of pioneer or aux. pioneer. They are not biblical and remind of the Jews who would wear extra long fringe or pray out loud in public to bring attention to themselves.
Matthew 6:1-4: “Take care not to practice your righteousness in front of men to be noticed by them; otherwise you will have no reward with your Father who is in the heavens. 2 So when you make gifts of mercy, do not blow a trumpet ahead of you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be glorified by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 3 But you, when making gifts of mercy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your gifts of mercy may be in secret. Then your Father who looks on in secret will repay you.
(2 Corinthians 9:7) Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
- (Ephesians 5:10) Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord
Since I don't celebrate myself on my birthday, why would I want to celebrate myself for spiritual service to my God? This is not a graduation or anniversary, some milestone. This is my personal service to God and it is between He and I.
I fully agree with RubaDub that no one outside of the KH cares what our title is. In fact, I think it sounds pompous and self-righteous. You announce to all that I am super zealous and more appreciative of Jesus since I have qualified for this voluntary title. I don't know many volunteers in the community who are super dedicated in what they do to help others also want to seek recognition or a title for it.
This week's Bible reading
by JustVisting inthis week's reading included exodus 25:2 where moses was to collect contibutions from those whose heart incites him to.
i commented on this verse and quoted from the watchtower 1879 where it says, "we will not beg or solicite funds...when jehovah fails to provide the necessary funds it will be time to suspend publication.
" mind you, this was the same meeting where the letter was read about the new donation "arrangement" was read.. comments anyone?.
I heard this at the beginning of meeting, then the Bible comments....and I made a comment about we are not to solicit donations, etc....then the Bible reading covered it again....then onto the Local Needs part and guess what? No more mortgage but we will have to continue the same payment ongoing to go toward KH building fund worldwide. Perhaps they were not getting enough donations for that purpose?
They even quoted Russell on that part...."we will not beg..."
This was suggested as a "great equalizing work" to balance richer countries with poorer ones that have much bulding work needs and less money to do it with.
A serving elder's take on the new "tithing" arrangement
by TTATTelder inthe gb can kiss my ass.. i'm writing "0" on the little slip of paper they pass out.. hey here's a thought:.
you know that "widow's might" stuff they're always talking about?
well i'm pretty dang sure that the lady was giving from the heart not because she filled out some dumba$$ piece of paper pledging two small coins several months previous!.
So I went to another hall tonight.
I noticed that several people left before the local needs part. Hmmmm.
This hall still has a mortgage. The first thing they announced was that the WT has closed or "retired" the loan along with all kh constructions project loans worldwide due to voluntary contributions received. This was pumped up quite a bit. What bank/co will do this for your mortgage?
Next...."if we have to solicit or ask for money, then we would know that Jah has discontinued the work.....remember that statement about 125 years ago?"
Then..."25 years ago we stopped charging for literature and we are still prospering today. Ps. 127:1. If Jah isn't behind this organization, then it cannot stand."
1 Chron 29:11
Per the 1983 (9/83) letter, kh building box started. Now it has been adjusted and in order to meet these growing global building projects, and adjustment has been further made to how they would be built. We need to pool our resources worldwide. Al congregations have the opportunity to support construction projects worldwide now by the congregations offering MONTHLY contributions from KH funds. No more loans. No more need to save for remodels (only for minor repairs). We thank you for your generous support of kingdom interests.
There is a need for a great equalizing since brothers in poorer countries can use support for the building projects in their countries.
2 Cor 8:12-14
(Rather than a survey, the elders decided for the congregation that they would leave things as they were and offer a resolution). The resolution read from the platform to pay the same amount they had been for the mortgage for this purpose. The box for local KH support would now go towards local bills and the monthly donation. Excess beyond the resolution would also be sent. They went over the money very quickly and I could not understand it.
Unless those members knew what the current bills were and all the other resolutions that still must be paid (except for the mortgage - now replaced), it was way to confusing. But they quickly asked for questions then called for a vote. Since no one asked a question or voted agains (even though many didn't vote, like me as I'm not a member there) it was unanimously passed. I don't think many understood the numbers and how this would change anything. I overheard some elders say that the amount proposed was all they could do.
So....what will happen in my hall where I believe we have paid off our mortgage??
I felt like doing anything but watching this would be like swimming against current.
Quite confusing but no anger.
Thanks for your update TE. That's all for me so far too.
Categories of Former Jehovah's Witnesses
by neverendingjourney ini was never disfellowshipped, but it's been about 10 years since i was an active jw.
i've made an occasional meeting or half-day at an assembly here or there, strictly at the behest of family (maybe once a year), but i'm completely disconnected.
more importantly, mentally i'm 100% free.. we all have a tendency to project our views and beliefs onto others, and tending to believe that other former jws share our views is no different.
I must be a subset of 2 or separate. Im still in and believe many teachings still. I have no desire plunge into a debauched life. no desire to celebrate xmas, etc. but i feel power corrupts and Jew's never could prove truly faithful, always adding burdens, judging, etc. and is similar that way to JW. Shows they still canj lookmforward tombeing diciplined by Jah and aren't so clean as suggested in 1919. They have much blood and guilt to attone for.
Jews were not to disregard Jah do to Eli, his sons, or other corrupt leaders. I think that situation parallels today womewhat. Atleast, that is where im at right now.
A serving elder's take on the new "tithing" arrangement
by TTATTelder inthe gb can kiss my ass.. i'm writing "0" on the little slip of paper they pass out.. hey here's a thought:.
you know that "widow's might" stuff they're always talking about?
well i'm pretty dang sure that the lady was giving from the heart not because she filled out some dumba$$ piece of paper pledging two small coins several months previous!.
After reading your post I feel i MUST go to my meeting (part) if only to drown my paper among many others. But i honestly don't think I can turn it in even if asked. IT IS WRONG!
We should be given time to pray, consult spouses not in attendance, review our budget, etc.
This is emotional blackmail.
This seems to be encouraging unsound planning. We are to count the cost and cannot do that in a few minutes. CRAZY. Guess I must wait and see.
If/when my study asks why all of a sudden you guys are now asking for specific donation on monthly basis? Uhhhhhh. New light. Uhhhhh spirit direction to remind us to donate?
I have donated. I do appreciate some of the literature and reaources.
definitely must pray about it but then, based on scriptures prevously cited, i dont think my conscience will allow myself to turn in a paper......oh no. What is happening to me? I sound so rebellious. And obviously am cause im here, not going d2d for 4 months (cannot take on anymore BS) can't understand nor accept explantion of generation new light....ETC. UGHHHHHHH
I acknowledge i am a mess.